Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 10,461 to 10,480 of 26,867
Country: United States
  1. Edited film sequence documenting war destruction and rebuilding of life in postwar Poland

    EXT Camera pans across trees against the sky and then down across a cemetery. Flowers with damaged buildings in the BG. King John III Sobieski monument. CU Face of a bearded statue. 01:06 EXT Woman in black sitting on a park bench. Lit candles with a brick wall and image of the cross in the BG. Flowers. Title card reads “POWROT DO ZYCIA.” [Return to Life]. CU Street lamp. Polish soldier missing a leg and using crutches walks up a dark street. Concentration camp survivor? in striped uniform with a knapsack walks up a dark street. Street scenes of ruined buildings. Birds flying in ruins. A wo...

  2. Dino A. Brugioni collection

    The collection documents C.I.A. photograph interpreter Dino A. Brugioni’s work on the research and analysis of aerial photographs taken of Auschwitz II (Birkenau) by reconnaissance planes in 1944-1945, as well as other Holocaust-related locations. The collection includes prints and negatives of the aerial photographs, correspondence, writings, articles and publications, clippings, and scrapbooks. Series 1. Photographs includes prints and negatives depicting aerial reconnaissance photographs taken by the Mediterranean Allied Air Force of Auschwitz I, Auschwitz II, Auschwitz III, I.G. Farben ...

  3. Simon Makon sings Yiddish folk songs

    Yiddish folk songs, sung by Simon Makon, a survivor of the Warsaw ghetto.

  4. Verdoner family holiday and houseboat

    EXT, MCU, a man in a small house boat, docked. According to documentation that accompanied original films, the man's name is Leo Wijnbergin Punter. Gerrit Verdoner comes out on deck, putting on his shirt, and takes one of the eggs from the table, puts it in his mouth and begins to ham it up for the camera before ducking back inside the cabin. MS, EXT of the houseboat, the sea, and the window of a building, there is a sign on the building that reads: "STALLING-R'JWIELEN". Camera continues to pan building and surrounding farmland. VCU to MS of two young women standing in the doorway of the ho...

  5. Justices summarize Nazi Party at Nuremberg Trial

    Judgment delivered at Nuremberg IMT, Nuremberg, Germany, 30 September 1946. MHS, British Justice Birkett, British Chief Justice Sir Geoffrey Lawrence, US Justices Francis Biddle and John J Parker reading statement about the formative days of the Nazi Party, including the failure of the first Munich Putsch, etc. CU, Justice Lawrence. MS, Franz von Papen, and Arthur Seyss-Inquart in dock. MS, Justices Biddle and Parker. HS, CU, Birkett reading about the beginning of the NSDAP in Germany.

  6. Dance card

    The dance card consists of a small booklet with an intricately decorated cover and a pencil hanging from a cord at the side. Dance cards, or "Ballspenden," were especially popular at balls in Vienna, Austria, during the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries. They were used to list, in order, the names of the partners with whom a woman had agreed to dance at a formal ball or party.

  7. War Bond Parade; Nazi Sub Spy Trial

    04:12:02 War Bond Parade, Atlantic City, NJ, April 18, 1943. 04:19:36 Nazi Sub Spy Trial in Washington: VS, prison van and armed soldiers enter court building. Panel of unidentified Army officers conduct trial of Nazi spies. CU, spies in the courtroom. Atty Gen Francis Biddle and an Army officer show pieces of evidence to the spies. (see Story 3631, Film ID 2532 for duplicate footage)

  8. Star of David badge with the Dutch word Jood for Jew

    The badge belonged to an unidentified Jewish boy in the Netherlands who survived the Holocaust by hiding in a convent. After World War II, he became a Catholic priest.

  9. Truman in Germany; DPs boarding trains

    03:27:55 (LIB 7239) President Truman in Germany, Heppenheim, Germany, July 26, 1945. Truman and Secretary of State James F Byrnes step from plane and are greeted by Maj Gen Alexander R Bolling. MSs, Truman steps from car, greets Bolling and troops Honor Guard. Travel shot past troops of the 84th Inf Div lined at side of road. SEQ: Truman drives in car with Bolling and Byrnes. President makes a short speech, then inspects and greets troops. MS, Truman, Byrnes, Bolling in open car. Pan, line of troops presenting arms. 03:32:15 (LIB 7184) Shipment of DPs, Bamburg, Germany, July 13, 1945. Germa...

  10. Verdoner child plays in the yard

    Yoka Verdoner, playing in her yard, alone, then in the company of her mother, another woman, father and grandfather.

  11. FDR speaks

    "Roosevelt Reports to the Nation!" Editor's Note: "What the man on the street thinks of Roosevelt's report." FDR at desk speaking. Shots of Americans and US soldiers listening to radio address. "Man on the street" talks: Mrs. Benjamin Levy (housewife); Mrs. Gustav Denreuther (elderly woman); and Douglas Fairbanks, Esq. (speaking after he leaps over rail of ship).

  12. German educational film: instructional film on boxing techniques

    This instructional film teaches young men how to box. The film features an adult trainer and several young (adolescent and pre-adolescent) boys practicing boxing techniques. They are in a gym and at times in a boxing ring. Intertitles in Boxen der Jugend 8: Gewhonung an finten Dopplestobe zum kinn und zum korper und umgekehrt. Translation: Practicing the art of the 'fake' or the 'dodge' Doublehook to the chin and the body and reverse hook.

  13. Book

  14. Vogel family swims and ice skates before the Holocaust in Hungary

    Eva Brust and her governess walk amongst blossoming trees in a field. CU of Eva. She plays affectionately with a young boy. Men and women lay in swimsuits in the grass. Some swim and play in a public pool. Camera focuses on an older woman swimming. Two women bounce a young girl in the water. Children play around pool chairs. CU of Eva sitting in the grass. She has her hair in braids and sits on a chair. She then plays with a hose. Sitting on a bench next to a boy, she licks a wooden spoon. The boy dips his spoon in the pot at his feet and does the same. CU of the boy with food on his face f...

  15. Foyles' Luncheon with Benes

    "Dr. Benes Feted in London" Ex-president of Czechoslovakia, Benes, is chief guest at Foyles' Luncheon. Benes speaks. Also present are Jan Masaryk, Count Raczynski and Mr. HG Wells.

  16. An overview of the Holocaust in Croatia

    Opening credits, image of Lighthouse and the words Jadran film, Zagreb. Music. Clips of posters, photos, newspapers. People marching - Nazis. 01:01:50 Mein Kampf, portrait of Hitler, parades. Hitler speaking. Barbed wire and panning shots of camps. 01:03:16 crematorium. 01:03:43 "Leo Rupnik". Hitler greeting "Ante Pavelic". Camps, German eagle. 01:04:15 People getting into trains to go to camps. 01:05:04 Entrance to Auschwitz "Arbeit Macht Frei". Nazis shooting people, bodies on ground. 01:05:31 People being hung, carrying bodies, putting into mass graves, skulls being collected. 01:06:17 P...

  17. Berkowicz family newspapers

    Contains 34 issues of "Nasz Przegląd," a Polish-language Zionist daily newspaper published in Warsaw, Poland, dated June-September 1939.

  18. Kan family vacationing during winter in Switzerland

    Title card with "Arosa" centered under a stick figure with skis. Next card: "Grd Hotel Tschuggen" revealed. Next card: "Arosa 23 Dec. 1934 - 15 Jan. 1935." Robert, Betsy, Jeanne, and another woman wave from a train car window (the left of the car shows the name "Arosa"). Betsy, Robert, and Jeanne sit in a sled covered in white fur. Betsy pulls Robert on a sled. Both children wave. 01:01:24 The façade of "Grand Hotel Tschuggen" with a Swiss flag. Kan family and others. Jeanne, Betsy, and Robert sit with friends in a horse drawn sleigh. Different angles as they ride. MS, stationary sleigh wit...

  19. Verdoner family and friends out in Hilversum

    Verdoner family and friends out for a stroll on a late fall/early winter day in Hilversum, Holland. Yoka Verdoner, her mother Hilde Verdoner, Francisca Verdoner in baby carriage, and several other children, women and men (possibly relatives or friends, the family is indentified as the Cohen family in original captions that accompany films). Walking through park, posing for group portraits, pointing out things of interest along their path. All are well dressed. Yoka hams it up for the camera. In one shot, we can see the arm of a man with a movie camera.