Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 12,721 to 12,740 of 26,867
Country: United States
  1. Eichmann Trial -- Session 93 -- Cross-examination of the Accused about his position within RSHA

    The camera opens on Servatius and Bar-Or in conversation. Eichmann, escorted by three guards, enters the booth. There are various shots of the courtroom and the lawyers. All rise as judges Benjamin Halevi, Moshe Landau, and Yitzchak Raveh enter the courtroom. Judge Landau opens the ninety-third session of the trial (00:05:24). Attorney General Gideon Hausner resumes cross-examination of the accused with an affidavit from Dr. Rudolf Mildner, which describes Eichmann as the advisor on all Jewish matters. Eichmann testifies that Mildner was wrong in describing him thus (00:10:26). Eichmann sil...

  2. Eichmann Trial -- Sessions 52 and 53 -- Testimonies of Pinhas Freudiger, Martin Foeldi, Ze'ev Sapir

    Session 52. Footage begins in the middle of the session with testimony from Pinhas Freudiger identifying Eichmann and relating the circumstances under which he first met Eichmann in Budapest. He notes that he had wanted to speak to Krumey and Eichmann's deputy Dieter Wisliceny about stopping the deportations. Eichmann takes notes. There is some confusion about the translation of a German phrase (00:05:15). Various shots of Eichmann, the judge's bench and both the prosecution and defense lawyers. A portion of the proceedings is missing and footage resumes with Freudiger testifying about his ...

  3. Photograph of Jewish man in Oradea, Romania

    Contains a black-and-white photograph of an unidentified Jewish man wearing a Star of David badge in Oradea, Romania (Nagyvárad, Hungary), dated circa 1944. The number “60” handwritten in graphite on verso.

  4. Eichmann Trial -- Session 88 -- Hausner cross-examines the Accused about his antisemitism

    The footage begins in the middle of the session. Attorney General Gideon Hausner cross-examines Adolf Eichmann about a statement Eichmann made: that he would gladly jump into his grave knowing that the war had taken the lives of five million Jewish enemies of the Reich. This is duplicate footage also found on Tape 2120 (at 00:17:49) and Tape 2121 (at 00:50:23). Tape 2120 is more complete. Hausner then questions the accused about a written statement in which Eichmann asserts that Adolf Hitler had already declared war on the Jews before the start of World War II (00:14:43). Eichmann says that...

  5. Bertel K. Borowsky memoir

    Contains a memoir, 10 pages, by Bertel K. Borowsky, dedicated to his sons, Mark and Claude, describing the persecution and destruction of his family during the Holocaust.

  6. Eichmann Trial -- Session 111 -- Prosecution continues summing up

    Session 111. The Attorney General Hausner continues summing up the case of the Prosecution. He lists the criterions for guilt from another case and applies them to Eichmann. He says that Eichmann deported people without authorization, showing that he acted on his own. 00:11:30 Hausner reads various reasons why the General Government had no control over any of the camps, nor could they even know what they were for, thus showing that the camps could only fall under the auspices of the SS and Eichmann. He says that Eichmann's claims of having no part are based on lies. 00:23:22 Eichmann's role...

  7. Eichmann Trial -- Session 70 -- Witness R. Kagan and E. Goldstein

    Session 70. The tape begins towards the end of questioning. The judge asks Raya Kagan one last question, concerning human relations between inmates. She answers that in Auschwitz, they survived thanks to friendship and some solidarity. 00:02:52 They call a new witness, Esther Goldstein. She is sworn in, and she answers that she was transported from Hungary to Auschwitz along with her family. Goldstein is asked to identify her and those she knew in a series of photographs, most of them from before they were taken to Auschwitz, or shortly after they arrived. 00:08:38 After describing a number...

  8. Eichmann Trial -- Session 109 -- Submitting more evidence

    Session 109. Eichmann plays with his pen (mute). Servatius argues for an unidentified piece of evidence. The Judges decide that it is not directly related to Eichmann and should not be dealt with in this case. Hausner begins discussing a document involving communications between offices of the Reich. 00:10:08 Servatius objects to the submission of another document after a break in the recording. Hausner requests to submit a book about Lidice children from Puszykowko titled "The Children Before the Death Gates of Chelmno." He summarizes the parts of the book he would like to submit. 00:19:59...

  9. Pawlowicz family papers

    The Pawlowicz family papers, circa 1920s-1950s, focus on the postwar experiences of Max and Rose Pohl. The papers include their displaced persons identification documents from Zeilsheim, Germany, two marriage certificates, and family photographs which include images of survivors and family members that did not survive the Holocaust. The collection includes identification documents for both Max and Rose Pohl. These documents include a temporary identification for Ruchla Tosk from Bergen-Belsen, 1945 and a A.E.F. D.P. Registration Record issued to Jewish displaced persons Ruchla Pawlowiec, Au...

  10. Kozienice ghetto negative slide collection

    Collections consists of 10 negative slides of portrait images of Jews from the Kozienice ghetto

  11. Eichmann Trial -- Sessions 68 and 69 -- Testimonies of Y. Dinur, Y. Bakon, A. Oppenheimer, A. Beilin

    Session 68. Witness Yehiel Dinur is sworn in. He identifies himself as a man born in Poland, and as a writer. 00:02:14 He is asked about his pseudonym K. Zetnik. He explains the meaning of his books, particularly the Auschwitz chronicle, he explains how in the camps time passed on a different scale, the inhabitants of the planet breathed and lived under different laws and nature - "their name was the number 'Kazetnik'". That's why he uses this name. He talks about the uniform, and the "Auschwitz planet." 00:09:20 The witness asked to listen to questions, as he continues to speak about what ...

  12. Eichmann Trial -- Session 38 -- Testimony of M. Ansbacher and submission of documents

    Session 38. Modechai Ansbacher is testifying for the Prosecution, answering questions about witnessing the deportation of many children, he was one of them. He was in Belgium until the German occupation. He was sent to Calais by the Belgian government, and attempted to escape to England, but they could not. The Blitzkrieg had caught up with them. They were sent to a small concentration camp in Calais until the Belgium Red Cross sent them back to Brussels. 00:04:50 Tape jumps. Ansbacher is discussing the work he did, and says that he was involved in a clandestine school. He says that everyth...

  13. Ellen Fletcher papers

    The collection consist of six report cards issued by the Mädchenvolksschule der jüdischen Gemeinde and one report card issued by the Joseph Lehmann-Schule in Berlin, Germany, to Ellen Auster.

  14. Book

    Haggadah used by the Zolno family after the war in Foehrenwald displaced persons camp.

  15. Eichmann Trial -- Session 93 -- Transports to Trawniki, Sobibor; Einsatzgruppen; discussion of the Fuehrerprinzip

    Footage begins in the middle of Session 93 during cross-examination of the accused by Attorney General Gideon Hausner concerning the Trawniki labor camp. Eichmann is questioned about the date of transfer of the camp to the Economic-Administrative Head Office and whether in 1942 the Jews arriving at the camp were immediately sent for extermination. The opening segment is repeated after a break in the footage. Hausner presents a document to Eichmann and asks him if Odilo Globocnik was Oswald Pohl's representative in charge of implementing extermination in Poland. [Globocnik oversaw the camp i...

  16. Eichmann Trial -- Session 109 -- Rulings on evidence; the completion of evidence

    Session 109. Eichmann and Servatius wait for the Judges to return. The sounds of the courtroom crowd are heard. 00:02:33 Judges return. They explain the goings on from before the break. The Rudolf Vrba affidavit is rejected by the court because he could have appeared in person in court and his statistics would not definitively answer the questions of the court. The book concerning Lidice Children is accepted. The 1935 document concerning communication between Reich departments is not admitted because there was plenty of time to submit it. 00:14:18 All of the evidence has been submitted. Hau...

  17. Eichmann Trial -- Session 63 -- Submission of documents; witness Y. Gutman

    Session 63. Attorney General introduces two more documents - speech by Himmler to senior SS, at Posen, Oct 1943 [T/1288]. Himmler states that all the Jews will be exterminated - that is the goal. Admits - Jewish belongings were turned over to the Reich. Himmler's chapter on discipline is read. 00:11:51 Yisrael Gutman's testimony (all of Gutman's testimony is also on Tape 2074). Active in Warsaw ghetto uprising. Arrested, describes destroyed Warsaw. Went to Majdanek. Describes experiences there. Selections. Role calls. Survived because he was given medicine - rarity, sick Jews normally shot....

  18. Eichmann Trial -- Sessions 6, 7 and 8 -- Hausner's opening statement

    Sessions 6, 7 and 8. Begins during Attorney General Hausner's opening speech. He describes the terrible conditions inflicted upon the Jews in concentration camps. There is a blip at 00:04:42 and then Hausner continues his description by quoting eyewitness accounts of Nazi violence. There is another blip at 00:08:50 and the prosecutor refers to the extermination of Galician Jewry; he states, "The accused, as head of the Gestapo Department for Jewish Affairs, as Special Commissioner for the extermination of the Jews, bears direct responsibility as the initiator and implementer of this blood b...

  19. Medical kit

  20. Josef Zorski photograph collection

    The collection consists of original photographs and copy print from 1917 to 1941 depicting the Zorski family in Poland. Three photographs were taken in Sosnowiec, Poland and three copy prints depict a Hachshara outing in Krakow, Poland, sponsored by B'nei Akiba, a religious Zionist youth organization.