Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 3,501 to 3,520 of 26,870
Country: United States
  1. Selected records of the Cooperative Bank of Realty Proprietors Ltd. in Kielce Bank Spółdzielczy Właścicieli Nieruchomości w Kielcach (Sygn. 269)

    Selected records of one of the Jewish banks in Kielce, including are organizational files, minutes of sessions, lists of members, registers, books of assets, shares and financial files.

  2. Holiday at the sea, battleships, parade at Fascist Italy (color film)

    German home movies. Holiday. At sea, battleships, parade at Fascist Italy, Russian campaign, mud period, Shooting of partisans, Wehrmacht soldiers costumed as angel and Santa Claus, Christian procession near Würzburg (color film), Rothenburg

  3. Holiday in Austria

    fountain figure, woman sitting next to a steyr at Leopoldibrunnen, sailboats, mountains, couple at car, women on p[orch laughing, bus travelling through mountains, street scenes, church with painted tower, Lake Starnberg

  4. Deutscher Ski Verein pin

    Pin issued for the SA and SS Ski Championship held in Berchtesgaden, Germany, on February 7-12, 1934, by the Deutscher Ski Verein (DSV/ German Ski Association].

  5. Activities of German soldiers

    Reels 36-39. German soldiers kneel down in the woods. They use various tools to construct a track. After they have completed the tracks, they attempt to move a vehicle over them. It gets stuck. A train of covered wagons pulled by horses moves by. Soldiers ride on horseback. Trucks drive across the dirt road, clouds of dust come out from under their wheels. The men on horseback follow. Two men on the left struggle with a motorcycle and sidecar, attempting to push it through ruts in the dirt. Soldiers march alongside horses pulling carts. They halt momentarily, before continuing their march o...

  6. Color film on the 2. Staffel 1. Fighter squadron 77 (“Green hearts”) in 1939

    Green hearts, day in the squadron, soldiers in vehicle, tanks, refueling of aircrafts, laughing pilots, men eating, relay dog, pilots napping in meadow, mechanics

  7. Enslein family collection

    Contains photographs, documents and correspondence illustrating the experiences of Jakob Enslein and his wife, Margarete Einstein Enslei, and their two children Kurt and Hans Gerd [donor, b. 1929]. Gerd was born in Cologne, Germany, and in 1932 his parents relocated the family first to Belgium then in 1933 to France, first to Paris and then Collias, Nimes and Perigaux, before eventually fleeing through Spain and arriving in the United States in early May 1941.

  8. UNRRA selected records AG-018-036 : Latin America-Procurement Offices

    Selected files of the Latin America Procurement Offices: Correspondence of the government officials of Peru, Bolivia, Chile and Ecuador; financial reports and budget planning; displaced persons matters and press information.

  9. Hitler Youth; Autobahn; Nuremberg Party Congress

    Private film reels including Hitler Youth camp in color, Hitler Youth appeal, Reichsautobahn, Rothenburg in color, Nuremberg party conference in color, "Horst Wessel", DAF, Chamberlain.

  10. Lester Macharzyuski collection

    Contains correspondence written from various concentration camps and POW camps; photo reproductions (cigarette cards), mass produced by the NSDAP of pro-Nazi propaganda; a copy of the "Chicago Daily News" newspaper, October 31, 1939, with the article "Duce Removes Pro-Nazis."

  11. Oral history interview with Ilse G. (Gerty) Levy

  12. Magnus and van Oosten families papers

    The Magnus and van Oosten family papers consist of correspondence, certificates, printed material, and photographs, related to the experiences of the extended family of Sary Melles (née Magnus) during the German occupation of the Netherlands during World War II. The collection includes correspondence from her brother, Ibertus Magnus, written shortly before and during his imprisonment by the Germans, first in Assen, the Netherlands, and then at Buchenwald, as well as a notification of his death and a death certificate. Also included is a brochure that documents the jazz band that he performe...

  13. Domenic Cuozzo photograph collection

    Photographs taken by the donor's uncle, Domenic A. Cuozzo, member of the 502D Army Engineer Camouflage Battalion, shortly after the liberation of Buchenwald. Includes photographs of victims at Leipzig-Thekla.

  14. Tibor and Margit Schwartz Rückman collection

    Contains postcards, with translations, written by Tibor Rückman (b.1912) [donors’ father] and Margit Schwartz Rückman (b. 1915) [donors’ mother] between 1945 and July 1948, during the time Tibor was imprisoned in a Soviet prisoner-of-war camp. Includes photographs depicting Tibor and Margit after the war.

  15. Norman Kamelgard collection

    Contains a manuscript (in Yiddish) written by Norman Kamelgard in late 1945 while being detained by the British in Palestine, which documents his experiences during the Holocaust, surviving multiple concentration camps including Płaszów and Ebensee. The collection also includes "The Storm In My Childhood," which is the direct English translation of the original manuscript, and "My Stormy Youth," an edited copy of the translation for publication with annotations by Joseph Kamelgard for the audio book.

  16. Benjamin Buchsbaum papers

    The collection primarily contains correspondence sent to and from Benjamin Buchsbaum, of Philadelphia, relating to his efforts to rescue relatives, friends, and strangers from Nazi-occupied Europe and bring them to the United States. Correspondence is often from those he sought to help, as well as others who recognized his efforts, and dates from the period of the Holocaust up through the 1960s. The album was presented to Buchsbaum by his family on the occasion of his 70th birthday in 1958, but he added letters to the album that he received from some of the correspondents in subsequent year...

  17. Oral history interview with David Krauthammer

  18. Report on Inspection of German Concentration Camp at Buchenwald

    Contains a mimeograph copy of a report, 5 pages, distributed by SHAEF, G-5 Division, entitled "Report on Inspection of German Concentration Camp at Buchenwald," dated April 25, 1945. Includes typed signature by Frank McSherry, Brigadier General, Deputy Assistant Chief of Staff, G-5. Inspection report made by Eric Wood, Charles Ott and S.M. Dye. Physical inspection includes camp's mission ["extermination factory"], barracks, hospital, "body disposal" rations, attempted evacuation and "tattooing."

  19. Tadeusz Januchta letter

    One letter, dated 12 December 1943, sent by prisoner Tadeusz Januchta, from the Auschwitz concentration camp, to his wife, Zinaida, in Kielce, Poland. In the letter, Januchta reports to his wife that he had received her previous letter, had received a package the previous day, and that while packages have been arriving, she should pay attention to regulations about sending photographs, and not to send him any further money. He closes by sending Christmas and New Year's greetings to his wife and daughter.

  20. UNRRA selected records AG-018-004 : Bureau of Areas

    Selected files of the Executive Office, Office of Country Mission Affairs, and European Mission Affairs: Agreements to establish various country missions, postwar relief plans, reports, polices and analysis on displaced persons, health and medical requirements, field and intelligence reports and statistics on country field missions, European mission affairs, and miscellaneous correspondence.