Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 6,961 to 6,980 of 26,867
Country: United States
  1. Clip from the propaganda film about the 1934 Reich Party Day

    An aerial shot of the Luitpold Arena shows three men walking between rows and rows of men standing in formation. They are walking in the direction of the Hall of Honor. A slow panning shot from behind the columns at the front shows a band playing and reveals the three men to be Hitler, Himmler, and Viktor Lutze, who took over as top SA man after the murder of Ernst Roehm. They stop before a huge wreath in front of the memorial, which served the Nazis as a memorial to those Nazis who died in the Beer Hall Putsch.

  2. German soldiers visit a coal mine

    German soldiers tour a coal mine in the Ruhr. They pass a sign that reads "VII Sohle 609m" and watch a worker drilling coal. More shots of the extraction of coal. The coal is removed from the mine on small rail cars. The next scenes show an oil processing plant under construction and soldiers with drums and cans of oil/gas. This image fades into the image of tanks. Shots of a seaplane taking off on a patrol of the North Sea, with a dog perched atop one of the floats. Interior shots show the crew drinking some kind of beverage and the pilot at the wheel. The plane flies over a British ship b...

  3. Elliott S. Mandelman collection

    Contains correspondence written from family members in the Warsaw Ghetto, Sanok, and Przemyśl, Poland to Murray and Rose Sobel Mandelman (donor's parents) who were able to escape to the United State. Also includes one piece of scrip from the Łódź ghetto.

  4. Anti-Bolshevist rally in Riga

    Column of civilians march down the street carrying a swastika flag and a Latvian flag. Crowds in the street. Two signs indicate distances to St. Petersburg and Reval. CU anti-Bolshevist leaflets are handed out. HAS of a huge crowd gathered to protest against Bolshevism. The camera cuts between a speaker on a podium to the crowd.

  5. Schermeister girls play in the yard

    The three Schermeister girls, Lis (donor's mother; eldest of the three), Jeanne, and Inge play with their parents, Edith and Bernhard, in the yard at their vacation home in Snekkersten. The girls are a few years older now.

  6. Monsieur Patrick Borensztajn collection

    Contains two form letters written by a woman in the Malines (Mechelen) internment camp in Belgium to Louis de Kort (donor's step-grandfather), requesting food to be sent to her; dated 1941 and 1943.

  7. World War I veterans parade in the Saarland

    MS, multiple takes of men and women gathered around a tour bus (picture quality is poor), a man sells souvenirs (this could be another day-trip taken by the WWI veterans from the 172nd Regiment from Duisburg). Side view of Weidemann and his wife at a cafe table. The tour makes a short stop in Trier for repairs. Roll call in a field in Saarlouis, Germany. Bundesfuehrer Vorwald and other officials are greeted (after the Saar was reintegrated into the German Reich in 1935). Vorwald raises the regiment flag, then raises his arm before a large crowd, also heiling. Parading in Saarlouis with swas...

  8. Trial of Bernard Natan

    Scenes from the 1939 fraud trial of Bernard Natan, who took over Pathe in 1929. Natan is shown in the dock trying to hide from the cameras, first with a newspaper over his head and then with his hands. Natan, a Romanian-born Jew who became a French citizen, was convicted of fraud and sent to prison. He was released in 1942 and sent to Auschwitz, where he died.

  9. Himmler reviews Mohammaden SS volunteers

    Heinrich Himmler reviews Mohammaden (Muslim) SS volunteers. These are most likely members of the 13th Waffen SS Handzar Division. The recruits wear fez hats and carry rifles over their shoulders. Himmler is accompanied by a man wearing dark glasses, possibly Karl-Gustav Sauberzweig, the German commander of the 13th Division. The men, now wearing helmets, perform a shooting exercise for Himmler. Himmler departs in an open car.

  10. Annexation of Austria; Allies protect Czechoslovakia and further German advance

    The News Parade newsreel footage of events surrounding the German annexation of Austria in March 1938. Various shots of military fighting and smoke. Chancellor von Schuschnigg greets Austrians and speaks from a podium. German troops marching over the border and into the streets of Vienna. Crowd/parade sequences, motorcades, several shots of crowds engaged in Nazi salute. Hitler's arrival. Shop signs in BG: Kastner, Wagons-Lits / Cook, Mercedes. HAS, crowds on plaza, military planes flying above, Austrians heil in support, Nazi troops in armored vehicles. Hitler exits car to walk in street. ...

  11. Vosskamp family vacations in Schieder, Germany

    Title card: "Ferienaufenthalt 1936 in Schieder/Lippe Rosenhof" [Holidays in Schieder/Lippe, 1936 Rosenhof]. A group of children and their mothers lounge about outside in lawn chairs. Several children play on a seesaw simultaneously. The children play at the pond with an older teenager. Alfred Vosskamp (the boy) walks out over the pond on a narrow plank. The children fish. Johannes Vosskamp walks out onto the plank to play with the children. More of the children at play on holiday. 01:05:16 The children gather for Ring-Around-the-Rosie, holding hands and dancing in a circle. They get into a ...

  12. Propaganda film about Jewish emigres in the British army

    Title on screen: "Into Battle No. 1: Lift Your Head Comrade" British propaganda film. British soldiers march up to a building and are called to attention. Their sergeant attempts to call the roll but stumbles over the foreign names and orders one of the soldiers to do it for him. As the soldier reads the foreign names, the camera pans over to the commanding officer, who explains that this company is almost entirely composed of anti-fascists from Austria and Germany. The officer says that for these men the war started in 1933 when Hitler came to power. Interior of an office. The CO pulls an ...

  13. Daily flight between Moscow and Berlin

    An Aeroflot Douglas DC-3 lands at Tempelhof airport in Berlin. The German and Soviet governments have initiated daily flights between Moscow and Berlin. The plane lands on a snow-covered runway. Shot of the Russian writing on the plane's nose and a hammer and sickle graphic on its body. Passengers, including Soviet and German officials, get off the plane and stand on the tarmac.

  14. Hanna washes her uncle's hands and eats nuts

    Hanna with a hat uses an outdoor water spout to wash her uncle Georg's hands. She gathers and cracks nuts, and eventually sits in a wash tub, eating them.

  15. Biederman family collection

    Documents, correspondence, and photographs concerning the Biederman family, including information about Herbert Biederman and his parents, Max and Johanna, who were all able to immigrate to the United States.

  16. Girls push miniature baby carriages; Hanna plays with a doll

    Children, more heavily dressed, are at some paved area with wooden beams in the background (a playground?). They play with baby carriages, racing them and attempting to chase down a preteen girl (maybe cousin Magda). Hanna plays with baby dolls indoors.

  17. Ceremony honoring men who murdered Walther Rathenau

    Group of young men and women sitting on a hillside. The scene switches to show women and uniformed men sitting in a beer garden. In both scenes the women wear matching dresses. Uniformed men march down a road. SA men walk toward the camera carrying flower wreaths. The occasion is the dedication of a plaque honoring Erwin Kern and Hermann Fischer for the murder in 1922 of Walther Rathenau, who was the German Foreign Minister during the Weimar Republic and a Jew. SS men stand at attention. One man holds a standard that indicates his unit is from Kassel. CU of the wreath and the grave of Kern ...

  18. Children play on a teeter-totter

    Hanna with braids on teeter-totter. Hanna, Thomas, and Babeta play on it.

  19. Meinberg family collection

    Contains a photograph of Walter Meinberg (donor's father) in the German Army during World War I, dated 1915; a driver's license issued to Walter Meinberg February 15, 1921, in Braunschweig, German; and a document dated November 9, 1938 from the German Oberfinanzpraesident to the customs office allowing the Meinbergs to take belongings abroad.

  20. Vosskamp family takes a summer holiday near Offenburg

    The Vosskamp family plays outside on a summer holiday. A man pushes a woman and child on a tree swing; others swim. Children dig in a sandbox. Three of the family members (Johannes's brother in Lederhoesen?) go hiking in the hills. They come across an old lady with whom they stop and chat. Waterfalls. The children climb up a tower lookout, their father Johannes Vosskamp joins them. The family visits old stone ruins, picks berries, and breaks for lunch. They then walk about town, observe the rail station at Offenburg, go to a swimming pool, and play in the sandbox some more. 01:09:35 Quick b...