Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 12,701 to 12,720 of 26,867
Country: United States
  1. Eichmann Trial -- Sessions 74, 78, 79, 83, and 80 --- Sassen Document; Yugoslavia

    Session 74. Empty courtroom. Eichmann enters and people begin to enter. He and Dr. Servatius communicate on their private microphone line. We cannot hear what they are saying. Various shots of the crowd and Eichmann. 00:15:38 Judges enter. They open Session 74 and approve the Sassen documents, but none of the additional texts involved with it. It also accepts the testimony involved in the validating of Eichmann's handwriting. 00:18:50 Video image freezes. The audio skips, beginning an unknown amount of time later. Eichmann answers a question about a rejected application to go to another cou...

  2. Eichmann Trial -- Session 97 -- Cross-examination of the Accused

    The camera fades in onto Hausner, Bar-Or, and Assistant to the State attorney Ya'akov Robinson seated at the prosecution desk during a recess for Session 97. All three appear to be examining documents. The camera cuts and zooms onto a shot of Eichmann's empty booth (00:01:51). There is another cut and the camera pulls back onto a long shot of the courtroom. Servatius can be seen sitting at the defense table on the left. Adolf Eichmann enters the booth (00:02:52) escorted by three guards. Another shot of the attorney's desks shows Servatius seated to the left and Hausner and Bach seated on t...

  3. Citation and Medal

    • United States Holocaust Memorial Museum
    • irn515164
    • English
    • a: Height: 11.750 inches (29.845 cm) | Width: 8.250 inches (20.955 cm) b: Height: 3.870 inches (9.83 cm) | Width: 2.250 inches (5.715 cm)

    Citation: "a", Medal: "b", Frame: "c." Citation and medal awarded by Adolf Hitler to Mr. Walter Brown for his monetary contribution to assist in funding American athletes competing in 1936 Berlin Olympics, and for Mr. Brown's participation as a member of the American Olympic Delegation: dated January 10, 1937; in German. Medal is gold-colored metal cross with white enamel details showing the 5 Olympic rings with Nazi eagle and swastika hanging on a red, white and black ribbon. The citation is printed in red and black ink with an embossed Nazi seal. There is a descriptive plaque on the frame

  4. Eichmann Trial -- Session 55 -- Testimony of Dr. G. Gilbert re. Nuremberg witnesses

    Session 55. Court has not commenced. 00:05:33 Witness of general information - Professor Gustave M. Gilbert, Professor of Psychology at Long Island University, USA. Military psychologist (first Lieutenant), then intelligence officer during War. Then assigned to the Military Tribunal in Nuremberg. Questioned about role at Nuremberg. 00:13:38 Discusses the Nazi's knowledge and reaction to Gilbert being Jewish. Gilbert discusses the defendants' sanity (Rudolf Hess is talked about), psychological tests and personalities. 00:21:57 Gilbert explains about notes he took on the Nazis and a diary he ...

  5. Eichmann Trial -- Session 88 -- Decision about admissability of Sassen document; Cross-examination of the Accused

    The footage begins in the middle of Session 88. Judge Halevi presents the court's decision as to the admissability of the Sassen document. The Sassen document consisted of transcripts from an interview Adolf Eichmann gave to a Nazi Dutch journalist named Willem Sassen over a four-month period in 1957. This is duplicate footage also found on Tape 2119 (at 00:51:30). Although this is only a small section of Judge Halevi's statement, it is more complete on this tape than on Tape 2119. Judge Landau calls for a recess (00:18:35) and all rise as the judges exit. Eichmann leaves the booth. The foo...

  6. School supply metal box inscibed in Yiddish

    Box, metal, empty, having once contained school supplies, sent to displaced persons camp Heidenheim in Germany by South African Jewish War Appeal. Box received and used by Irving Gersten in Heidenheim circa 1947. Adhered to inside cover is sheet of paper identifying donation of Miss Barbara Sapire of Yeoville, Johannesburg making it possible for South African Jewish War Appeal to forward box to DP camp. Box is green, cover and inside label in Hebrew, Yiddish and English.

  7. Eichmann Trial -- Excerpts from session 94 -- Cross-examination of the Accused

    Footage begins late in Session 94 with cross-examination of Eichmann by Attorney General Gideon Hausner. This section of Session 94 concerns Eichmann's authority to make decisions about deportations. Not shown in the footage, Hausner has presented meeting minutes taken byTheodor Dannecker, in which Dannecker wrote that Eichmann had decided to deport French children (Jews) to Auschwitz as soon as it became possible. Hausner attempts to get Eichmann to admit that this was his decision alone and Judge Landau repeats Hausner's question when the accused fails to give a concrete answer (00:02:49)...

  8. Column of Hungarian Jews

    Jews forced to walk in a line on Rakoczi Street in Budapest, Hungary. Street is lined with shops. The men, women, and children are well-dressed, have yellow stars on their coats, walk with their hands in the air, and carry luggage. 01:00:20 Brief pan of spectators at left watching Jews walk by. 01:00:27 Soldier walking in FG. Spectators watch on both sides of the line, tram passes, MS shop signs, truck. 01:00:545 CUs Jews walking in line.

  9. Eichmann Trial -- Sessions 30 and 31 -- Submission of documents

    Sessions 30 and 31. The Court is not in session. Presiding Judge Moshe Landau opens Session 30, and asks Attorney General Gideon Hausner to present the Prosecution's position on the evidence of Hoettl and Huppenkothen. Hausner explains that the Prosecution does not consider either man to be a war criminal; therefore, both witnesses are allowed to enter Israel without threat of arrest. A blip at 00:05:18. Exhibit T/384 is submitted, and Hausner concludes with his evidence for Poland and the Eastern countries. State Attorney Gabriel Bach will present the witnesses and evidence for the Western...

  10. Eichmann Trial -- Session 98 -- Cross-examination of the Accused

    The camera fades in onto Eichmann's empty booth, zooms out, and pans down across the attorney tables to show Hausner standing in the foreground. Eichmann enters the booth (00:01:55) escorted by guards. Servatius enters the frame as Eichmann arranges the set of documents on his desk (00:02:05). There are various shots of the courtroom, Eichmann, and the attorneys. Eichmann can be seen talking to the guard seated on his left (00:05:49). All rise as judges Halevi, Landau, and Raveh enter the courtroom (00:07:30). Judge Landau opens the 98th session of the trial (00:08:29). Hausner continues th...

  11. Eichmann Trial -- Sessions 14, 20, 21 and 27 -- Testimonies of Z. Grynszpan, A. Lichtman, Dr. M. Beisky, A. Kovner, Dr. J. Buzminsky

    Sessions 14, 20, 21 and 27. Witness Zyndel Grynszpan describes October 28, 1938; the Nazis came to his house and arrested his entire family. They were taken to the precinct and forced to sign a certificate for deportation. He and his family were deported to Poland: "The misery was great. We had no food, we had not taken any food since Thursday, we had not wanted to eat German bread anymore and we were starving." Assistant State Attorney Ya'Akov Bar-Or questions Grynszpan on the conditions of the Zbaszyn camp. There is a blip at 00:16:35 and witness Ada Lichtman describes her father's arrest...

  12. Eichmann Trial -- Sessions 6, 7, 8, 9 and 10 -- Testimony of A. Less

    Sessions 6, 7, 8, 9 and 10. Attorney General Gideon Hausner questions Avner Less on his interrogation of Adolf Eichmann. In between three blips, the prosecution presents the audio reel tapes of Eichmann's interrogation. The recordings are in German; therefore, the excerpts are translated into Hebrew and English after each excerpt is played. Following the blip at 00:18:00, Eichmann's statement is translated into Hebrew/English. Eichmann discusses his inability to view injuries: "I am often told that I could never have been a doctor." During the recording, Eichmann makes excuses for his fault...

  13. Pick family photograph collection

    The Pick family photograph collection consists of photographs of the Pick family of Budapest, Hungary, and the Kornhauser family, and their friends before and immediately following World War II. The images include both victims and survivors of the Holocaust. The photographs also include images of George Pick with his preschool class, first and second grade class photographs taken at the Jewish Boys’ Orphanage School in Budapest, a group photograph taken at the wedding of Dr. Jozsef Szalai, two pictures of a Hungarian Jewish labor battalion constructing a road in Cluj (now Cluj-Napoca, Roman...

  14. Eichmann Trial -- Sessions 6, 7 and 8 -- Hausner's opening statement

    Sessions 6, 7 and 8. Attorney General Gideon Hausner discusses Adolf Hitler and his use of the Jews as scapegoats: "The Jew was the eternal scapegoat." Hausner notes the anti-Nazi movements in Germany, and German assistance to the Jews: "But after all is said and done, these were a small minority." The Prosecution describes Nazi tactics for the promotion of anti-Semitism such as economic boycotts, the Nuremberg Laws, and the yellow arm badges. Hausner starts Section 2 of his opening speech: "II - The SS, the SD and the Gestapo," which addresses the different groups of the Reich. Upon the co...

  15. Eichmann Trial -- Session 84 -- Examination of the Accused re: Greece, Bulgaria, Romania

    Footage begins in the middle of Session 84. Servatius presents documents on Greece beginning with an order from Eichmann to Wisliceny for the deportation of all the Jews in Athens and Greece in general to Auschwitz. Eichmann states that he did not give these orders (00:02:19). A large section of the proceedings is missing. Servatius introduces an invitation from Rademacher to a meeting in Berlin for "Jewish Specialist Officers" to discuss technical matters relating to concentration camps, including visits to certain camps. Eichmann cites another document about the same meeting in which ther...

  16. Eichmann Trial -- Session 114 -- Courtroom and closing statement of the Defense

    Session 114. Dr. Servatius sits. The Judges are not in the courtroom. 00:05:19 Judges enter and tell Dr. Servatius to continue. 00:06:03 Tape jumps. Dr. Servatius talks about the skeletons that Eichmann gave, saying that the entire request is peculiar. He refutes the accusations of Einsatzgruppen shootings with affidavits, as well as the cooperation of Eichmann with the Einsatzgruppen in the Baltics and the Soviet Union. 00:11:03 Dr. Servatius admits that Eichmann was in charge of deportations and relocations of Jews, but had no idea that death was the fate of these Jews. They were shot by ...

  17. Eichmann Trial -- Session 1 -- Preliminary objections by Defense Counsel

    Session 1. Begins as the court debates the relevance of the Eichmann letter. Dr. Servatius claims the letter is important to his case whereas Mr. Hausner asserts that the letter is irrelevant to the trial. The Judges discuss this matter amongst themselves. After much deliberation, the Judges make the first court decision: "We accept letter T/2 as an exhibit without expressing an opinion as to its value as proof." Hausner continues his speech by responding to Servatius's complaint regarding the lack of witnesses for the defense. Servatius previously stated that his case is hindered by the tr...

  18. Eichmann Trial -- Session 96 -- Cross-examination of the Accused

    Footage begins late in Session 96 during the translation into English of Attorney General Gideon Hausner's inquiries into the use of badges to identify the Jews. The accused, in footage not shown on this tape, was asked a series of questions about the purpose of the badges. Footage continues with Eichmann being asked whether Theodor Dannecker, Rolf Günther, Dieter Wisliceny and other participants were aware of the fate of the Jews (00:02:03). Eichmann testifies that he did not discuss it with them (00:02:34). When asked if they simply did not know what happened to the deported Jews, Eichman...

  19. Eichmann Trial -- Session 113 -- Prosecution continues summing up and courtroom

    Session 113. Attorney General Hausner argues to the Judges that the precedents set prior to the Eichmann Trial can be used to indict Eichmann without charges of conspiracy, and rather his actions should be seen as corroboration with conspiracy (duplicate footage from Tape 2226). 00:07:11 Session 113 is adjourned, the Judges leave. Various shots of the crowd leaving the courtroom.

  20. Eichmann Trial -- Session 102 -- Cross-examination of the Accused: sterilization, Einsatzgruppen, Sassen

    Session 102. Eichmann talks about his office's role in the taking of property of the displaced, and the scope of the duties of Section IVB4. 00:02:42 Eichmann is asked by Hausner about sterilization, he continuously cuts off Eichmann, insisting on yes or no answers. Eichmann is asked about a meeting called by Heydrich where he was included as an expert, and he claims that he had no real part of the meeting, which Hausner argues. 00:12:28 Hausner begins asking about Eichmann's contact with the Einsatzgruppen. Eichmann claims that the document pertaining to them was not created by his office,...