Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 11,821 to 11,840 of 26,867
Country: United States
  1. [Magazine]

  2. Dodd speaks about slave labor at Nuremberg Trial

    (Paris 436) War Crimes Trials, Nuremberg, Germany, December 11, 1945. MS, US prosecutor Thomas J. Dodd continues his indictment of slave labor. MLS, prisoners' dock which now includes the twenty-first prisoner Ernst Kaltenbrunner, as they listen to Dodd's testimony. MS, some of the defendants' lawyers making notes during the address.

  3. Signal Corps Cameramen; Nazi SS Trial

    21:00:41 (LIB 6866) Combat Cameramen, Germany, March-April 1945. LS, jeep pulls up to street corner, camera team gets out and still man pockets film in paratroop trousers. MLSs, CUs, two soldiers lead cameramen through rubble-strewn street. Cameraman stops to take pictures with a Speed Graphic. LS, still cameraman takes pictures of two infantrymen walking past burning building in Schweigen. LS, officer takes picture with still camera of advancing column of the 100th Div in Nussloch. LS, cameraman takes pictures of two soldiers as they pass burning rubble and buildings. CUs, cameraman using ...

  4. Soviet partisans; military

    Reprisals against Soviet partisans in village. Military in Smolensk. VS, soldiers in the field. CUs of the faces of soldiers, smiling, talking, etc.

  5. Case against Hans Fritzsche, broadcast propaganda at Nuremberg Trial

    (Paris 519) War Crimes Trials, Nuremberg, Germany, January 23, 1946. US Capt. Drexel A. Sprecher addressing the Tribunal in the case against Hans Fritzsche. Tribunal and court members leaving the courtroom for adjournment. MCU, Secretary of War Robert P. Patterson and Lt. Gen. Lucian Truscott sitting in the courtroom balcony. (Railing covers their faces.) Rear view of Capt. Sprecher reading a document written by Fritzsche about German broadcast propaganda. MS, court stenographers at work during the trial.

  6. German TV documentary film on antisemitism (reel 7)

    Part 2 (repeats some of Reel 7, part 1). Invasion of Czechoslovakia. A faked-looking photo of Stuckart and Globke at a conference relating to the future of the protectorate of Bohemia and Moravia. Film of a Jewish family of three as they leave their home, presumably to be deported. The narration says that this scene was filmed by an SS troop and discovered in Prague. The suitcases carried by the family are echoed in the next shot, which shows the piles of suitcases at Auschwitz. Spotlight on a document that purports to prove, by virtue of the fact that he was exempted from military service,...

  7. Communist female prisoner testifies at Nuremberg Trial

    (Paris 528) War Crimes Trials, Nuremberg, Germany, January 28, 1946. Continuation of Marie-Claude Vaillant Couturier's testimony. French prosecutor Dubost interrupts occasionally to ask a question. The witness talks about the wife of Georges Politzer, Hélène Solomon (wife of physician Jacques Solomon) and Danielle Casanova (surgeon), who launched a resistance movement among the women prisoners (49 of them made it back to France). One woman aged 67 had kept the rifle of her husband as a "souvenir," she died within two weeks in Auschwitz. She names and describes more women, all of whom died i...

  8. Anti-Jewish propaganda film: migration of Jews

    A propaganda film declared as a "documentary film contribution about the problem of world Judaism," in which antisemitic stereotypes are disseminated by the Nazis, including scenes showing: Poland as a nesting place for Judaism; the comparison of Jews with rats; the difference between Jews and Aryans; "international crime"; "financial Judaism"; "assimilated Jews"; the Jewish influence on economics, culture, and politics; and Jewish religious practice with a portrayal of haggling and misused sacred Jewish texts. REEL 2 Further scenes shot in Warsaw, Poland, October 1939. More shots of Jewish...

  9. Mauthausen prisoner testifies at Nuremberg Trial; Homma Trial

    09:19:05 (Paris 525) War Crimes Trials, Nuremberg, Germany, January 25, 1946. Maurice Lampe, 46 year old former inmate of Mauthausen, testifying in French. MS, Justice Biddle making notes. Pan to Justice Lawrence, Justice Birkett, and the Russian justices. Pan back to witness. 09:23:28 Homma Trial, 28th Day, Manila, Philippines, February 11, 1945. MLS, Gen. Masaharu Homma enters courtroom and sits at the defense table. MS, Maj. John H. Skeen, Chief Defense Counsel, and Gen. Homma conversing. HS, MLS, courtroom. MLS, Commission members enter and take their seats. Maj. Gen. Leo Donovan readin...

  10. Kaltenbrunner pleads not guilty, Shawcross speaking at Nuremberg Trial

    01:28:18 (Paris 427) War Crimes Trials, Nuremberg, Germany, December 7, 1945. Ernst Kaltenbrunner enters courtroom for the first time and is seated in the dock between Wilhelm Keitel and Alfred Rosenberg. LS, Kaltenbrunner stands and pleads not guilty. Rear LS, Asst. Prosecutor Sydney Alderman (US) addresses the tribunal. 01:34:27 (Paris 418) War Crimes Trials, Nuremberg, Germany, December 1, 1945. Rear view, address by British prosecutor Sir Hartly Shawcross. Rear view, von Ribbentrop's counsel, wearing black cap, questioning Gen. Lahousen. Shawcross concluding his speech, quotes Hitler, "...

  11. Germans takeover Sudetenland; Czech refugees

    Universal Newsreel, Vol. 10, No. 712, Part 2A. Release date, 10/19/1938. According to UN Official Motion Picture Release: "Germans Take Over Sudeten" Czechoslovakia. Almost on the heels of the Czechs as they withdraw from areas ceded to Germany by the Four-Power Accord, the German leader and his troops take over, inspecting former Czech defenses and feeding hungry refugees. Czechs depart from the Sudetenland as German tanks takeover. Village scene. Various MS, carts lined up in village. Soldiers? Nazis towing through bunker? MS, Nazis strolling in field. Quick shot of armband. Nazis feeding...

  12. German surrender; crime investigation

    02:10:05 (LIB 6209) German Surrender, Schwerin, Germany, May 2, 1945. Groups of German soldiers and civilians moving about streets after their surrender. MSs, long column of German horse-drawn vehicles moving past soldiers of the 121st Regt, 8th Div. SEQ: German soldiers getting off German operated freight train to give themselves up. MSs, large mass of German prisoners assembling in POW cage. CUs, German women talking to prisoners. 02:15:42 (LIB 6210) Atrocity Crime Investigation, Recklinghouser, Germany, May 2, 1945. SEQ: Officer and soldier questioning German civilians accused of war cri...

  13. Affidavit re: Schacht presented at Nuremberg Trial

    (Paris 489) War Crimes Trials, Nuremberg, Germany, January 11, 1946. Lt. Bryson, US prosecutor, presents charges against Hjalmar Schacht. Prosecutor (from behind) reads an affidavit of someone defending Schacht. During the speech are shots of Joachim von Ribbentrop whispering to Rudolf Hess in prisoners' box and MSs of Hans Frick, Julius Streicher, Walther Funk, Hjalmar Schacht, Constantin von Neurath, and Hans Frank. He quotes from a document saying that Schacht warned both British and Americans about the Nazis, and disapproved with basically everything the Nazis were doing. Prosecutor quo...

  14. Forced labor

    Bodies being thrown into a pit, very poor image quality. CU of a man's legs, he leans down with his arm to put a gun in his boots. LS through a window of women and children in an open patch of grass on a farm type compound. A child chases its mother, only to be chased back by a German soldier. The mother is also held back from her child by the soldier. Translation of Russian narration: [Abrupt]...they could not, even at gunpoint. Daily, according to the Fuehrer's order, the youth and the mothers were taken for hard labor. They were taken into slavery in Germany.

  15. Landsberg (Dachau) hangings

    (Munich 193) Landsberg (Dachau) Hangings, Landsberg, Germany, May 29, 1946. Scenes showing condemned men marching to the gallows and being hung. An officer reading the charges. Capt. Felix Freeman discussing hangings with Swiss newspaperman, Karl S. Wick. Some of the condemned men making statements. Civilian workmen fastening coffin tops. Condemned men are hung. 04:22:21 Former Dachau commandant, Martin Gottfried Weiss, is hung.

  16. Hoess testifies at Nuremberg Trial; questioning Kaltenbrunner

    (Munich 105) War Crimes Trials, Nuremberg, Germany, April 15, 1946. Dr. Kurt Kaufman, Kaltenbrunner's counselor, questions Rudolf Hoess, the Camp Commandant of Auschwitz. CU, Hoess testifying. 18:13 MSs, Justices Birkett and Lawrence; Justices Biddle and Parker listening with earphones. 18:14 Col. John Amen of the US prosecution asks Kaltenbrunner, "Who was responsible for the deaths of all inmates in Mauthausen concentration camp?" Dr. Kaufman objects. 18:15:25 Justice Lawrence asks, "What is the point of delaying the trial? The application must be made in writing. You know perfectly well....

  17. Testimony re: Hitler's death, Horstenau testifies at Nuremberg Trial

    23:37:34 (Munich 275) War Crimes Trials, Nuremberg, Germany, June 12, 1946. LS, US prosecutor Thomas J. Dodd asking unidentified witness whether he was present at Hitler's death. HMS, Dodd asking witness if he wasn't the man who carried Hitler's body to the bunker and set it on fire. Witness actually testifies that he carried Hitler's wife out of the bunker and saw Hitler's body wrapped in a blanket. Asked whether he actually saw Hitler, he answers no, he could only see his legs hanging out of the blanket, which was a bit too short to cover the whole body. 23:40:30 (Munich 224) War Crimes T...

  18. Defendants talk in dock at Nuremberg Trial

    (Paris 425) War Crimes Trials, Nuremberg, Germany, December 7, 1945. Prisoners enter courtroom in groups, take their places, greet each other and talk. The prisoners enter in the following order: Hermann Goering, Karl Doenitz, Rudolf Hess, Erich Raeder, Joachim von Ribbentrop, Baldur von Schirach, Wilhelm Keitel, Fritz Sauckel, Hjalmar Schacht, Hans Fritzsche, Walther Funk, Constantin von Neurath, Julius Streicher, Albert Speer, Wilhelm Frick, Arthur Seyss-Inquart, Hans Frank, Franz von Papen, Alfred Rosenberg, Alfred Jodl (similar to scene in Story 2799, Film ID 2341).