Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 10,761 to 10,780 of 26,867
Country: United States
  1. Sentencing Nazi Leaders at Nuremberg Trial (SOUND ONLY)

    Sentencing of Nazi Leaders at Nuremberg, Nuremberg, Germany, October 1946. NOTE: Here, the actual sentences for the defendants are read, but there was a court ruling that no filming and photographs were allowed during the announcement. So the voice of judge is heard, no pictures, white screen,. SOUND ONLY. Sentences pronounced by tribunal: Arthur Seyss-Inquart: Death (02:08:54) Albert Speer: 20 years (02:08:18) Constantin von Neurath: 15 years (02:09:45) Martin Bormann: Death in absentia (02:10:06) 02:10:27 British Justice Geoffrey Lawrence registers dissent of the Soviet Justice on the ver...

  2. War Crimes Trial: Franz Strasser

    Summary: Austrian Franz Strasser is tried for the murder of Lt E Warren Woodruff and an unknown airman. His testimony is in German. Cpl. Henry Halperin is the interpreter for all witnesses; Sgt. Sessler interprets for Franz Strasser.The six-officer Army Military Commission included Capt. Victor Miles, Lt. Harvey Szanger, and Col. Raymond E. Zickel. Reel 2: Defense attorneys questioning, listening. Pan, Commissioners to Pusch testifying. Back view: Reichl, Halperin. Prosecutor in BG. Pan. Strasser sitting with his attorneys; being sworn in; at table as his attorneys speak to others; attorney...

  3. March of Time -- outtakes -- Trotsky

    Leon Trotsky and his lawyer, Mr. Goldman, in Mexico City, Mexico. Trotsky reads in garden, works at desk, writing, reading the "Internationale", and greets guests on veranda. Mexican police guard entrances to building.

  4. Palace of Justice guards

    (Munich 137) Palace of Justice Guards, Nuremberg, Germany, April 15, 1946. CU, sign: "Command Post - Enclave Nurnberg-Furth." Russian, English, and American military personnel and civilians being checked as they enter and leave through the gate. Sign: "No Cameras Allowed" to left of command post. CU, sign above sentry box, "3rd Battalion, 26th Inf." SEQ: US guards drilling in courtyard. Cut-ins, soldiers and civilians watching the drill. SEQ: Formal British guard mount in palace courtyard. CU, British guard captain barking orders.

  5. Winifred Lever papers

    Contains documents and photographs pertaining to Winifred Levin's role as secretary of the World Jewish Congress in London during World War II. Includes information about efforts to assist Jews affected by the Holocaust.

  6. Wahle Altschul family papers

    Contains original correspondence exchanged between Rudolf and Olga Wahle and Trude Wahle Altschul in Prague, and their daughter in Bolovia, dated March-September 1941; a copy of a letter from Francisco Wahle; copies of ITS certificates of incarceration; and copies of photographs of Olga and Rudolf Wahle.

  7. Fragment of a blanket acquired by Olga Rosenberger Horak following liberation of a concentration camp

    Blanket fragment acquired by 18-year-old Olga Horak at the recently liberated Bergen-Belsen concentration camp in Germany in 1945. The donor, Olga, described receiving the blanket while she was lying, frozen, half-naked, and near death on the grounds of the camp. She recalled that a former Kapo covered her with the blanket and left. Olga never saw that Kapo again. The fragment is woven from a blend of animal and human hair. Prisoners at most camps had their hair shaved during their initial processing. As resources became scarce, Germany used hair to make textile products, such as blankets a...

  8. Washington DC in springtime; vacationing at Isle of Shoals

    Title: "Family Shots 1939." Picture of George Washington. Tidal basin in Washington, DC, with the cherry blossoms in bloom. Unidentified man and woman getting out of car. Washington Monument, view from Thomas Jefferson Memorial. 01:01:41 Views looking down on Washington from the monument, White House, and other monuments, views of Pennsylvania Avenue, the US Capitol can be seen in the distance. LS, a blimp is flying overhead. VS, the White House and its surrounding gardens. 01:02:49 Title: "Family Shots 1939, Fall 1939 Dean." CU of unidentified woman holding fall foliage in her hand. VS, co...

  9. March of Time: refugees

    March of Time. 12:08:25 "Today in Europe, fleeing Nazi Germany into the border towns of Holland, Belgium, France, and Switzerland, is a new kind of refugee. Within the past five years out of Germany have come 200,000 thousands of these refugees fleeing the racial, religious and political persecution of Hitler's Nazi regime...evidence of increasing. Since that day in 1933....persecution upon Jews it has fallen hardest..." 12:09:50 Uses staged scene of Nazis emptying drawers of banned sheet music and tossing it to the floor. 12:10:29 "Because today in Germany every citizen must think only as ...

  10. Nazi, Mauthausen, Belsen, and Auschwitz war criminals tried

    World in Film. Issue no. 43 (1948) 03:30:14 "NUREMBERG AND MAUTHAUSEN." Mauthausen trial: March -- May 1947. Title: "Zwei Prozesse: Nuernberg und Mauthausen." LS, Chief US Prosecutor Robert H Jackson speaking. Pan, prisoners box showing Hermann Goering, Rudolf Hess, at first trial. German voice over Jackson's, as he details how "a thousand Kaltenbrunners," "a thousand Saukels," etc - were at work within the Nazi organizations. MCUs, Gruber, Grand, Green, SS men standing trial. Pan of Mauthausen criminals. Seated in court, they are compelled to remove shoe laces, etc. to prevent suicide atte...

  11. The New York Times (New York, New York) [Newspaper]

    The New York Times newspaper, late city edition. The paper contains articles relating to children after the Holocaust, and the Nuremberg Trials.

  12. Kan family: daily life in Amsterdam; at the beach; at home

    Title in Dutch: "Betsy als baby in 1928" Scenes of a baby in a carriage and two women - Jeanne holding baby Marcus?, walking down the street. 01:00:56 On a different day (notice clothing), children with adults in a street. A little girl in white (Betsy?) looks up at the camera. 01:01:51 At the beach, children play in the sand. Man and two women on the beach. 01:02:26 Man and woman may be Frits and Jeanne. CU, girl and boy. 01:02:50 Baby in a bassinet. A woman feeds the baby. Girl in a white coat (Betsy) and hat walks towards camera and places a letter into a mailbox at 01:03:27 aided by an ...

  13. War Crimes Trials: film used as evidence in Ministries' Case (#11)

    Case XI, Ministries-Keppler, "German Entry into Austria", Vienna, Austria, 1938. German Narration. German army motorcade up country hill road, people salute from roadside (wearing swastika). POV car, into Vienna. A procession of cars and trucks enters Vienna. The Nazis are cheered and saluted as they pass public buildings. Crowds, HJ. Civilians parade also, chanting Ein Volk, Ein Reich, Ein Fuehrer. HAS crowds at city center, German soldiers control crowd, CUs, children wave small Nazi flags. Hitler rides in open car through the streets with Seyss-Inquart in some shots, in other shots Seyss...

  14. Honorary degrees awarded

    Sorbonne gives honorary degrees. High shot, Sorbonne University officials and Albert Einstein standing while band plays "La Marseillaise," and then are seated. MLS, University rector M. Charlety bestows Albert Einstein with insignia, Einstein bows, audience applauds and is seated again. MLS, rector gives Einstein honorary degree. Rector addresses audience. LS, pan, University officials, audience, band playing.

  15. Stimson; Patterson; Churchill; Japanese children; German troops; French refugees; US soldiers; Tunisian front

    04:28:30 (NR-38) Sec of War Henry L Stimson Arrives in North Africa. Arrives at airfield. Stimson gets off plane and is greeted 04:29:34 Under Sec of War Robert Patterson, Adm William Leahy and Elmer Davis in a broadcasting studio. 04:29:45 Winston Churchill Speaks to Congress, standing on dais before many microphones addressing US Congress. At conclusion, entire Congress rises and applauds. Henry A Wallace and Alben W Barkley can be seen in BG. 04:31:11 Japanese Children in Mass "Kendo" Drill. Japanese school children in Tokyo performing skull-testing contest. Two groups charge each other ...

  16. Jewish family life before the war in Budapest

    Intertitle: “Once Upon a Time.” Eva plays with leaves and placing them in a basket. Her mother, Lily Brust, stands next to her. She plays with a small rake and then sits in the basket of leaves. Intertitle reads “Vigyazzon Terez, elforik az uveg.” Three women labor over a table covered with jars, working to seal the lids. Intertitle reads “Évike az ö külön strandján nem akarodik kijönni.” Eva bathes and plays in an outdoor basin. She kicks the water and throws it playfully at her governess on the right. The governess helps her out of the water, dries her off with a towel, and dresses her. 0...

  17. Robert Jackson in his office

    (Munich 135) Robert H. Jackson, Nuremberg, Germany, May 2, 1946. Jackson seated behind desk in his private office talking with Brig Gen Telford Taylor. Same setting with Jackson talking to Thomas J Dodd, assistant prosecutor. CU, Jackson speaking. CU, Dodd. MS, Jackson going over papers handed by his secretary Mrs. Douglas. Jackson at desk signing papers. Note: Some CUs of Jackson are scratched.

  18. Silver medallion with Mary enthroned holding Jesus given to a Jewish girl living in hiding

    Catholic medallion given to 17 year old Roza Kwar in 1944 by a Polish Catholic teenager admirer when she was living under a false identity as a Catholic. He had made a pilgrimage to Czectochowa to see the Black Madonna and bought it there. After Nazi Germany occupied Lvov, Poland (L'viv, Ukraine) in June 1941, Roza and her parents, Benzion and Tinka, were moved to the Jewish ghetto and assigned to forced labor. In August 1942, Benzion purchased false papers for her. She escaped and went to live with Krystyna Moskalik, a Polish schoolteacher, in Sieciechiowice. That area was liberated by the...

  19. Memorial at the site of the Jasenovac Camp

    The first commemoration in the Jasenovac Memorial area, on the site of the Ustasha concentration camp from World War II. Footage of the commemoration is intertwined with horrific documents of the death camp and testimonies of camp detainees and residents of Jasenovac. The film opens with the sound of a person screaming and the sound of a train while images of train tracks taken from the POV of the train are visible on screen. The image cuts to a low angle CU of the wheels of a train car speeding along the tracks, the train whistle blows. VS, from POV of someone riding inside a cattle car as...

  20. Work Concert (UFA); Hitler at international auto show

    05:12:23 "Werk-Konzert" in Donhoffplatz, Berlin. UFA celebration. Building with "Universum Film AG." In the yard, SS band plays march music. CU band. Long trumpets with SS flag hanging. Great shots of employees watching from the windows (speaker stresses "joyful surprise"), looking down into plaza. (at end, Wochenshau cameraman can be seen). 05:13:25 "Internationale Automobil- und Motorrad-Ausstellung Berlin 1937" Wilhelmstrasse, Berlin. Hitler and small entourage greet NSKK corps leader Huehnlein in street before race. He greets racecar drivers, who parade before the Reichskanzlei. Low, na...