Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 3,741 to 3,760 of 26,870
Country: United States
  1. Selected records of the Końskie Town Akta miasta Końskie (Sygn. 519)

    Minutes, correspondence, statistics, organizational files, lists of war damages, as well as records related to matters of social welfare, insurance, and the like. Files of the City Council, 1918-1939 relate to the election to the City Council, sessions of the council, budget commission, taxes, social welfare, emigration, industry, migration; included are books of permanent inhabitants. Files of the City Board, 1939-1945 refer to matters of property, finances, road and construction works (“Baudienst”) and taxes. Included are also lists of German and Jewish inhabitants who survived, announcem...

  2. Documentary portrait of Karl Hermann Frank

    Ttitles: “STATNI PUJCOVNA, UVADI KRATKY FILM.” “Frank mezi nami” Credits. The city of Karlovy Vary (Carlsbad) after the war. The Mill Colonnade. Teplá River running through the city. Portrait of Karl Hermann Frank's father, Heinrich, a teacher; his wife and children (Ernst, Walter, Karl). A German school certificate for KHF, “K.k. Franz Josef Staats Gymnasium in Karlsbad. Reifezeugnis” showing his grades, classes, and teachers, dated “28. Juni. 1918.” ECU of KHF in the 1920s. Another certificate in Czech regarding his job as a provisional assistant with official stamp and signature. Nazism ...

  3. Selected records related to the history of the Jewish community of Plovdiv

    Records of the Jewish Community in Plovdiv, Bulgaria: files on inspections of the Plovdiv district school; correspondence with the Police Directorate and rural municipal governments in the county; mutual and voluntary exodus of Greeks, Turks, Vlachs and Jews, deserters in the Romanian and Turkish army; annual and monthly reports on the status and activities of the administrative office at the Regional Police Department, Plovdiv in 1941-1944; files of the Jewish companies in Plovdiv; commercial cases for bankruptcy; confidential correspondence with the Council of Ministers-sector "Civil and ...

  4. German home movies; soldiers touring France

    Paris, Merchants on the Seine, church, soldiers for group photo, (thereafter about 90 seconds of commercial film that the filmmaker bought in Paris at the time).10:02:12 soldiers in a cafe, nurse, everyday life. 10:03:34 Haus: "General of the Air Force. Paris “, everyday life. 10:04:11 Paris at night, bars, variety shows, 10:13:04 guest performance Herbert von Karajan / Staatsoper Berlin. 10:14:08 Eiffel Tower, German soldiers, Karajan conducts. 10:16:04 Flight over France, Mont St. Michel, car trip. 10:20:31 color: Mont St. Michel,. 10:23:56 Railway, soldiers in St. Michel. Coffee table. 1...

  5. Cookbook

  6. Kuehne and Mehl families photo album

    Contains a photograph album that belonged to Oskar and Adele Kuehne and their daughter Herta (later Harriet Mehl-Rottenberg), and Michael and Esther Mehl and their children Isadore and Walter, who all fled Nazi-occupied Vienna, Austria. Herta and Isadore married in the United States.

  7. Goering visits small towns in Austria

    Marketplace of Tamsweg in Lungau, Austria. Göring walks through rows of proud women saluting him. He smiles at them and nods his head. Standing amongst the crowd is a mascot in traditional German costume with a very large head, wearing a dirndl - Goliath. Nazi flags. Göring chatting with people, in front of a banner that reads “Hermann Göring-Straße.” Crowds stand in a square in front of a building decorated with garlands and long Nazi banners. The building has two large initials on its façade as well, “H.G.” People watch as a very tall doll-like German figure spins in circles in the square...

  8. Nazi parade in Berlin

    Nazi party flags hanging from the side of a building along the Pariser Platz in Berlin. Crowd. People lineup, awaiting the parade. More Nazi flags. Pan up to sky and back to more flags and spectators standing. A colonnade has been erected in the middle of the street. This is Unter den Linden, a boulevard in Berlin. Swastikas top the first two columns. 10:01:42 The Brandenburg Gate, with people lining up in preparation for the parade. Huge crowds move through the square. Cars drive through the gate, spectators wave. CU of the car passengers. Luftwaffe planes fly in formation overhead. More p...

  9. French Campaign

    Battle of France, Count Edmund von Rothkirch

  10. Shulamit Klebanov papers

    Correspondence received by Shulamit Klebanov, while she was working on behalf of the Jewish Agency, providing assistance to Holocaust survivors in displaced persons camps in Europe following World War II. Most of the letters are from fellow aid workers, describing their work with Holocaust survivors and vocational courses offered to them by ORT.

  11. Dr. John D. Singer correspondence

    The Dr. John D. Singer correspondence consists of letters sent from John D. Singer, M.D., during the period when he served in Europe with the United States Army, Third Army, 773rd Tank Destroyer Battalion, as a surgeon and commanding medical officer, 1944-1945. The letters, addressed to his wife Genise in Illinois, describe various experiences, including the first post-liberation Jewish new year's celebration at a synagogue in Nancy, France, in September 1944; and his experiences visiting and working as a doctor at the newly-liberated camp of Buchenwald in April 1945. Collection also contai...

  12. Travel to Hamburg, England, USA; Tennis match; Trier

    Agfa. "England-Reise August 28-Sept 3, 1934" Trip: Hamburg; England; New York; Washington DC; etc. 01:30:42 - 01:33:29 Oberammergau (?), Gasthof Alte Post 01:37:58 - 01:38:58 Tennis match in Plettenberg, Magda Goebbels fashion. 01:42:36 - 01:43:35 Border bridge over the Saur near Trier / Luxemburg, Trier

  13. Russian campaign 1942 Tank forces 7./Pz.6

    Tank forces 7./Pz.6, Russian campaign

  14. Jewish community in Żychlin Gmina żydowska w Żychlinie (Sygn. 111)

    Records of the Jewish community in Żychlin: lists of advance payments, lists of remittances paid for medical treatments, payment of shares to a communal fund, books of share payers and a list of community members.

  15. Austria 1940

    Private films. Salzburg (partly in color). Austrian lakes in summer. Königssee. St. Bartholomä. Attersee

  16. Rocket testing

    Color film on the rocket testing site Peenemünde, Heinrich Himmler, several test launches of V2

  17. Russian campaign Ukraine, 1942-1944

    Partisan strongholds

  18. Family film: Cronberg i. Taunus

    Trip to Harz mountains, Frankfurt on the Main, Braunschweig, city view, Borkum, summer vacation, Westerland, promenade, children's party, rope to the ship, rescue trousers, Harz trip, March 1935, Castle Potsdam, Visit to Sweden: Family, Hunting in Westerland, beach life, Danube drive, Schönbrunn Palace