Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 11,481 to 11,500 of 26,867
Country: United States
  1. Review of 1938 events

    Universal Newsreel, Vol. 36, No. 87, Part 2. Release date, 10/24/1963. According to UN Official Motion Picture Release: "Twenty Five Years Ago" A quarter of a century ago history recorded fifteen days of international crisis that forever shaped the destiny of man. There were riots in Sudetenland as pro-Hitler Germans backed his demand that this Czech territory and its people be returned to the Reich. At Munich, England and France allowed Hitler to take over....appeasement did not work. Less than a year later war raged in Europe. Other parts of the newsreel include: 15:08:31 "Operation Big L...

  2. Babi Yar

    VS, rubble and bodies intermingled on ground. VS, wood and corpses stacked together. MCU of charred skeletal remains, smoke rising from the ashes. Pan, piles of bones and fragments of bones. Quick cut to a MLS of the countryside, trees silhouetted against the sky along a dirt road; smoke is rising along the road. Translation of Ukrainian narration: Excerpts from the protocols of the State Commission. Testimonies of Isaac Brodsky, [name not entirely clear], Yakov Koper and other members of the death team #1005. The Nazis brought here [to Babi Yar] granite monuments and iron fences taken from...

  3. March of Time -- outtakes -- Hitler on KdF ship, Robert Ley; Hitler in Prague and Berlin

    Trims. Hitler on boat with Robert Ley and relaxed German civilians (probably the maiden voyage of the "Kraft durch Freude" (KdF) ship Robert Ley, spring 1938. Harbor building with large letters: Hitler and group walking, friendly greetings with citizens of Heligoland. German submarine seen alongside from ship. Hitler reviews sailors on board boat; Hitler and babies; German planes in air over Prague, Czechoslovakia; Hitler on reviewing stand with Henlein and Syrovy in Prague; INT of the Reichstag where Hitler answered Roosevelt's cable, various shots. Hitler in car through Prague streets. Tr...

  4. Survivors arrive in US

    News Film - The Week in Film: Arrival in the US of citizens coming from concentration camps who lost their homes in Europe.

  5. Feature film about a Russian army officer: wartime fighting

    Feature film about a young Russian army officer. Begins with his participation at a Russian youth military school and follows him as he advances in the army. Film portrays youthful patriotism through the willingness of young Russian men and women to enlist. The inhumanity of war is illustrated through scenes of extreme and ruthless German aggression. There are many any scenes of camaraderie between soldiers, battles with the Germans, and the destruction of war. Reel 5: Scenes of smoke, fire and burning buildings with superimposed images of elderly women in despair to portray the atrocities ...

  6. Goering testifies at Nuremberg Trial

    (Munich 47) War Crimes Trials, Nuremberg, Germany, March 13, 1946. Defendants, defense counselors, and Chief Prosecutor Robert H. Jackson listening to Goering testifying. Goering testifies that he supervised all concentration camps until 1934. Pan from Goering talking to defendants listening intently. LS, interpreters' box with several people speaking into microphones as Goering testifies. Goering talks about very harsh policing measures taken at the time, especially charges that prisoners were beaten and mistreated. The case of Ernst Thaelmann comes up, who complained to Goering personally...

  7. Final pleas of defendants at Nuremberg Trial

    (Munich 297) War Crimes Trials, Nuremberg, Germany, July 12-13, 1946. HAS, Dr. Otto Nelte, lawyer for Keitel, reading the defendant's final plea. MS, Justices Parker, de Vabre, and Falco. MS, several stenographers taking notes. Dr. Hans Marx, lawyer for Streicher, reading the defendant's final plea. MS Streicher listening. MS, Justices de Vabre and Falco at bench. MS, Justices Biddle and Parker. MS, Justices Birkett and Lawrence. MS, Russian prosecutor Rudenko at table.

  8. War Crimes Trials: RuSHA Case; Justice Case Sentencing

    02:08:05 (Munich 646) War Crimes Trials - Subsequent Trial Proceedings, Case 8 (RuSHA Case), Nuremberg, Germany, October 30, 1947. MSs, 18 year old witness Marie Dolezalova, who lived in Lidice, Czechoslovakia, tells how she was taken and treated by the Germans after the town was destroyed. She claims she was told to only speak German and to be for Germany. Pan from RuSHA chart to Ms. Dolezalova. Rear view of prosecutor as he questions. CU, Judge Daniel O'Connell, Tribunal #1, listening to the proceedings. The 16 year old witness Ryzenz Petrakova takes the stand. She is sworn in and tells o...

  9. Final speeches of defendants at Nuremberg Trial

    (Munich 378) War Crimes Trials, Nuremberg, Germany, August 31, 1946. Short excerpts from the final speeches of defendants Hermann Goering, Rudolf Hess, Joachim von Ribbentrop, Wilhelm Keitel, and Ernst Kaltenbrunner. Defendants talking to each other during adjournment.

  10. Black market; US prosecutors address Nuremberg Trial; Award

    01:37:27 (Paris 401) Black Market, Frankfurt, Germany, November 28, 1945. Full screen view, civilian police chief and a US Army major of the AMG hold discussion in front of police headquarters. MSs, a male civilian is arrested by police and civilian deputies. MLS, rear view, civilians loading onto police truck. 01:38:39 (Paris 407) War Crimes Trials, Nuremberg, Germany, December 3, 1945. LS, Tribunal judges entering courtroom and taking their seats. MLS, Chief Prosecutor Robert H. Jackson making notes. MLS, Sydney Alderman, US asst prosecutor, addressing courtroom. MS, US judges Francis Bid...

  11. Streicher, Rosenberg, Keitel in dock at Nuremberg Trial; "Nazi Concentration Camps" film shown

    (Paris 392) War Crimes Trials, Nuremberg, Germany, November 27, 1945. MCU, Julius Streicher. CU, Alfred Rosenberg and Wilhelm Keitel speaking in prisoners' dock. Karl Doenitz seated next to Erich Raeder, speaking to his attorney during recess. Fritsche. CU, Wilhelm Frick turning his back to the camera. Streicher. 23:21:40 Jodl. MS, Keitel speaking to Joachim von Ribbentrop. MSs, Hermann Goering with chin in hand. Rudolf Hess reading book; Ribbentrop staring. 23:21:55 CU, Arthur Seyss-Inquart. 23:22:04 Streicher. CU, Constantin von Neurath. 23:22:30 CU, Walther Funk eating nuts. 23:22:46 Vie...

  12. Cigarette cards

  13. Sauckel questioned at Nuremberg Trial

    (Munich 196) War Crimes Trials, Nuremberg, Germany, May 30, 1946. Jacques Herzog questioning Fritz Sauckel (not seen). English translator is heard reciting Sauckel's background. HAS, prisoners in dock. MS, Herzog questioning Sauckel in French. Sauckel answers in German. Pan from Herzog to Gen. Rudenko listening; pan from Rudenko to Maxwell-Fyfe.

  14. DP camp in Austria

    Universal Newsreel, Vol. 19, No. 539, Part 4. Release date, 09/19/1946. According to UN Official Motion Picture Release: "Displaced Persons Camp" Upper Austria. Fifteen hundred refugees of Jewish descent live in this UNRRA sponsored camp at Admont, dreaming of the day when they can go to Palestine. They raise most of the food they eat. Men walk under sign (in Hebrew) with hoes and shovels on shoulders. LS countryside. Beautiful mountains. Young men and women in shorts hoeing. Two women outside washing clothes in tub. Four men walking together. CUs, children in pasture with women playing by ...

  15. Survivors of a detention camp return to Germany

    News Film - The Week in Film: Departure of Germans from a detention camp (labor camp) in Bratislava-Petrzalka back to Germany.

  16. 1936 Olympics: marathon; closing ceremony

    Film shows the 1936 Summer Olympic Games, the Eleventh Olympiad, at the German Arena on the western outskirts of Berlin, Aug. 1-16th. Reel 12: Kitel Son of Japan wins marathon race; Ernest Harper of England, Second; Shoryu Nan of Japan, Third; Erkki Tamila of England, Fourth; Vaino Muinonen of Finland, Fifth; Johannes Coleman of South Africa, Sixth. Closing ceremony. Cameras. Note: There are no titles at the end of the film.

  17. Rise of Nazi party

    US propaganda film about "The German personality" and its national psyche and history. Reel 5 shows the Weimar parliament in session; German troops parading; Hitler; Nazi riots and mobs; and CUs of Goebbels, von Schirach Goering, and Hess. The NARA shot sheet mistakenly identifies von Schirach as Roehm, and the narration describes him as a "pervert" so perhaps the mistake was made by the filmmakers. Describes Hitler's rise to power, installation as chancellor, and one-party rule. SS troops parade, Nazi propaganda, books are burned, and Hitler speaks while Germans cheer.

  18. Prosecutors, Keitel testifes at Nuremberg Trial

    (Munich 86) War Crimes Trials, Nuremberg, Germany, April 6, 1946. CU, Dr. Otto Nelte, Wilhelm Keitel's attorney, addressing court. CU, British prosecutor Sir David Maxwell-Fyfe taking notes. CU, US prosecutor Thomas J. Dodd. MS stenographers at work in the courtroom. CU, Justice Henri Donnedieu de Vabre (France). MCU, British Army men in courtroom. MS, Keitel testifying. Pan to Russian prosecutor Gen. Rudenko at stand. Pan to US prosecution table, back to Keitel. LS, Rudenko questioning Keitel. Pan from court stenographers to witness. MS, Justices Lawrence, Biddle, and Parker on bench. MS, ...