Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 6,621 to 6,640 of 26,867
Country: United States
  1. Six clips from an anti-Jewish Nazi propaganda film, Jud Süß

    01:08:59 to 01:09:29 Opening credits: Eight candles burn in front of a Star of David, then the title of the film and the name of the director, Veit Harlan, appears, among other credits. A man's voice singing a Hebrew prayer accompanies the credits. 01:09:32 to 01:09:44 The coach carrying the newly coronated Duke of the Duchy of Wuerttemberg, Karl Alexander, drives through the festively decorated town of Stuttgart. The Duke waves to crowds of well-wishers. The year is 1733. 01:09:47 to 01:10:04 The Jewish district in Frankfurt, where Joseph Suess Oppenheimer lives. Two Jews, an old man and a...

  2. Lieberman family travels by horse and buggy; children play on a teeter-totter

    The entire family gathers into a horse-drawn carriage and travels along a road, probably in Jaremcze or Stanislawow. The background is very dark, but appears to be fields. Scene shifts to Hanna (much older now) playing in a woodpile, trying to create a teeter-totter with some other children.

  3. Liberation of Italy; wedding at liberated concentration camp

    CU of Italian General Badoglio and American General Mason-MacFarlane. The narration says this indicates the Italians "eventually may fight on our side." Allied planes fly over the volcanic island of Stromboli on their way to bomb targets near Naples. Locals welcome Allied soldiers into a town. Former prisoners walk through the gate of a concentration camp, under a sign that reads Campo di Concentramento. Some of the men wear yarmulkes and the narrator mentions that the inmates were "Jews, anti-fascists, Albanians and Yugoslavs." Representatives of the Allied military government (AMGOT) dist...

  4. Children bathe and play in the yard of their vacation home in prewar Poland

    Thomas and Hanna prepare for a bath, sitting in the nude and playing in the grass. They play with lawnchairs, "driving" them. An older, clothed girl (probably cousin Magda) plays with them.

  5. Tulman family collection

    Contains a photographic postcard with an image of a drawing created in Gurs internment camp of Hella Bacmeister and Victor David Tulman (donor's parents), circa 1942-1943.

  6. Playing in the garden in prewar Poland

    Hanna, in flowered coveralls, is walking about this wooded area in Knihinin playing with a slightly older girl.

  7. Children play with bunnies in prewar Vienna

    Peter Schur rides down the street on his scooter, which seems more his size now. He cuts paper, then boils an egg. People come over with a basket, followed by scenes outdoors with a plate of eggs, and then shots of rabbits (perhaps this is Easter?). The kids play with the rabbits.

  8. Hanna dances at a folk festival in Olomouc and then boards a train to return home to Poland

    A large, traditional German festival in Olmuetz with many couples dancing. Hanna dances on her own on a path with woods behind her. Hanna and her mother Ella board a PKP train with sign: "Stanislawow-Woronienka." They look out from the train window and say their goodbyes to family in the station.

  9. Mendel and Helen Polak papers

    Collection of documents, photographs and correspondence relating to the Fuchs and Polak families of Wulchovce (Vilkovtsy), 133 km WSW of Chernowitz, and Solotvina, 157 km WSW of Chernowitz. Helene Fuchs and her sisters Sara and Rachel were taken to Kolomyja ghetto in August 1941; in April 1943 they were taken to Munkac labor camp, and in April 1944 they were deported to Auschwitz-Birkenau. In October 1944 they were transferred to Gelsenkirchen, and later to Sommerda, both subcamps of Buchenwald. The Fuchs sisters were liberated after a death march. Helen met Mendel in her hometown and the t...

  10. Aryanization

    An advertisement for the cigar and tobacco makers Walter E. Beyer, formerly Loesser and Wolff. Loeser and Wolff was a successful Jewish-owned business that was Aryanized. The advertisement shows an irate man who wants to know why everyone in the firm is in a meeting. The man gets more and more upset until a woman comes out of the office. The irate man asks her whether he is actually at the firm of Loeser and Wolff and the woman and the man at the desk address the camera and say that Loeser and Wolff is now Walter E. Beyer. An old photo of Loeser and Wolff fades into a new photo of the shop ...

  11. Propaganda Kompanie members in training

    Shot of a sign on a door which reads "Nicht stoeren Unterricht" (do not disturb: lecture). A uniformed man speaks while standing in front of many broadsheet newspapers posted on the wall. Uniformed Propaganda Kompanie (PK) reporters at work in the field: a man lying on the ground outdoors takes notes; a man sitting on the running board of a car uses a typewriter. Returning to the man from the first scene, he is now standing in front of several maps as he lectures to a class (dark interior shot). A bald man makes a show of typing badly and with great effort. In a stenography and writing clas...

  12. Lieberman family celebrates Benedikt's 35th birthday on the terrace, prewar Poland

    Grandfathers Gidon Brecher, Filip Lieberman, and Natan Sperber help Thomas take a few steps. Gidon holds baby Hanna in his arms; the three men assist Hanna as she attempts to walk. Benedikt celebrates his 35th birthday with a bottle of wine, everyone in the family lines up to shake his hand. Some hugs are in order. 01:05:08 The cameraman hugs Benedikt.

  13. German occupation of Jersey and Guernsey

    Scenes from the German occupation of Jersey and Guernsey. The narration does not specify which island is being shown. A Nazi flag flies over the former headquarters of the Royal Air Force on either Jersey or Guernsey. Scenic shots of the town followed by a shot of a car pulling up outside the office of the German commander. An English policeman gets out of the car and opens the door for two German officers, who enter the headquarters building. Street scenes featuring shops and a double-decker bus. German soldiers walk down the street and talk with the English policeman from the earlier scen...

  14. Goebbels' Total War speech

    List of PK cameramen. Wide shot of the huge crowd in the Berlin Sportpalast gathered to hear Goebbels' Total War speech. In the speech, Goebbels made repeated reference to the Jews and the danger they supposedly pose for Germany and Europe, but none of this language appears in the newsreel version of the speech. The first part of the newsreel has a voiceover that summarizes what Goebbels says, over shots of people in the crowd listening intently and cheering enthusiastically. Excerpts from the narration include (not a word-for-word translation): The Wehrmacht serves as the only protection f...

  15. Anton Mussert gives a speech

    A gathering of Nationaal-Socialistische Beweging (NSB) members in the outdoor amphitheater in the Rotspark in Valkenburg. The stands are crowded with men and women. Anton Mussert, leader of the NSB, enters the amphitheater while the whole crowd salutes him. Flags are marched to the front of the amphitheater. Mussert walks to the podium to give a speech. IWM translation of the voiceover narration: Mussert stated that "Europe must remain the cultural centre of the world. We National Socialists do not hang our heads. To fight for fortunate Netherlands in a fortunate Europe remains our duty and...

  16. German, Japanese and Soviet officers watch military exercises

    A large group of German officers and military attachés from countries including Japan and the USSR watch German army exercises taking place in heavy snow. LS of German soldiers running through the snow with the sound of gunfire. A German officer points out features on a map. Closer views of soldiers in action. (Site is Doeberitz outside Berlin.)

  17. Soviet POWs with propagandistic commentary

    Shots of German troops crossing a river (the Dnieper?). Columns of Soviet POWS, then close-ups of some of the prisoners' faces. The narrator says that this is just a small sample of the Bolshevist Untermenschen who, at the order of Stalin, are overrunning Europe.

  18. Edwarda Powidzki collection

    Correspondence, photographs, and writings that illustrate the experiences of Edwarda Stopczynska (donor), a non-Jewish Pole, during the Holocaust in Poland. The collection includes letters sent from Edwarda and her maternal uncle, Stefan Dembski, who was arrested with Edwarda and interrogated in Auschwitz for their political activities, to their mother and sister, Stanisława Chentkowska, in Ząbkowice, Poland. Also includes a 1943 calendar clandestinely taken and inscribed by Edwarda; documents issued to Stanisława and post-war to Edwarda; notes written by and to Edwarda from people interned...

  19. Mignon Langnas papers

    Contains postcards received by Mignon Langnas (donor's mother), a Jewish nurse in Vienna, from Viennese Jews that had been deported to the Theresienstadt concentration camp; the majority of the correspondence consists of inscriptions written on pre-printed postcards stating that the writer received packages sent by Mignon. Mignon remained in Vienna and sent packages to over thirty families interned in Theresienstadt, the majority of whom were ultimately deported to the Auschwitz concentration camp where they are assumed to have perished. Mignon was liberated in Vienna and ultimately immigra...

  20. Hanna and Thomas play in the snow; Hanna and Babeta swing in a hammock

    Hanna and Thomas run along a path in the snow. Scene shifts to the summertime, with Hanna and Babeta swinging in a hammock.