Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 1,021 to 1,040 of 26,870
Country: United States
  1. Prywatne Hebrajskie Koedukacyjne Seminarium Nauczycielskie „Tarbut“ w Wilnie Private Hebrew Teachers Seminary “Tarbut” in Wilno, Poland Privati mišri žydų mokytojų seminarija „Tarbut“ Vilniuje (Fond 222)

    Records of the Private Hebrew Teachers Seminary “Tarbut” in Wilno, Poland. The collection contains minutes of the meetings, examination records, correspondence, personal files of students, applications for admission to the seminary, seminary graduation certificates, some include photos of students, course journals, etc.

  2. Oral history interview with Sherman Ray

  3. Világ [Newspapers]

    Independent liberal daily published immediately after the war. The publication includes many articles related the fate of the Hungarian Jewry and postwar war crimes investigations and trials of war criminals.

  4. Presentation by Ruth Bild Adler

  5. Selected records of the District People's Courts and the Local People's Courts from the State Archive in Košice

    Trial and investigative records of Slovaks and former Hlinka guard members tried in the District People's Courts (Okresný ľudový súd) and the Local People's Courts (Ľudový súd) in Košice and various surrounding municipalities between 1945 and 1948. Includes the trial records of individual Slovaks accused of denouncing their Jewish neighbors, the trial records of regional Hlinka Guard commanders responsible for the deportation of local Jews, as well as the trial records of political defendants. Features survivor and eyewitness testimonies describing the persecution of Jews and crimes committ...

  6. Szilágysomlyó [Newspapers]

    Antisemitic weekly published in a town Szilágysomlyó [Șimleu Silvaniei] in Romania. It includs many articles concerning the measures that had been adopted against the large Jewish community of this town, 1940-1944.

  7. Records of the Escuela Integral Hebreo Uruguaya

    Records of the Escuela Integral Hebreo Uruguaya (Uruguayan Hebrew Comprehensive School). Including are proceedings of the Executive Committee, lists of graduates, general meetings, and lists of active partners.

  8. Maďarský kráľovský policajný kapitanát v Košiciach Hungarian Royal Police Headquarters in Košice

    Administrative records of the Hungarian Royal Police Headquarters in Košice. Includes records pertaining to anti-Jewish regulations and decrees, the persecution, arrest and registration of Slovak Jews, and the Aryanization of Jewish property and businesses.

  9. "Hungarian Minority" Magyar Kisebbség [Newspapers]

    Magyar Kisebbség [Hungarian Minority], a journal published during the interwar period in Southern Transylvania expressing positions of the Hungarian elite towards the Jewish community in Transylvania .

  10. Selected records from the General State Archives in Larissa (GAK Larissa)

    The collection includes archival materials from four record groups: Records of the Court of Appeal of Larissa-Special Court for the Trials of the Local Collaborators in the area of Larissa (Thessaly region) in the former Italian and German Occupation Zones of occupation during WWII. It contains court proceedings and verdicts against local collaborators, who took part in the persecution and killings of civilians during the occupation; Records of Archive of the Court of First Instance of Larissa-Political department (Decisions on Reparations for the victims of the Nazi persecution). It contai...

  11. Eisenhower returns to Washington, DC

    Pathe News. Milestones of the Century. "General Ike Comes Home". Arc de Triomphe. General De Gaulle presents Medal of Liberation to General Dwight Eisenhower. Eisenhower returns home and is welcomed by General Marshall in Washington DC. There is a victory parade down Pennsylvania Avenue. Eisenhower addresses Congress. Eisenhower is decorated by President Truman (3:05) Film ends.

  12. Policja Ochronna w Warszawie. Batalion Szkoleniowy Polizei-Ausbildungsbataillon Schutzpolizei Warschau (GK 720)

    Registers of Hifspolizei officers in Warsaw, Poland

  13. Goperstein family photographs

    The Goperstein family photographs consist of 4 pre-war photographs depicting members of the Goperstein family of Skidel, Russia (later Skidel, Poland, currently Skidel, Belarus). Depictions include David Goperstein in military uniform, Carpel Gopertein and his two sons, Yosef and his wife (unidentified), and two unidentified Goperstein sisters. All members of the Goperstein family depicted in these photographs perished during the Holocaust.

  14. Selected records of the commune Przysucha Akta gminy Przysucha (Sygn. 1130)

    Registers of residents from the following settlements: Gwarek, Drutarnia, Janów, Kozłowiec, Puszcza, Huta, Lipno, Mazniczka, Plebania, Jakubów, Pomyków, Młyny, Hamernia, Topornia, Mechlin, Browarek, the settlement of Przysucha, Zapniów, Gródek, village Przysucha, Zajezierze colony, and index of the displaced persons from Warsaw. These registers include notes about the population returning from Germany and Jews who emigrated to Brazil, Palestine, Argentina, etc. The collection Includes also correspondence and other files of the Commune Office in Przysucha relating to n the judiciary, detenti...

  15. Sevillia and Mevorah families papers

    The collection documents the Holocaust-era history of the Sevillia and Mevorah families of Athens and Komotini, Greece. Documents include pension and medical disability records of Markos Mevorah, identification cards of Markos and his wife Eleonara Mevorah (née Sevillia), and postwar correspondence of Elonara’s brother Elias Sevillia. The bulk of the collection consists of photographs depicting the Mevorah and Sevillia families in Greece before, during, and after the Holocaust.

  16. Wiera Pupko collection

    Documentation, photographs, albums, and correspondence documenting the experiences of Wiera Pupko and her attempts to leave Europe, and ultimately come from Cuba to the United States.

  17. Mossad LeAliyah collection

    Four photo albums (approximately 540 photographs) and a typewritten report document the activity of a representative of the "Mossad LeAliya" (Institute for Immigration) in Iran, Turkey, and Israel in the late 1940s to early 1950s in preparation for bringing Jews to Israel. The information documents an investigative journey from Tehran, Iran, to Haifa, Israel. Includes printed reports: "The Suez Canal of the revolution: outlines of the history of the Communist Movement in Iran,” dated 7.8.1951 (Hebrew); Prisoners of Zion in Eastern European countries, from the establishment of the state to t...

  18. Search Bureau For Missing Persons Album

    Lot 139. Album of personnel. Search bureau for missing persons (May 1946) Search Bureau For Missing Persons, album containing fifty-three original snapshot photographs, each captioned with name and departmental office. Compiled by the Jewish Brigade personnel attached to the Bureau. Dedicated to Col. J.R. Bowring, founder of the Bureau. ff. 24. Original printed stiff wrappers.

  19. David Friedmann research materials

    Contains research materials relating to the artwork of David Friedmann