Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 11,921 to 11,940 of 26,867
Country: United States
  1. Anti-Jewish propaganda film: banking; government leaders

    A propaganda film declared as a "documentary film contribution about the problem of world Judaism," in which antisemitic stereotypes are disseminated by the Nazis, including scenes showing: Poland as a nesting place for Judaism; the comparison of Jews with rats; the difference between Jews and Aryans; "international crime"; "financial Judaism"; "assimilated Jews"; the Jewish influence on economics, culture, and politics; and Jewish religious practice with a portrayal of haggling and misused sacred Jewish texts. REEL 4 Another extract from the feature film "The House of Rothschild" showing R...

  2. Jewish displaced persons

    Film opens with VS of DPs at Camp Feldafing, in the winter of 1946. There is snow on the ground. LS of barracks/sleeping quarters. VMS of DPs, men and women, young men and women, and some children. Walking out of barracks, some smiling. MS of DPs in wooden bunks, some with somber expressions, others smiling, laughing, eating, sitting around tables playing cards, talking, doing laundry, children sit on the floor of barracks playing. Voice over narration says: "These are the people. Our people. Waiting...waiting...waiting..." VCUs and MCUs of mothers and children, couples, talking, posing for...

  3. German TV documentary film on antisemitism (reel 7)

    Standard footage/stills of the Nazi annexation of Austria. The narrator says that "Globke's" anti-Jewish decrees were immediately implemented in Austria after the Nazi takeover, for which he was awarded a medal. Czech refugees on a road and scenes of the invasion of Czecholslovakia.

  4. Case against von Papen at Nuremberg Trial; Gen. Patton's grave

    10:20:02 (Paris 519) War Crimes Trials, Nuremberg, Germany, January 23, 1946. MCU, Martin Horne, the defense counselor for Ribbentrop, speaking for Hess's counselor. Major John Harcourt Barrington, British prosecutor, presenting case against von Papen. 10:24:27 (Paris 522) Sec of War Patterson Decorates Gen Patton's Grave, Luxembourg, January 24, 1946 (silent). CU, cross over grave with name "George S. Patton Jr." LS, grave decorated with flowers. CU, sign, "American Cemetery, Hamm, Luxembourg." LS, Secretary of War Robert P. Patterson places wreath on Gen. Patton's snow-covered grave. MS, ...

  5. March of Time -- outtakes -- Sweden

    Stockholm free harbor from neighboring hill. Merchant ship at anchor, crane derricks in FG. Loading coastal and Baltic steamers at Stadsgarden Stockholm. LS, coal wharves in Stockholm with Swedish ship from Germany unloading coal. LS, cranes at work. Shot from bridge of collier, showing coal being hoisted from ship's hold. CU, coal grab leaving ship's hold. Coal truck outside wharf being filled with coal. LS, coal trucks laden with coal. CU, workmen loading coal. Coaster steamer. Passenger boat from Finland arriving in Stockholm. Finnish flag. Stern of passenger ship "Nordstjernan." Passeng...

  6. Propaganda posters

    A German propaganda poster depicts a tank with a Nazi swastika banner in the BG. It reads, in Russian, "Growing every day." Another propaganda poster depicts a German soldier in the FG, turning back to face local peasants, who are standing behind him and waving to him. It reads, again in Russian, "The German Army, your protector and friend!" A third propaganda poster shows a farmer tending to his field, and reads: "Now, I work in peace". A fourth poster shows a farmer planting seeds, but the caption is illegible, as the time code was burned in on top of it in a moment of dazzling brilliance...

  7. Milch interrogated by Jackson at Nuremberg Trial

    (Munich 43) War Crimes Trials, Nuremberg, Germany, March 12, 1946. HAS, Chief US Prosecutor Robert H. Jackson interrogating Erhard Milch about conferences and meetings with officials. Milch speaks in German. Pan from Jackson to prisoners' dock, then from Jackson to Tribunal. MS, Goering, Hess, von Ribbentrop, and Keitel. Pan to MCU of Justices Francis Biddle and John Parker. Pan to Justices Parker, Henri de Vabre, and Robert Falco. CU, British prosecutors at table. MS, four Russian prosecutors at table. MS, Keitel, Raeder, Schirach, Sauckel, Kaltenbrunner, and Rosenberg. MS, defense counsel...

  8. Transcarpathia travelogue

    Transcarpathia travelogue (Hungarian Production). Bucolic scenery: stream, bridge, horse drawn cart. Cameraman in an open cart, filming as the cart rolls by [early form of tracking shot; he is using a hand-cranked camera]. Scene of a village, with wooden buildings, including huts with thatched roofs and a church with an onion dome. A group of women in shawls walks by, cut to a small procession of wagons bearing peasant men in traditional dress. Village square, where people appear to be gathering, perhaps for some sort of festivity. CU of a young girl in embroidered peasant shirt, petting a ...

  9. von Manstein questioned by Telford Taylor at Nuremberg Trial

    (Munich 343) War Crimes Trials, Nuremberg, Germany, August 10, 1946. MS, Brig. Gen. Telford Taylor questioning former Field Marshal von Manstein about the Commissar Order.

  10. German TV documentary film on antisemitism (reel 1)

    The opening credits list the countries from which documents from the film have been obtained. The first scene shows a man running through the woods, followed by men in Nazi uniforms, who shoot and kill him. The Nazis remove the dead man's passport: close-up on the "J" which indicates he was a Jew. This "J" becomes the "J" in the title of the film. The first part of the film provides a biography of Globke. The filmmakers use footage of early Nazi leaders (including Goering and Goebbels) and documents signed by Globke to make the point that he was in league with the Nazis from early on. Globk...

  11. 1936 Olympics: fencing; wrestling; boxing

    Film shows the 1936 Summer Olympic Games, the Eleventh Olympiad, at the German Arena on the western outskirts of Berlin, Aug. 1-16th. Reel 4: Fencing, Graeco-Roman wrestling, and boxing events are held, Endre Kabos of Hungary wins the sabre contest.

  12. Soviet Prosecutor Rudenko at Nuremberg Trial

    (Paris 545) War Crimes Trials, Nuremberg, Germany, February 8, 1946. Rear views of Chief Russian Prosecutor Lt. Gen. R A Rudenko addressing the Tribunal (in Russian). Pan from prosecutor to defendants in prisoners' dock. Return pan to prosecutor. Note: There are no shots completely showing Rudenko's face.

  13. Prosecutors and defendants at Nuremberg Trial; Patton's funeral

    02:38:03 (Paris 460) War Crimes Trials, Nuremberg, Germany, 1945. MS, counsel for defendants in courtroom during the trial. CUs, Hermann Goering and Joachim von Ribbentrop taking notes. MS, rear view, US prosecution counsel Robert G. Storey speaking. MS, Judges Birkett, Lawrence, and Biddle on the bench. 02:39:53 (Paris 461) War Crimes Trials, Nuremberg, Germany, 1945. HAS, defendants and their attorneys during session. HAS, portion of courtroom during the trial. MS, Rudolf Hess speaking to his attorney, Dr. Gunther von Rohrscheidt. LS, members of the Tribunal enter the court. MS, Justice R...

  14. Congressmen tour DP camp; War Crimes Trials: Einsatzgruppen Case

    02:00:40 (Munich 627) Congressional Inspection of DP Camp #581, Eschwege, Germany, September 8, 1947 (silent). Congressman Frank L. Chelf (Kentucky), consultant to Congressman Walter M. Besterman, and others tour the DP camps. DPs assembled to guide the Congressmen around the camp. 02:02:52 (Munich 628) Arraignment of Defendants, War Crimes Trials - Subsequent Trial Proceedings, Case 9 (Einsatzgruppen Case), Nuremberg, Germany, September 14, 1947. Continuation of defendants pleading "not guilty" to the indictment. Judge Musmanno recessing the court. NOTE: Defendants called as follows: Lotha...

  15. Munich Agreement conference

    Universal Newsreel, Vol. 10, No. 709, Part 2. Release date, 10/10/1938. According to UN Official Motion Picture Release: "Four-power Parley brings Peace" Munich, Germany. The conference between Europe's leaders that averted war! Spectacular scenes as Prime Minister Chamberlain of England, Premier Daladier of France, and Il Duce arrive at the flag-bedecked city for the epochal agreement over Czechoslovakia. Other parts of the newsreel include: 11:37:29 4A: "Yanks Sweep World Series" 11:39:01 4B: "Grid Thrills of the Week", Los Angeles, CA 11:39:50 4C: "Grid Thrills of the Week", Atlanta, GA ...

  16. Hungary and Slovakia

    Silent with Hungarian intertitles. "HATARMEGALLAPITAS: A magyar- szlovak hatarmegallapito bizottsag 1067 negyzetkilmoetert csatolt viszsza Szent Istvan orsagahoz." Animated map of Hungary/Slovakia. EXT scene, troops marching (difficult to see due to high contrast of the film print). Waterfall. MS, troops marching, mountains in BG. CU, three soldiers plotting their course. VS, soldiers. "MUNKACS: Az ujoncok eskiitetle alkalmaval tuntettek ki Munkacs hos vedoit, akik a januari cseh tamadast visszavertek." This is the town where military troops swear their allegiance to Hungary. Large crowd, c...

  17. Documentary re: the Slovak State (part 1)

    Presidential elections for Jozef Tiso. Opening of a German scientific facility in Bratislava. Awards ceremony for soldiers who have returned from Poland, speech of Slovak president Jozef Tiso, military inspection. Inspection of Wehrmacht soldiers on Wenceslaus Square in Prague on the occasion of the second anniversary of the Protectorate. On the grandstand is President E. Hacha, German representatives, and State Secretary K.H. Frank. Celebration of the second anniversary of the Slovak republic in Bratislava, parade of Gardists with flags, military inspection. Vojtech Tuka receiving an honor...

  18. Nazi propaganda film about people with disabilities: closeups

    Reel 1 of 8: Line of people with disabilities, with nuns (nurses?) walking up to and past camera. Archway, grass. Dressed in ordinary clothes and aprons; dignified. Some in wheelchairs. One with large head. CU of man with large frontal lobe. 00:01:57 Man runs up to camera, limbs askew. Make him smile, toothless. Blows on little tin horn. CU, turns this way and that. 00:02:46 Happy woman, clapping and laughing. 00:03:08 Young woman in leather armchair outside. Maybe paranoid schizophrenic. Gesturing, dramatic faces. Clearly dealing with fantasy fears. 00:03:49 Doctor with woman, puts her int...

  19. Fascist racial theory and health

    Roll 1: Title: "Filmarchiv der Persoenlichkeiten" Title: "Reichsgesundheitsfuehrer Dr. Conti" Profile of Conti at desk with two phones and lamp. 23 (date) on lamp (23 Nov 1941). Maps in background. Conti speaks, dressed in uniform with braid. ...seine erbliche Angabe...Die Erbgesundheitspflege und Rassenpflege muessen die Grundlage der Volksgesundheit sein...Nothing like this existed before 1933. Kriegsausbruch. Polnisch.