Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 7,081 to 7,100 of 26,867
Country: United States
  1. Artwork by communist resistance fighter Boris Taslitzky plus catalogue of Vichy exhibition on "Bolshevism"

    The collection consists of reproductions of a series of sketches and other artwork by Communist resistance fighter Boris Taslitzky after he was deported to Buchenwald, and a photo album of a 1942 Paris exhibit on “Bolshevism against Europe.”.

  2. Occupation and liberation of Rome

    Narrated by Ed Herlihy. Title: Universal Newsreel First Pictures of Rome's Capture. German newsreel footage showing Allied prisoners being marched through the streets of Rome during the German occupation. The narrator notes that the ". . . Italians watch quietly. Note the absence of any demonstration." Shots of Kesselring and fighting around Rome. American tanks enter and liberate Rome to cheering crowds: "Now the attitude of the Italian people has changed." People cheer the soldiers and wave American and Italian flags. American General Mark Clark enters the city in a Jeep. American, Italia...

  3. Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Weingarten photograph collection

    Collection of photographs taken in displaced persons camps immediately following the Holocaust; includes images taken in the Landsberg DP camp in Germany, and images of survivors standing near memorials commemorating the Jewish victims of the Holocaust.

  4. Selected records of the Holocaust in Nógrád County, Hungary

    This collection contains three group of records: I: Records of deputy prefect of Nógrád County, 1934-1944 (bulk 1938‒1944); mayor of Salgótarján city (1939‒1944); people's court (no date), and lawsuits (1945‒1946); government commission for "abandoned" properties in Balassagyarmat; commissions of Nógrád-Hont county (1945‒1949) and Salgótarján city (1945); political screening committees of Salgótarján, Szecseny, Nógrád-Hont, and Szirak counties, and of Salgótarján city; orphans court of Nógrád county (1940‒1943) and Nógrád -Hont county (1946‒1948); deputy prefect of Nógrád -Hont county (docu...

  5. Samuel Behar papers

    Two documents including a Turkish passport issued to the Behar family. The Behar family held Turkish citizenship while living in the Netherlands. They were deported to Westerbork transit camp and later to Bergen-Belsen concentration camp in September 1944. In March 1945 the Behar family and 50 other Turkish Jews were released from the camp and shipped to Istanbul, Turkey. The collection also includes a food ration book issued to the Behar family in Holland in 1946 upon their return.

  6. Memorial service for victims of Lidice; German troops leave Holland; Threat of plague in Germany

    Welt im Film. Issue no. 10 (part) Title: In Memory of Lidice. A large crowd of people, many of whom are weeping, at a memorial service for the victims of Lidice. The narrator provides the story of the Lidice massacre: the Germans destroyed the town of Lidice and killed most of the inhabitants in reprisal for the assasination of Reinhard Heydrich in June, 1942. Czech president Edvard Benes walks in a procession. Shots of many wreaths and flags at half-mast. 01:10:08 Title: German Troops Leave Holland. German troops on a ship and on land as they leave Holland to return to Germany. Dutch citiz...

  7. Black family collection

    Consists of a postcards of pre-war Kovno (Kaunas), Lithuania, which were sent by Benzion Joseph Black to Ruth (Rachel) Saiger Black around 1909. Also includes numerous studio portraits of the Black family as well as other Jewish youth in Kovno between 1900-1912.

  8. Sgt. Keith Bryan photographs

    Consists of 11 photographs taken by Sgt. Keith Bryan, a member of the 348th Engineer Combat Battalion, of the liberation of the Woebbelin concentration camp in Ludwigslust, Germany.

  9. Suzanne Weil collection

    Collection of photographs and documents pertaining to Suzanne Weil's pre-war and wartime experiences in Slovakia and Hungary. Ms. Weil [donor] was in hiding in the countryside in Slovakia using a false identity and in 1944 escaped to Budapest where she was sent to Bergen Belsen on the Kasztner transport. Included is a pre-war photo album which belonged to Jan Weil, a photocopy of a list of Kasztner Train passengers, photocopy of a report of testimony of one of Kasztner's witnesses, daily report of what happened in Bergen Belsen (in Hungarian) by Eugene Kolb, and a photocopy of "accusations"...

  10. Various touristic views of Nazi Germany

    COLOR. Outdoor café with red awnings. Airplane at airfield, hangar, swastika on tail. Shots of a small town built into the mountains. Sign for a guesthouse, "Gasthaus Braeuerei...Phillipp Sturdorf". Pan up to a castle overlooking the town, probably Lahneck Castle. Large Nazi flag hanging from "Hotel Turm". Another view of the castle. Narrow streets, corridors. Mountains. Aerial views of the riverside, vineyards, "Die Pfalz" - a fortified castle on a tiny island in the middle of the Rhine River. Rooftops, bridge. View from hilltop. A pontoon bridge, 1 section floating separate from the rest....

  11. Ray Kaner collection

    The collection includes four notebooks and loose pages by written by Rachela Bryk, survivor of Łódź ghetto, Auschwitz, and Bergen-Belsen, immediately after the war. In the diary she recalls events from her past and records incidents and feelings related to her state post liberation, dated July 1945 to spring 1946. Photographs depict Rachela Bryk's family before the war and after the war in a DP camp in Germany, dated 1945-1946.

  12. Joshua Cohen collection

    Notes pertaining to course on "Emergency Medicine and Surgery & First Aid" written by Dr. Joshua Cohen [donor] in France, where he was stationed before embarking on the "Exodus 1947" as the ship's doctor.

  13. Dora Fischbein Cohn photographs

    Consists of 21 pre-war, wartime, and post-war photographs of Dora Fischbein and her family. Dora Fischbein was born in 1936 and spent most of the war hiding as Haneczka Holowiecka with the Koszarski family. Her parents, Osias and Feiga were able to visit her in hiding a few times, and after liberation the family was reunited and emigrated to Venezuela in 1949.

  14. Col. John Christopher Bechtler photographs

    Consists of 33 photographs from the collection of Col. John Christopher Bechtler. Includes photographs taken upon the liberation of the Buchenwald concentration camp as well as photographs taken from a German soldier and photographs described as taken in the Eastern front. The photographs taken from a German soldier includes photographs of the hanging of men wearing signs accusing them of anti-German partisan activities.

  15. Paul R. Brown collection

    Collection of photographs of unidentified camp. Acquired by Paul Richard Brown (donor's father) while serving with the US Army in Europe during WWII.

  16. Sheva Vapne collection

    Consists of documents and photographs related to the Holocaust experiences of the family of Sheva Latvinsky Vapne, originally of Riga, Latvia. Includes a copy of a pre-war photograph of the Latvinsky family and an English-language copy of a diary, written by Sheyna Gram (cousin of the Latvinskys) from June 22, 1941 until her death on August 8, 1941, entitled "The Anna Frank from the Latvian Little Town of Preili." Also includes copies of photographs showing a memorial in remembrance of the Jews of Preili and a print-out recording the deaths of Sheva's brothers, Leizer and Abram, who died fi...

  17. Nordhausen liberation photographs

    Collection of photographs documenting the Nordhausen concentration camp immediately following liberation; dated April 1945. Acquired by Captain Donald Shonk Morris, a medical officer with Company D, 329th Medical Battalion, 104th US Infantry Division, who liberated Nordhausen on April 12, 1945.

  18. Armband handstitched with a red cross and Star of David by a concentration camp inmate and nurse

    Armband worn by Annie Rose Levine while she was imprisoned in Auschwitz concentration camp. In June 1942, Annie, her husband, Benjamin, and their 4 children were deported by the Germans from Sered, Czechoslovakia, (Slovakia) to Auschwitz. In September, Benjamin was beaten to death by camp guards for saying the Kaddish over a dead bunk mate. In 1943, Annie began working as a nurse in the camp hospital. An SS section leader made her his private nurse. One day, he asked her to get a paper from a box beneath his bed. Also in the box was her husband’s wedding ring. That day, Annie secretly stitc...

  19. Moses Kirschner collection

    Certificate: laminated, issued to Moses Kirschner (donor's father) by the International Information Office Dachau; states that he was "detained in Dachau" from July 15, 1944 until April 29, 1945, and was assigned prisoner number 81204; photograph of bear attached; issued May 14, 1946.

  20. Unger family visits their Jewish relatives in a Polish village

    A young boy, Sy Unger, wrestles and kicks a dog in a field. Kalman Unger (man with a long beard) walks throughout the village. CU of the brick house the Ungers live in, a source of pride in a town where most houses are made of mud. Camera pans over the small town of Niebylec, Poland. Cows are led past the camera. A small boy (cousin) slides down a little hill barefoot. Kalman's second wife walks by the camera in a kerchief. A well dressed man pumps water from a well. People sit together on a bench. Sy performs tricks with an umbrella for the camera. A child rocks on a swing in a park in the...