Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 10,441 to 10,460 of 26,867
Country: United States
  1. Postwar Poland

    A partially edited film sequence about a Polish family in postwar conditions. INT A young boy picking up and arranging his school books. CU Boy doing school work. Man (the father?) enters the room and shows a box to the boy, boy shadow boxes, man takes boy by the ear and they leave together. CU Boy shadow boxing as man pinches his ear. CU Man speaking. In the kitchen, a woman (the mother?) lights the stove, the man enters and she passes him a bucket as he leaves. Two boys run down stairs, pick up and open the box, then leave through a doorway. CU Two boys opening the box. CU Cigarettes insi...

  2. German soldier and woman at cafe in Paris

    Brief shot of bride and groom. LS church, Basilica. Panning shot of Montmartre district street scenes; cafes, people in street. Another uniformed German and a woman with heavy makeup (not the same people as earlier) sit at an outdoor table. Signs on the bar (seen earlier in Story 4408, but more in depth here) are in German: "Der Wirt spricht Deutsch" "Speise Wirtschafte Belegte Brotchen." The German and the woman drink through straws. The next scene shows the same woman sitting at the same table with an elderly man in civilian clothes (seen earlier at 01:06:10 in Story 4409 and later in Sto...

  3. German siege of Warsaw, Poland 1939

    Dead woman with a basket over her head. MS, two women and one man approach this woman's body when she is still laying face down in the dirt, they roll her over, she is now lying face up, the basket is next to her head (I don't believe it has been placed over her head yet), and then they walk on. The man looks back at the camera a few times after passing the dead woman's body. Cut to MS, three women in the field digging for potatoes, CU of an injured woman. Cut to MS, refugees of the bombing teaming around their destroyed neighborhood, the site seems to be the former cemetery that is also me...

  4. Łódź (Litzmannstadt) ghetto scrip, 5 mark coin, saved by a ghetto resident

    5 mark Łódź Ghetto coin saved by Halina Wolman Orski who was imprisoned there from 1941 until August 30, 1944, when she was sent to Auschwitz and then Stutthof concentration camps. Nazi Germany occupied Poland on September 1, 1939. Łódź was renamed Litzmannstadt and, in February 1941, the large Jewish population was forcibly relocated into a sealed ghetto. Residents were not allowed to have money and the Germans ordered the Jewish Council to create scrip for use only in the Ghetto. The Germans closed the ghetto in summer 1944 by deporting the residents to concentration camps or killing cent...

  5. Oswald Mosley, British Union of Fascists, Manchester

    Cobblestoned streets, Manchester, England. Double decker bus, shops, some signs. Civilian men marching. Small band, people. Some Union Jack flags. 01:08:15 color footage of Oswald Mosley and large rectangular microphone. Speech to closely gathered crowd. Pan of crowd and Manchester brick buildings in background. Red armbands visible. Scuffles, man with bleeding head, bandaged. Speech continues, police among crowd. Fainted woman is carried off. 01:10:18 b/w footage again. 01:10:35 "Fascism means war!" written large in white on wall behind crowd. Speeches continue. Mosley shot from low angle,...

  6. Brown leather trifold wallet used by a Jewish medical officer, 2nd Polish Corps

    Leather trifold wallet with three pockets used by Dr. Edmund Lusthaus to store documents and photographs while serving as a medical officer in the 2nd Polish Corps, British Army. When Germany invaded Poland on September 1, 1939, Lusthaus was drafted into the Polish Army. Seventeen days later, the Soviet army invaded from the east. Lusthaus was captured and taken to a camp for Polish prisoners of war in Novosibirsk, Siberia, where he served as a physician. When Germany invaded the Soviet Union in 1941, the Soviet government released Polish POWs to join the fighting. Lusthaus joined the volun...

  7. American Consulate building in Warsaw

    Cars, buildings, stream of water on pavement. EXT, American Consulate Building in Poland, U.S. flag hangs from window.

  8. Arc de Triomphe

    Ceremony at the Arc de Triomphe at night. The monument is heavily lit and a flag is posted before it. CUs, street lamp.

  9. Anniversary celebration of 1943 Warsaw ghetto uprising

    Second anniversary of the Warsaw Ghetto uprising. The celebration at the synagogue in Roma (Rome?), the Polish soldiers of Anders Army fighting in the West take part.

  10. Graphics and intertitles for the film "Poland - the Country and the People"

    Animated maps of Poland showing the changes in the political borders of Poland from 1795 when the land area was divided between German, Russian and Austrian interests to the 1914 borders in which the empires of Germany, Russia and Austria-Hungary engulfed Poland entirely from a political standpoint, despite the fact that a distinct Polish culture still existed. From Julien Bryan's film "Poland the Country and the People" released in 1948, shot 1936-1937.

  11. Recovering in postwar Czechoslovakia; Šimsa

    Two open elevators go up and down, people get on and off. Man leads a seated audience in song with accompanying hand gestures. CU audience listens. Woman speaks. Man raises hand and stands to perhaps answer a question. CU smiling audience. Men talk, upright plaque on table in FG. CU people sing and make hand gestures and smile. CU man leading song. Man plays piano. Audience applauds for piano player. (11:28) Man gestures to a photograph of philosopher Jaroslav Šimsa on the wall. “SIMSA” book. Man cuts and butters bread. Men seated at table in discussion, upright plaque on table, one man sta...

  12. Krakow Jewish quarter

    VS, Street scenes in the Jewish quarter of Krakow, Poland. Man selling balloons. Young girl on the street asking for directions from Orthodox Jewish men. Older Jewish couple posing outside of their shop-M. Finkelstein is the name on the placard above their shop door. Good CUs of the couple. CUs of young, religious Jewish boys laughing and talking, conscious of the camera. Young children playing in a courtyard, moving large twigs around the street as an elderly woman watches them, preparing for the harvest festival of Sukkot beneath the archway made famous in an iconic Roman Vishniac photogr...

  13. Russian Better Baby Contest

    Mothers bring their babies to be weighed, measured, examined and evaluated by medical professionals, and the healthiest babes are awarded toys, cribs and certificates. The Russian eugenic program differs widely from the German program. The Russian program followed the Lamarkian branch of psychology which stressed experiences and environment more than inherited traits. This line of thinking was compatable to the Soviet ideology that man could remake himself through education and proper training. The Soviets came to think of Mendelians and eugenics as fascist.

  14. Nazi soldiers; rally; Hitler Youth; military parade

    Soldiers march over a bridge. Farm scenes. Soldiers regulate crowds. Nazi rally. CUs of Hitler Youth eating, uniforms. Fighter planes fly in the sky and tanks drive through the stadium. Nuremberg is decorated for a parade. Nazi soldiers parade through town.

  15. Prague city; Czech prison; YMCA; Jaroslav Šimsa

    Pedestrians on Charles Bridge in Prague. Buildings and street in the Little Quarter. St. Vitus Cathedral. Scaffolding. Old Town Square. Statue of the Holy Crucifix and Calvary on Charles Bridge. Additional shots of statues, buildings, and streets in Prague. (03:50) INT shadow of man cranking the blade of a guillotine up. This scene was shot in the Pancraz prison in Prague postwar. Shadow of blade falling. Man demonstrates guillotine. CU two men in discussion. Man on hands and knees scrubs floor of large hallway with the silhouette of a man pacing in FG. Man sitting in cell with bars on the ...

  16. Rivista illustrata del popolo d'Italia (Milan, Italy) [Magazine]

    Italian magazine issue featuring Hitler's visit to Italy in 1939.