Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 11,601 to 11,620 of 26,867
Country: United States
  1. Prewar folk festival; wartime scenes, soldiers

    VS, group of young men and women performing traditional folk songs and dances for a large crowd, presumably gathered for a folk festival. Shots alternate between shots of the performers and shots of the crowd cheering. During the dance performance, a man announces "Jewish cradle song" (lullaby). VS, Red Army, marching along roads, reclining and socializing in the sun. City, large crowds of civilians, lined up in front of government buidling. Men, women and children in the crowds. CUs of weapons- rifles, grenades, etc. Soldiers aiming a cannon. VS of military machinery that had been destroye...

  2. March of Time -- outtakes -- Summation of Nuremberg Trial; Allied Control Council HQ and meeting

    1425 DD (15:10:05-15:21:16) Official Motion Picture Release - Bureau of PR #1598. Summation speeches by Sir Hartley Shawcross and Robert Jackson. HAS, courtroom at War Crimes Trial at Nuremberg during final summation by British Chief Prosecutor Sir Hartley Shawcross. Closer shot of Shawcross talking as he reads from prepared statement. HAS, Shawcross talking to court, panning to tables at which observers listen, and to prisoners box with the defendants wearing earphones hearing translation. Close pan shot of defendants in box listening to speech. Longer shot, same. 2 CUs of Goering listenin...

  3. Mass graves in Slovakia

    News Film - The Week in Film: Opening of mass graves near Zemiansky Kostolany in the presence of SS soldier Palkinger who had participated in the killing of civilians.

  4. Concentration camps in Norway; Spanish photographer imprisoned in Mauthausen testifies re. Nazi leaders who visited camp at Nuremberg Trial

    (Paris 531) War Crimes Trials, Nuremberg, Germany, January 29, 1946. Hans Cappenlen, Norwegian, testifying in English (a court interpreter sits beside him). Cappenlen tells about concentration camps in Norway. 08:20:00 He testifies of Roma sent to Struthof concentration camp. 08:22:00 Cappenlen mentions that Gross Rosen was a "bad camp" and that the worst was the evacuation of Gross Rosen in February. French prosecutor Dubost calls this witness. Justice Lawrence asks the defense counselors if they are able to question the witness. Friedrich Bergold, defense counselor, claims he is not prepa...

  5. French case presented at Nuremberg Trial

    (Paris 508) War Crimes Trials, Nuremberg, Germany, January 17, 1946. Francois de Menthron, French prosecutor, delivering opening speech for the French.

  6. Streicher's lawyer speaking at Nuremberg Trial; Palace of Justice; Dostler execution

    23:00:40 (Paris 387) War Crimes Trials, Nuremberg, Germany, November 15, 1945. HS tribunal. MHS, Dr. Hans Marx, Julius Streicher's lawyer, speaking to the court. MLS, Chief Justice Geoffrey Lawrence and Justice Francis Biddle on the bench. 23:01:54 (Paris 388) Aerial Shots of the Court and MP Block, November 19, 1945. LS, M-18 tank traversing its turret in front of the Palace of Justice. MS, two men in tank turret; one speaks over radio while the other traverses. LS, MPs directing traffic near Palace of Justice. MS, MP at detour barrier speaking over phone. CU, sign, "Detour." CU, sticker o...

  7. Nemirov, Ukraine. Fifth anniversary of The October Revolution

    NEMYRIV (Nemirov): Fifth Anniversary. Pioneers. 250 children, some homeless, survivors of pogroms. Shtetl view, VS, children painting and drawing with an instructor's guidance. Images of metal tools, furniture, paintings and drawings, clothing. The children's work is displayed on walls in a makeshift gallery type setting. There are also sculptures in stone, in the round and in relief. Several framed drawings, portraits of historical figures. Sculpture of Lenin with young man posing next to the statue. Title in Ukrainian: "Nemyriv. The fifth anniversary of a Jewish children's colony of 250 c...

  8. March of Time -- outtakes -- Ship launching at Swedish harbor; Red Cross ships with POWs

    1021 V (09:06:25): Managing Director Heden in office. Gothenburg ship-building and launchings: Tug attending launching. Bows of ship. LS, stern of ship and harbor. Deck of a newly-built ship, waiting to be put to sea since the outbreak of war. View along the deck. Ship entering floating dock. Ship-building yard showing lower deck plates of ship. Director Heden and his wife ascending stairs prior to launching. Ship's side with flag decorations. Launching platform with ship's bows. View of shipyard. MS, launching platform. Mrs. Heden coming down steps with bouquet. Launching of the ship. Gene...

  9. Overview of Germany, the German character, and lust for conquest

    US propaganda film about "The German personality" and its national psyche and history. Reel 1 shows panoramic views of the German countryside, its people, music, schools, offices, and factories ('a modern, educated, musical, industrious nation'); dead and living victims of Nazi concentration camps; crematoria, gas chambers, victims' clothing, and articles made of human skin; and victims of Nazi atrocities in Rome, Lublin, Belgium, and Malmedy. Describes the lack of democracy in medieval Germanic states through World Wars I and II focusing on an ideal German soldier named Karl Schmidt. Shows...

  10. Hungarian takeover of East Slovakia

    Reel 2. LS, view of snow covered mountains in Transcarpathia. Hungarian troops crossing a bridge. Hungarian troops at mess, mixing with the local peasant population, some soldiers share food with the locals. MCUs of Hungarian soldiers holding local children in their arms. MS, a painted banner in the area where the Hungarian soldiers have set up camp in the countryside, partially visible, reads: "...YHAL 6 ISTENHOZTA." VS, soldiers handing out loaves of bread from the back of carts to outstretched hands of local peasant population. CU, loaves of bread. Troops advance, open-backed trucks full...

  11. Keitel and Ribbentrop testify at Nuremberg Trial

    04:00:41 (Munich 84) War Crimes Trials, Nuremberg, Germany, April 3, 1946. MSs, Wilhelm Keitel is sworn in. MLS, visitors in the gallery: Gen. Geoffrey Keyes, former CG, 7th US Army; Gen. Leroy Watson, CG, Nuremberg area; and several Russian officers. Pan from court stenographers to Keitel testifying. Pan from Keitel to his attorney Dr. Otto Nelte at the stand. Nelte interrogates Keitel. The witness provides his family background, telling about his three sons who died serving the German Army. 04:04:46 (Munich 85) War Crimes Trials, Nuremberg, Germany, April 3, 1946. HAS, spectators rising a...

  12. March of Time -- outtakes -- Speeches by US officials re: defense

    Official Motion Picture Release - Bureau of PR #1593 Washington, DC. Speech by General Jacob L. Devers, Chief of the Army Ground Forces. Annapolis, MD. Address by Admiral Sherman to midshipmen. Washington, DC. Secretery of Defense Louis Johnson speech on five percenters, re: procuring government contracts.

  13. Defendants enter courtroom during Nuremberg Trial

    (Paris 426 and 430) War Crimes Trials, Nuremberg, Germany, December 7, 1945. Various angles of defendants entering prisoners' dock prior to the start of the trial, the first six shake hands. Shot of Erich Räder talking with Hess and Goering. MS, Wilhem Keitel and Alfred Jodl speaking to one another in the dock. Repeat entry scene from a second camera angle - head-on. Some close views. Defendants say "Guten Morgen" to each other. Frank enters and smiles, doesn't like the light so puts on shades. 23:34:00 More close views, brief.

  14. Doenitz testifies at Nuremberg Trial; Reichsbank gold

    (Munich 173) War Crimes Trials, Nuremberg, Germany, May 17 and 20, 1946. LS, MS, Adm. Karl Doenitz in prisoners' dock speaking to his counselor Dr. Otto Kranzbuehler. MS, Alfred Toms, Frankfurt Reichsbank employee, taking the oath. LS, US prosecutor Thomas J. Dodd questions Toms about his conversation with Emil Johann Rudolf Puhl. Pan from Hjalmar Schacht to Walther Funk to Toms testifying. Puhl is seated just right of Toms. MLS, Dr. Fritz Sauter, counselor for Funk, listening and taking notes. MS, Toms testifying about SS deposits of gold, silver, and dental gold in the Frankfurt Reichsbank.

  15. Hoover in Germany

    Welt im Film. Issue no. 91 Ex-President Herbert Hoover in Germany. Former President of the US Herbert Hoover arrives by plane at Rhein-Main airfield and is greeted by Gen. McNarney, Gen. Lucius D. Clay, and others seated at conference table.

  16. Sterilization; marriage health law

    Propaganda for sterilization (15m10s); "Kampf ums Dasein" [struggle for life] (2m12s); enactment of the marriage health law (4m30s); positive Nazi goals (1m50s). Nazi racial propaganda film about mentally and physically disabled people and the danger and drain they are on the Aryan nation. This film (like "Erbkrank") shows footage of men, women and children who have been placed in hospitals, asylums, etc. There are CUs of sad, destroyed people. Footage of their behavior (i.e., a man standing in a field of daisies "whipping" the air with an imaginary whip, another man angrily beats his hand ...

  17. War Crimes Trials: Pohl Case

    (Munich 531) War Crimes Trials - Subsequent Trial Proceedings, Case 4 (Pohl Case), Nuremberg, Germany, March 10-12, 1947. Conclusion of preceding sequence (111 ADC 6439): Pohl to Klein pleading "not guilty" to the indictment. HAS, Tribunal, as one of the judges asks the defendants whether they plead "guilty" or "not guilty." Judge states: "The Secretary General will enter, on behalf of each defendant, a plea of "not guilty"." Pan of attorneys' tables. HAS, pan of courtroom as audience rises.

  18. 1936 Olympics: female athletes; sailing

    Film shows the 1936 Summer Olympic Games, the Eleventh Olympiad, at the German Arena on the western outskirts of Berlin, Aug. 1-16th. Reel 2: Women athletes do mass calisthenics, flags of various nations fly from the masts of sailing vessels taking part in the Kiel regatta; Hitler and Goering look on.

  19. Celebrating the Jewish state of Palestine

    News Film - The Week in Film: In the Slovak National Theater in Bratislava, celebration of the establishment of the independent Jewish state in Palestine.