Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 12,661 to 12,680 of 26,867
Country: United States
  1. Map of the voyage of the MS St Louis annotated by the ocean liner's captain

    Map of the voyage of the MS St Louis created by Gustav Schroeder, the ship's captain and given to Elisabeth Haas, A passenger, in June 1939.

  2. Eichmann Trial -- Sessions 6, 7 and 8 -- Eichmann pleads not guilty

    Sessions 6, 7 and 8. The contents of the tape are not sequentially consistent with the official transcripts; rather the footage is arranged erratically starting in the middle of Session 6 with Attorney General Hausner's opening statement and ending in the beginning of Session 6 with Adolf Eichmann's plea hearing. Begins during Attorney General Hausner's opening speech. He states: "There was only one man who had been concerned almost entirely with the Jews, whose business had been their destruction that was Adolf Eichmann." There is a blip at 00:22:45 to 00:23:15, and the recording backtrack...

  3. Josef Kaufmann papers

    The papers consist of correspondence between Josef Kaufmann in Cairo, Egypt, and his paternal aunt, Thekla Kaufmann, who was interned in Camp de Gurs in France; an employment book ("Arbeitsbuch") issued to Thekla Kaufmann in 1937; and a vaccination certificate issued to Thekla Kaufmann in Camp de Gurs.

  4. Eichmann Trial -- Session 11 -- Israeli police interrogation of Eichmann

    Session 11. Court is not in session. Camera focuses on the prosecution as they discuss among themselves. The Judges enter and there is a blip at 00:04:13. An audio reel of Eichmann's pre-trial interrogation (in German) is being played. Following a blip at 00:06:43, the court translates the recording into Hebrew/English which discusses child deportation in 1942. During the interrogation, witness Avner Less presents Eichmann with a document concerning child transports. Eichmann's reponse is choppy, and he claims a faulty memory. District Attorney Gideon Hausner requests the tape be played fro...

  5. Eichmann Trial -- Session 92 -- Madagascar Plan

    Attorney General Gideon Hausner cross-examines Eichmann about the Madagascar Plan. The Madagascar Plan predated the Nazi period but was revived during the war. Under this plan, Europe's Jews were to be deported to the island of Madgascar, which belonged to the French. Hausner asks the accused what measures were taken towards promoting the plan (00:02:35). Eichmann testifies that it would have developed once a peace treaty with France was signed but that the treaty never happened so the plan was shelved. This is duplicate footage also found on Tape 2135 (01:04:23). The footage on Tape 2135 i...

  6. Eichmann Trial -- Sessions 44 and 45 -- Red Cross report

    Witness Ernst Recht is sworn in and questioned by Bar-Or. Recht describes the concentration of the Jews into central locations in Prague and the confiscation of their house keys by authorities prior to their deportation. He describes the documentation and confiscation of the property from their homes to be sent to Germany. Recht refers to this as the "Kramer Operation." Recht describes his appointment to the Council of Elders and the Trusteeship Office in Prague and his contact with Guenther (00:07:26). He says that representatives from Berlin came to inspect confiscated carpets in 1943. Ba...

  7. Lily Wysinski collection

    The Lily Wysinski collection consists of photographs, letters, greeting cards, and other materials concerning the experiences of Fajwel and Lena Szmerkowicz, parents of Lily Wysinski. Also included is a booklet titled "Likwidacja Getta Wilenskiego" (Liquation of the Vilnius Ghetto).

  8. Un Micro Dans La Bataille De Paris - 20-26 Août 1944

    Contains a set of four 78 rpm phonograph albums, entitled "Un Micro Dans La Bataille De Paris - 20-26 Août 1944." Tracklist: A) Du Maquis À La Bataille De Paris (Voice – Le Général Joinville) B) Aux Batignoles C) Au P.C. De L'insurrection D) La Nuit Des Barricades E) La Préfecture De Police F) Les Cloches De La Libération G) Attaque De La Concorde Par Les Chars De La Division Leclerc H) Le Général De Gaulle Aux Champs Elysées

  9. Eichmann Trial -- Session 29 -- Testimonies of A. Aviel and H. Behrendt

    Session 29. Court is adjourned. There are shots of the audience, frontals of the courtroom, and a conversation between Defense Attorney Dr. Robert Servatius and Adolf Eichmann. Following a blip at 00:05:21, excerpts from Tape 2040 with witness Avraham Aviel are repeated. He discusses the liquidation of the Radun ghetto, and his escape to the group of Jewish men being used for labor. After joining the second group, Aviel recounts the death of his mother and younger brother: "Only afterward did I learn that I had been the only one who somehow managed to escape from that situation." Aviel disc...

  10. Faye Ben-Saull papers

    Contains travel documents, identification documents, and photographs related to donor (born Fella Flamberg) and her mother, passengers on the MS St. Louis, who disembarked in Belgium. Includes photographs taken aboard the ship, registration documents from Belgium, and false identification card issued in the name "Berte Delhaye."

  11. Eichmann Trial -- Selections from sessions 93 and 94 -- Cross-examination of the Accused

    The footage begins in the middle of Session 93. Judges Landau, Halevi, and Raveh are seated at the bench. Assistant State Attorneys Bach and Bar-Or are seated at the prosecution table. Robert Servatius is seated at the defense table. Cross-examination of Adolf Eichmann by Attorney General Gideon Hausner continues. Eichmann is asked if the testimonies from Rudolf Hoess, Karl Heinz Hoffmann, Dieter Wisliceny, Rudolf Mildner, and Alfred Six submitted in his defense were truthful or whether these men gave false testimony. A small portion of the session is missing and footage resumes with Hausne...

  12. Boxing matches at Neu Freimann

    Boxing matches in the Neu-Freimann DP camp. Quick pans of DPs in audience.

  13. Book

  14. Sewing, laundry, dentist, carpentry, trains at Camp Westerbork

    CU, wooden table covered with buttons. CU of man's and woman's hands covering buttons in leather, putting it through a press. 02:04:05 Pan of a large working hall with people sewing. Laundry room: MS of women in white overcoats putting white sheets through a press and folding sheets. Men pulling out clean laundry from large washing machines and separating them into tall wooden crates. Row of women behind table ironing. 02:06:38 MS, chemical lab. Men and women in white coats mixing chemicals. Shelves with bottles filled with chemicals. CU of man looking through microscope. 02:07:40 MS, sign ...

  15. Eichmann Trial -- Sessions 110 and 111 -- Prosecution continues summing up

    Sessions 110 and 111. Hausner discusses the Defense's two worlds, that of the suffering and those in power. These two worlds collided. He uses a quote from the Torah to compare the worlds. He says that Eichmann was described as a chasm of hate, and is stone-hearted. 00:06:56 Tape jumps, Hausner says that Eichmann tries to convince the court that he found satisfaction in his job in Berlin. However, the only time he ever mentioned a transfer was at this time and then only in his personal papers. As early as 1938, he was an indispensable expert and the Gestapo refused to move him. 00:11:45 Tap...

  16. Eichmann Trial -- Sessions 16 and 17 -- Documents admitted as evidence; witnesses M. Fleischmann and F. Meyer testify

    Sessions 16 and 17. Attorney General Gideon Hausner reads excerpts from Dieter Wisliceny's statement: "The Final Solution of the Jewish Question was Eichmann's life mission" After a blip at 00:03:40, Hausner continues to read from Wisliceny's statement about Eichmann's interactions with the Grand Mufti. Wisliceny mentions a Jewish child transport from Poland to the Theresienstadt camp to exchange for civilian prisoners. The Grand Mufti objected: "...he protested vigorously to Himmler, using the argument that these Jewish children would, within a few years become adults and would strengthen ...

  17. Eichmann Trial -- Session 114 -- Closing statement of the Defense

    Session 114. Servatius addresses each of the accounts upon which Eichmann is indicted and explains why, in his view, Eichmann is not guilty. This tape begins with Count 8. Servatius states that it must be rejected because it would be retroactive prosecution. 00:03:23 Dr. Servatius addresses Count 7, saying that the theft of property is not a crime against humanity in any of the definitions given by other courts. He then says that Eichmann did not enrich himself with any of this property, and thus would be innocent of the international agreement concerning theft of property established after...

  18. Eichmann Trial -- Sessions 59 and 60 -- Testimonies of H. Brand, J. Brand, M. Rosenberg

    Session 59. Hansi Brand being questioned by Judge Raveh. Asked about Eichmann's role in Auschwitz deportations - she views him as the person who made all the decisions as far as the Jews were concerned. Discuss thought of trying to kill Eichmann. 00:07:21 Witness Joel Brand being asked about Lord Moyne (same footage as Tape 2071). 00:08:30 Cuts out. Questioned about telegrams and begging for Jews to be saved (same as Tape 2071). 00:09:57 - 00:10:22 Cuts out. Repeats above footage. Continues with Brand trying to convince colleagues of the Jewish plight and bargaining to save the Jews (same a...

  19. Eichmann Trial -- Session 110 -- Prosecution continues summing up

    Session 110. Hausner argues that Eichmann has been lying in his testimony, trying to weasel out of responsibility at all times (some duplicate footage on Tape 2213). He decries Eichmann's meticulous corrections of the Sassen documents as too detailed, all of this under the guise of a book. 00:05:06 Hausner begins his conclusion. He asks the court that if Eichmann is decided to be a liar, that the debunked documents be readmitted as evidence. Even if he is not, there is enough evidence to convict him. 00:13:50 Using the compilation of all of the witnesses, Hausner claims that the rumors of E...