Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 12,781 to 12,800 of 26,867
Country: United States
  1. Schema of inmates, soccer, train at Camp Westerbork

    Schema with camps and numbers of inmates. (**This most likely refers to where Jews were deported to from Westerbork. The numbers closely correspond to those in the Encyclopedia of the Holocaust, p. 1646): EINGANG 103.376; BERGEN BELS 3029; THERESIENSTADT 2470; NACH DEM OSTEN 91.545; INTERNIERURG 350; LAGER VUGHT 897. 03:02:30 Horse-pulled plowing tool, farm animals, preparing soil for seeding. 03:03:12 Slate: ...ALSO JETZT KOMMT...AH...SCHAUN SIE SICH'S MAL AN! Man and woman carrying large wooden board, unfinished barrack in BG. 03:03:35 Soccer match. [VQ deteriorates: jumpy, unstable "doub...

  2. Eichmann Trial -- Sessions 57 and 58 -- Psychologist Gilbert re. Nuremberg. Report of Moshe Sharett; witness H. Brand

    Session 57. Starts with Attorney General [Video translation is inaccurate refers to exhibit T/1777 when means T/1177, June not July]. Submission of documents from Central Zionist Archives and Weizmann Archives. Attorney General describes letter from Hall, of the British Foreign Office, to Dr Weizmann, stating proposal for swapping Jews for trucks and goods (referring to Joel Brand's testimony in Tape 2069, Session 56). 00:03:25 Video translation and transcripts continue to vary. Communications between Britain and Jewish Agency continue. 00:08:30 Report by Mr. Shertok (Moshe Sharett) from Lo...

  3. Eichmann Trial -- Sessions 46, 53, 62, 64, 68, and 71 -- Testimonies regarding badges, postcards, furnaces, ditches, suicides, selections

    Session 46. May 19, 1961. Alexander Arnon talks about wearing the Star of David badge. He is interrupted by the Prosecution, and asked about the forced payment of 100,000,000 Denars, with 60 Denars equal to an American Dollar at the time. Following that, legislation that required wearing the Jewish Star was put into effect. The court decides that photographing the badge he holds up will suffice for evidence. He was given the task of supplying the Jews of Zagreb with the badges, as ordered by the Gestapo officer Mueller. 00:10:46 Session 53. May 25, 1961. Margit Reich testifies. A translator...

  4. Siege of Warsaw, reel 2

    Fires at night. Blazing apartments. CU flames, through windows. Burning area. Dead horse dragged. Several dead horses. Severely damaged apartment block. Dead woman on grass near bricks - CUs. Hospital and wounded. Nurses attending to the injured in beds, cleaning wounds. Maternity ward, doctor, newborns. Julien Bryan talking to female doctor. Caring for a wounded man (Jewish), patients' heads being shaved. Priest speaking with a Jewish man. VS, men in hospital beds. Potato fields on outskirts of Warsaw: after German strafing. Women pass bodies in the potato field - wooden huts visible in BG...

  5. Broadside

  6. Eichmann Trial -- Sessions 55 and 56 -- Testimony of Dr. G. Gilbert, J. Brand

    Session 55. Repeats Tape 2067 with Professor Gustave M. Gilbert, Professor of Psychology at Long Island University, USA. He served as the chief psychologist at the jail in Nuremberg where many SS officers were interned and in that capacity spoke to many of the prisoners while they were awaiting trial. He also published his diary which describes his experiences. Testimony stops and starts, jumps from scene to scene. 00:06:06 Höss' statement about transportation, extermination, and figures. 00:08:59 Cuts out. Talks about what else Höss said to Gilbert about Eichmann, referred to him as "chief...

  7. Medical kit

  8. Eichmann Trial -- Session 104 -- Cross examination of the Accused concluded

    This tape begins near the end of the morning proceedings of Session 104. The footage begins with cross-examination by Gideon Hausner concerning a meeting in March 1944 in which he promised the Jews that nothing would happen to them after deportation. Hausner accuses Eichmann of knowing that they were being sent to Auschwitz. This duplicates footage on Tape 2183 at 13:31:12. Cross-examination by Hausner turns to Eichmann's intent to write and publish a book with Wilhelm Sassen in 1957, in which Eichmann intended to describe what happened to the Jews as being "one of the greatest crimes ever ...

  9. Hadassah Goldreich photograph collection

    The collection consists of original and copy print photographs relating to Hadassah Goldreich's family in Poland before World War II and after the war in Landsberg DP camp.

  10. Photograph of school children in Senec, Czechoslovakia

    Contains a copy print of 48 children standing and seated in four rows; a teacher is seated in the middle. The photograph was taken in Senec, Czechoslovakia (Slovakia), in 1944, but the copy was created in 1945.

  11. Eichmann Trial -- Sessions 36 and 37 -- Jews in Norway, Italy, Berlin; paperwork for property

    Session 36. Ms. Henriette Samuel is brought up and sworn in. She was born in Berlin, but her husband was appointed as chief Rabbi in Norway, so they moved there in 1930. 00:03:38 Tape jumps. Ms. Samuel describes a surprise action at 5am where the women and children were taken from their home and deported. She describes the Norwegian government warning the Jews that danger was coming and they must flee. Many made their way to Sweden with the help of the underground. She describes hiding in a house for only one day because they had children and it was possible that they would tell their frien...

  12. Reuven and Slava Bronshtein photograph collection

    The collection consists of photographs of Reuven and Slava Bronshtein and their family members before and during World War II in Zhmerinka (Zhmerynka) and Brailov, Ukraine.

  13. Eichmann Trial -- Session 102 -- Cross-examination of the Accused re: Sassen Document

    Session 102. Eichmann reads a document of the Sassen memoirs. The tape resumes just a few minutes prior to the end of Tape 2176. Eichmann reads his answer to Sassen concerning his role in the concentration camps, saying that the Gestapo was in charge of all of it. He explains, using as many hypothetical terms as possible, what would happen with the camp, especially with insubordination and problems with the Jews. He also describes the transfer of control from the Archives department to the Gestapo. When asked if these were the words of Eichmann, he says he cannot remember, but it was partia...

  14. Westerbork Camp: paper factory; carpentry hall

    MS, men cleaning a freight car floor with shovels. Group of men pulling small wagon filled with empty cans? Pressing cans, separating and cutting metal pieces. 01:34:28 Westerbork's paper factory. Men and women separating sheets of paper. MS, piles of white paper sheets. Large hall packed with women working on sewing machines, using dark colored textiles (for military uniforms?). Men cutting through layers of fabric. Making toys. Shelves filled with beautiful handmade toys (stuffed animals, wooden cubes, etc.) 01:45:05 MS, sign on brick building: TISCHLEREI, HIER MELDEN. Carpentry hall. Sig...

  15. Eichmann Trial -- Session 108 -- Evidence regarding Hungary's anti-Jewish legislation

    Session 108. Dr. Servatius reads from the affidavit of Vessenmayer, examined on May 23, 1961 before the Court of First Instance in Darmstadt. He says that there was a plan to decentralize the Jews in Hungary into different camps to prevent any kind of uprising. 00:05:45 Servatius finishes reading passages, and Hausner decides not to cite any passages from that testimony. Dr. Servatius submits extracts from the Nuremberg judgment in the case of Veesenmayer. Hausner insists that Servatius submit all of the documents rather than just the few passages that he chooses to read. This is discussed ...

  16. Eichmann Trial -- Session 75 -- Eichmann's testimony

    The footage begins in the middle of Session 75 following a brief intermission, with a shot of Eichmann standing in the booth and Judge Moshe Landau sitting down. Landau asks the accused to rise and take off his headphones. He asks Eichmann whether he wishes to testify in his defense and if he wants to take the oath. The judge warns Eichmann that if he chooses to take the oath then the District Attorney will be entitled to question him. Eichmann opts to take the oath. It is decided that the accused will testify from the booth. Servatius makes some introductory remarks about how evidence will...

  17. Leaflet

  18. Eichmann Trial -- Sessions 61 and 62 -- Testimonies of A. Breslauer, A. Fleischmann, L. Gordon

    Session 61 (beginning). State Attorney Bach describes two statements by Eichmann admitting his plan to deport all Jews from Budapest. Coughing and sneezing from interpreter. 00:07:17 Cuts out. Witness Arye Zvi Breszlauer describes leaving Hungary. What he saw at Hegyeshalom - thousand of Jews locked in a courtyard and barn having been forced to march 220 km; to be handed over to the Germans. 00:15:35 describes people he saw on his way back to Budapest, on arrival told his passport had expired. 00:17:12 Cuts out. Witness Aviva Fleischmann from Budapest. Describes being rounded up and taken t...

  19. Eichmann Trial -- Sessions 73, 81, 85, and 86 -- Sassen; Hungary; liberation of Bergen-Belsen; Stalingrad

    This tape contains parts of the following sessions: 73; 81; 85; 86. Session 73. Dr. Servatius reads the Sassen memoirs. He reads a section citing the inability to define Eichmann's role with the camps. He says that there are no examples of Eichmann acting in the camps without Mueller as an intermediary. He concludes with a quote saying that there were no reports of Eichmann disobeying the orders to stop the deportations of Jews. 00:07:22 The Attorney General Hausner submits passages, including a few that were already submitted by the Defense. He reads about Eichmann's proposal to trade Jews...

  20. Medical kit