Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 6,921 to 6,940 of 26,867
Country: United States
  1. German invasion of Denmark

    UFA logo onscreen. The narration says that the German protection of Denmark is now consolidated. Shots of a bridge linking Jutland to Funen, built by German engineers. Panning shot of crowds of people lining the dock as a ship moves past. HAS of crowds of bicyclists and pedestrians in the street. German soldiers and armaments are unloaded from a German ship (Nazi flag visible flying from ship). The dock is crowded with people. King Christian X takes his daily horseback ride, saluted by both Danish civilians and a German soldier. German military commander Generalleutnant Leonhard Kaupisch sp...

  2. Vosskamp and friends visit Hamburg by boat

    Boat tour on a lake or river bordered by hills and mountains. Scenic views of the towns and homes that line the shore. 01:10:00 Johannes Vosskamp looks into binoculars. Boat name "Derindje". Closer views of people on board the boat, some with life jackets. View of a city from the harbor. HAS of the docks and of a large crowd with a couple embracing in the center. The boat returns to the water, passengers cover their shoulders with blankets. 01:12:21 A couple of SA soldiers walk about on the streets of Hamburg. A child approaches a dwarfed man selling souvenirs. More passengers deboard the b...

  3. Anti-Jewish sign and Le Juif Suess marquee in Paris

    Men fish off the quay in Paris with a view of Notre Dame in the background. A large group of German officers walk down the street. They salute the tomb of the unknown soldier and look up at the Arc de Triomphe. View of a building with a sign reading Kommandant der Stadt Paris. Soldiers go in and out of the building. A German soldier buys a newspaper from a Frenchwoman. Street signs pointing to Verdun, Compiegne and Amiens. German soldiers consult a street map. 02:21:44 A sign in a window in German and French indicates that the stores is a Jewish business (Juedisches Geschaeft; Entreprise Ju...

  4. Volkssturm defends territory

    Map of the Eastern Front, indicating Warsaw, Breslau, Kattowitz, Litzmannstadt, and other locations. German soldiers on the Eastern Front in deep blowing snow. Low aerial shot of German soldiers in East Prussia. German and Soviet ships in battle on the Baltic Sea. Scenes from the defense of Breslau: CU of a notice from the City Commandant, Krause, ordering all men, women, and children over the age of ten to help in the defense of the city. A man puts up a poster which encourages people to use antitank weapons (Panzerfaust) against the enemy. Shot of men holding antitank weapons. CU of armba...

  5. Duisburg Nazi Party members go to Nuremberg for Reichs Party Day

    Title: "Mit der Ortsgruppe Duisburg-Süd zum Reichsparteitag Nürnberg 1935". Second title reads: "Schmalfilmaufnahmen von Hans Vosskamp" Nazi Party members from Duisburg-South go to Nuremberg for the 1935 Reichs Party Day. The men, dressed in uniform, gather on the platform in a train station (Duisburg?), in good spirits, conversing, purchasing refreshments from a vendor, smoking. 01:01:46 Brief shot of a cameraman. Men with packs march past the camera. View of the passing German countryside from the train window. Marching band parades in Fuerth, a few spectators line the streets. LS, buildi...

  6. Postwar Berlin and U.S. airlift; Truman re-elected President

    A Castle Films showcase of news events for the year 1948 with English titles: "West's worst floods! Thousands made homeless when swollen Columbia River inundates vast territory!" "Raging torrents devastate Canada's Fraser Valley." "Florida lashed as tropical hurricane roars in from Caribbean!" "Holland's new queen. Wilhelmina, after 50 years of kindly rule, abdicates in favor of her daughter Juliana." "All Amsterdam cheers the new Queen and her Prince Consort Bernhard" 01:01:59 "Berlin crisis! World is tense as Russia and Western Powers test strength." Troops at airfield, planes in flight. ...

  7. Thames River, postwar

    Outtakes from the RKO feature film "Berlin Express," an anti-Nazi film about the search for a German emigrant turned US secret service who fights a conspiracy of Nazis in postwar Germany. This reel contains location shots in London and Paris. "Thames River / Water Gypsys [sic]" Views of the river, boathouses, workers operating the locks. Various views of the boats at harborside. Boaters unload ship contents and move the boats around in the river beside a warehouse. (mostly black and white, the first few seconds appear in color)

  8. Booklet

    Handwritten booklet created and used to count the Omer (the 49 days between Passover and Shavuot).

  9. Baby grows up with Schur family in prewar Vienna

    In winter, mother pushes baby carriage and toddler walks alongside. Sequences of developing baby as she is bathed, stretched, plays on tummy, smiles, cries, sits in the grass, plays with a rattle. Some damage to image from 01:28:38 to 01:28:47. Baby sits in the grass. Peter on a toy car. 01:28:56 The entire family sits down for a portrait, the image is very dark and nearly indistinguishable.

  10. Clips from the propaganda film about the 1934 Reich Party Day

    01:04:00 to 01:05:27 Clips of party leaders giving speeches. There are a few different clips but they are cataloged here as one clip. The name of the party leader appears on the screen, followed by an excerpt from each man's speech. The following leaders speak: Fritz Reinhardt, Robert Ley, Joseph Goebbels, Konstantin Hierl. 01:05:30 to 01:05:44 Brief CUs of men from the Reichsarbeitsdienst (Reich Labor Service) who are lined up in formation in front of Hitler at the Nuremberg rally grounds. This clip cuts off the first part of the scene, in which one of the RAD men asks another, "Woher stam...

  11. Anna Mednik collection

    Contains a letter, dated August 17, 1941, written by Shmul Munia Taborinsky (Anna Mednik’s great grandfather) who in June 1941, after the German invasion of the USSR, volunteered to serve in the Soviet Army at the age of 57. In his letter he described his duties in the transport company and expressed his deep feelings of love for his wife Berta and children: Ida, Sonia and Lisa, all residing in Leningrad. The collection also contains a photograph of Ida (born May 29, 1929 ) and Sofiya Taborinsky (Anna Mednik's grandmother and great aunt), taken in early June 1941 in Leningrad, a few months ...

  12. Hanna playing at the gate in prewar Olomouc

    Hanna in pig tails is playing on a gate with a very tall man. CUs. He climbs over the gate after she is done swinging on it. He leaps over it with relative ease.

  13. Franco speaks in Madrid

    Ufa logo onscreen. Franco arrives by car outside the Consejo Nacional building, with Moroccan cavalry guards in the background. Franco enters the building, accompanied by other officials, and makes a speech, some of which is heard in the original Spanish.

  14. "A Long Road Home: The Life and Times of Grisha Sklovsky, 1915-1995"

    Consists of one manuscript, in print and on CD-ROM, entitled "A Long Road Home: The Life and Times of Grisha Sklovsky, 1915-1995", written by John Nicholson in 2007. Mr. Sklovksy was born in Siberia, but following the Russian Revolution, his family moved to Berlin, where he attended school. In 1934, Mr. Sklovsky moved to France and studied at the University of Lyon. In October 1939, he joined the Czech Brigade and spent the war fighting with the British Army, while his mother, Chaja Sklovsky, was deported from Drancy in 1942 and perished in the Holocaust. In 1947, Mr. Sklovsky immigrated to...

  15. Exhibition about German culture

    CU on poster advertising an exhibition about Germanic culture (Germaansch Erfgoed) in the Palais des Beaux Arts in Brussels from July 8 - 30, 1944. Interior shots of crowded exhibition space featuring early tools, jewelry, and model houses. CUs on some of the artifacts. Drawings of Viking ships.

  16. Felix and Fela Korona photographs

    Consists of family photographs from the collection of Felix and Fela Fajerman Korona. Felix Korona, originally from Wodzislaw, and Fela Fajerman Korona, originally from Zawiercie, married in Sosnowiec in 1936. In 1939, the couple escaped east and were evacuated in 1940 into the Ural Mountains. They spent the war mainly in labor camps and in prison in Siberia. They returned to Poland after the war and immigrated to Israel in 1950. Includes pre-war family photographs, including a photograph of Fela Korona's cousin, Dawid Rzepkowicz, who was a physician in the Anders Army.

  17. Pre-war Jewish newspapers from the Ivano-Frankivsk State Archive

    Consists of of Jewish newspapers published in Eastern Europe just before the beginning of World War II. Newspapers are in Yiddish and Polish. The collection contains the following titles: “Di Woch,” “Slowo,” “Selbstschutz,” “Unser Weg'”“Volksblat,” “Das Wort,” and “Di Najes.”.

  18. Gerede, Turkish Ambassador, at Reichs Chancellery

    A car arrives in the interior courtyard of the Reichs Chancellery and the new Turkish ambassador in Berlin, Ambassador Husrev Gerede, gets out of the car. The narration says that he will be received by Hitler but this meeting is not shown. Gerede greets two officials on the steps of the Chancellery and enters the building. Very dark interior shot of the building. Gerede emerges from the Chancellery and shakes hands with Nazi officials before departing. Shot of SS men with rifles standing at attention. Another brief shot of Gerede getting into his car.

  19. Children play outdoors in prewar Poland

    Forest scene in early autumn. The kids run around. Hanna is carried on both parents' shoulders for a time. They walk along paths in Jaremcze, Thomas is carried too. They sit, and Hanna is given something to drink. Cut to the two children helping each other into long fur coats (also donated to the Museum). The children play with the wagon, Thomas pulls Hanna.

  20. Invasion of Poland

    Funeral in Gdansk of Gauleiter Joseph Wessel, who was shot by a "Polish gang," followed by footage of ethnic German refugees fleeing alleged persecution by the Poles. CUs of women and blond children with tear-stained faces. Extreme CU of an older man wearing glasses and an older woman in a head scarf. Burning houses supposedly set on fire by the Poles. The newsreel cuts off abruptly.