Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 10,801 to 10,820 of 26,867
Country: United States
  1. Wojciech Zatwarnicki photograph collection

    Consists of a portrait image of Wojciech Zatwarnicki and three photographic images of his Czerniaków area estate, where a group of Jews from the Warsaw ghetto worked from 1940-1942/.

  2. Benjamin Rudinkow letter

    Contains a letter written to Benjamin Rudinkow about the destrution of the Polish Russian town Baranovicz.

  3. Siddur

    The siddur belonged to Yontev Rülf who fled from Nazi Germany in 1938 to South America

  4. Richard Ebbitt collection

    Six black and white photographs of concentration camp scenes taken immediately following the liberation of the camps; given to Evy Serow (donor's late wife) who brought them to the United States after her release as a German political prisoner.

  5. Aleksander Herszkowicz collection

    Consists of three handwritten songs written and performed by Jankel Herszkowicz in the Łódź ghetto; ten group photographic portraits of Jankel Herszkowicz with his family and friends in Łódź, Poland, circa 1960; three photographs of Jankel Herszkowicz with Josef Wajsblat and friends at the Łódź Jewish cemetery, circa 1960; an ID photograph of Majer Herszkowicz, Jankel’s brother; a photographic portrait of Cudyk Herszkowicz, Jankel’s brother; c. 1930, in Opatow, Poland; a military ID; issued to Jankiel Herszkowicz in 1949 in Łódź, Poland; and two audio cassettes consisting of recording...

  6. Charles and Ruth Terner papers

    The Charles and Ruth Terner papers include biographical materials, correspondence, a drawing of Ruth Terner’s middle school, four photographs of the Terners, and several newspaper pages and clippings. The papers document Ruther Terner’s arrival in England on a Kindertransport, Charles Terner’s arrival in England via Switzerland and the establishment of his career, and the emigration efforts of family members remaining in Germany. Biographical materials include documents regarding Ruth Terner’s departure from Berlin on a Kindertransport; Charles Terner’s identity papers, membership cards, mi...

  7. Paul Vaderlind collection

    The collection consists of two documents related to the Holocaust experiences of Janeta Gościcki (born Janeta Wulkan), originally of Ostrowsko, Poland. The first document is a forged identification card (Kennkarte) of Janeta’s issued on 15 October 1942 in the name of Helena Kochanowicz. The document states that she was born on 7 March 1914 in Wegierka, near Jaroslaw in the Lvov district and that she was a bookkeeper by profession. The document shows four different addresses under which the bearer was registered. The second document is a letter, dated 21 May 1944, written by Janeta’s second ...

  8. Onella Debinski Stagoll collection.

    Consists of letters and postcards addressed to Pola Kirszencwajg Debinski from her sister Bela, who writes of the conditions in the Warsaw ghetto, her concern for their missing brother, Berek, and his wife, Zosia, and her worries regarding the conditions of a Soviet labor camp where Pola and her husband, Josef, were interned. Additional letters and postcards were written by Dawid Kirszencwajg, who was in Kobe, Japan, to Pola and Josef, who were in the Soviet Union.

  9. Samuel S. Pines correspondence

    Contains correspondence pertaining to Samuel S. Pines efforts to assist relatives in their escape from Bratislava, Czechoslovakia, Vienna, Austria, and Germany.

  10. Isaac Zubovsky papers

    Contains a letter written by Isaac Zubovsky's uncle from Kiev, Russia (August 1941), a certificate given to Isaac Zubovsky's mother by NKVD station of evacuation in Kiev (July 1941), a certificate given to Isaac Zubovsky's father's military unit (July 1941), a photograph of Isaac Zubovsky's uncle Yasha Zaslavsky (1941), and an article written by Isaac Zubovsky entitled, "One more time how it happened."

  11. Duda family papers

    Contains 18 documents pertaining to the Holocaust experiences of Adam Duda in Pawiak, Majdanek, Flossenbürg, his service with the Polish Guard Units for the American Occupation Army, and work for the IRO as a driver and metal-polisher. Other documents contain information about Janina Duda that include her work card from Warsaw and a letter from the War Relief Service National Catholic Welfare Conference IRO Resettlement Center to the Bavarian Offices for Compensation indicating that Mr. Duda has obtained a work contract in America and requesting that Adam and Janina Duda's request be taken ...

  12. Lucille Eichengreen documents

    Contains documents pertaining to Cecilia Landau's experiences in Łódź, Auschwitz, Neuengamme, and Bergen Belsen, and later emigration to the United States.

  13. Documents of rescue of Jews by Vaad Hatzalah

    Invoices, in binder, for money sent from U.S. Jewish organization to Europe via Jewish aid groups.

  14. Rachel Abadi Schlanger collection

    Consists of a black and white photographic portrait of the donor's father, wearing a suit and tie; and two black and white photographs of the donor's father, one of a group of men posing outdoors, in Le Vernet internment camp.

  15. Erika Erdos papers, ca. 1941-1948

    Contains photographs, a memoir, and legal documents pertaining to Erika Erdos and her family's experiences in Slovakia in hiding and eventual emigration to Canada.

  16. Rosa Cook papers

    Contains an identification card, ration card, cigarette pack, a cookie package wrapper, one memoir, eleven black and white photographs, and one photocopy of a picture of Rosa Cook's childhood home.

  17. Eva Bergstein papers

    Contains one memory book and three school booklets from Eva's school years in Poland and one Hebrew book from Schmirmiek, France. These booklets contain information pertaining to Eva Bergstein's experiences in hiding in Poland and post war life in France.

  18. I was a slave worker in Siberia

    Contains a memoir about Boleslaw Niederhoffer's Holocaust experiences in Siberia and told to Gerald L'ange.

  19. Ruth's Story

    Contains a memoir about Ruth Kissel's birth in a small town, Niedermendig, Germany, escaping from Germany to Belgium, journeying from Antwerp to Rio de Janero and her eventual return to Niedermendig, Germany.

  20. David Pollack Hervey papers

    Contains newspaper articles, booklets, photographs, and letters pertaining to David Pollack Hervey's work as defense counsel for officers and guards in the Mauthausen concentration camp and work with the reparations, delivery, and restitution of the occupied forces.