Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 3,401 to 3,420 of 26,870
Country: United States
  1. Russian campaign; Tram "Für Juden verboten" in Belgrade; combat

    Agfa 8. Russian campaign: pioneers. Color: prisoners, dead horses, place. France: colonial troops. Balkans. Color: tram labeled "Not for Jews" in Belgrade in May 1941. Jews work. Russia: tanks. Hanged, winter, cemeteries. 8.8cm - guns. Armored combat. Frozen corpses

  2. Abraham and Lilly Malnik collection

    Consists of photographs, original documents, photocopies, research files, and clippings related to the wartime and post-war experiences of Abraham (Abe) (originally of Kovno, Lithuania) and Lilly (née Applebaum) Malnik (originally of Belgium) Includes wartime and post-war photographs from the Malnik and Applebaum families, oral history transcripts and biographical information, research about family history, and documentation of the Malniks’ involvement in the creation and support of the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum.

  3. Russia in Winter; German soldiers

    German soldiers in Russia. Winter. Guns. Tanks (color). Kuban. Mud. River crossing. Withdrawal 1943/1944.

  4. Vacationing in France; Ship SS Leviathan returns to NY

    Views of a busy outdoor café, well-dressed couples walk by the camera. 1:25 Rooftop views of a city, probably in France. 1:38 Views of stone ramparts with an outlook over the city, a group of people standing at the ledge look at the camera. Views of a busy shopping district, signs on stores read “Friseur,” “Parfumerie” and “Grand Hotel.” Two men exit the hotel and get into a convertible parked outside. Views of a passing trolley from a balcony. 2:44 An assembly of small paddle boats, carrying flags and small trees come into a dock, views of the beach. 3:29 Diners sit at an outdoor restauran...

  5. Goering parades during Anschluss; Goering with Rainer and Grohe; examining artwork

    Boys stand in rows on top of a hill, white shirts, Nazi armbands, shorts, and high socks. Soldiers and members of the SS and SA in formation at base of the hill, waiting on Goering. Filmed from within a car moving in the parade, Goering in lead car. People greet from the side of the road, many in white shirts, swastika flags. CU German policeman on the motorcycle riding behind the escort car. They drive through the German countryside. Sign: Schmittenhöhebahn, Zell am See, (region: south of Berchtesgaden), pictures taken from driving vehicle, snowy mountains, rural surroundings, cows. Nazi o...

  6. Sudetenland; Reichenberg town hall; Wehrmacht marches; special trains

    Occupation of Sudetenland, October 1938. Karlsbad. Special trains.

  7. Unused Star of David badge

    Unused Star of David badge with Jude for Jew of the type that the Jewish population of German speaking countries was required to wear during the Holocaust.

  8. Upper Silesia

    Occupation, Freikorps, Images, posters, film

  9. John Bogdan papers

    The John Bogdan papers consist of identification documents, passports, and about biographical documents about the life and career of John Bogdan (born Iancu Berman), originally of Bucharest, Romania. The collection includes certificates documenting Bogdan’s work as a Jewish forced laborer for the Romanian National Railway during the regime of Ion Antonescu from 1941-1944, his post-war career working in the Romanian ministry of commerce, his later work as an administrator for the Jewish Federation of Romania, and his immigration to the United States in 1980.

  10. Life in German-occupied Paris; Wehrmacht

    A Saturday in Paris, drive along the Seine, Wehrmacht art exhibition

  11. Erntedanktag Parade; Hairstyles; Carnival

    KODAK. Titles: “Allerlei vom Tage” “Erntedanktag.” A military parade with a marching band, a flag bearer carrying a Nazi flag, and women dressed in traditional German garb. Various floats in this festival for the “Erntedanktag,” an official holiday in Germany celebrating the harvest. "Frisuren 1938" Mannequins displaying 1938 hairstyles. Carnival rides at the fairgrounds. Man reading newspaper.

  12. Kaplan family photograph

    Contains a studio portrait of Chaim Aron Kaplan (on left wearing bow tie and glasses) [donor's paternal great uncle], Sarah Kaplan Trobovich [donor's paternal great aunt, half-sister of Chaim and Harry], and Harry Kaplan [donor's paternal grandfather and brother of Chaim]; dated 1921; Brooklyn, NY.

  13. Collection of manuscripts Zbiór rękopisów (Sygn. 205)

    The collection contains memoirs, manuscripts, typescripts, photographs, clippings documenting the experiences of Poles and Polish Jews who lived in Poland during the German occupation in World War II. Includes the memoir of Tadeusz Hilarowicz about the Nusbaum-Hilarowicz family, the memoir of Bronislaw Maul-Hochber about his life and fate in Warsaw, 1906-1945, a portrait of Rabi Rabin Załman Boruchowski from Łożnia, materials concerning masonic lodges in Warsaw (the Jewish masonic lodge B'nai B'rith), 1799-1936, and various memoirs and essays relating to participation in the resistance move...

  14. UNRRA selected records AG-018-006 : Balkan Mission and Middle East Office.

    Selected records of the Albania Mission, Bureau of Relief Services, 1944-46: correspondence, registration cards, statistics, policy and procedures, repatriation, and tracing and inquiry forms and other records relating to displaced persons, Albanian Prisoners of War, Albanians employed during the war, forced labors and deportees; Records of the Bureau of Requirements and Supply-Greek Relief Series-Joint Relief Commission 1944-1949: reports on medical supplies, food and care; Records of the Bureau of Finance and Administration-Central Registry Series, 1944-1949: correspondence, and intellige...

  15. Trip to Kaunas with Abraham Resnick

  16. "My Father Henry's Route to America: Trenches, Harlem Hell Fighters, POW, AWOL, Stowaway and Illegal Immigrant"

    "My Father Henry's Route to America: Trenches, Harlem Hell Fighters, POW, AWOL, Stowaway and Illegal Immigrant" by Dr. Rudolph (Rudy Keimowitz) is a 19 page manuscript. The manuscript includes information about Henry Keimowitz's childhood in Hungary, time in the Hungarian Army during World War I, capture and imprisonment by the Harlem Hellfighters during the Battle of Verdun, experience as a POW in France, and his illegal immigration to the United States as a stowaway around 1922. He married and started a family in the United States, and, during World War II, was investigated as an enemy al...

  17. Roza Schwartz collection

    Contains a British Zone PWX/DP registration/identity card for Roza Schwartz, and modern copy prints of corpses at concentration camps.

  18. Romanian troops in Czechoslovakia

    Romanian troops parade on the outskirts of the city of Humpolec. Man plays the cymbals next to a drummer. Local Czech children in traditional folk outfits walk through the streets in front of a marching band. 06:57 CU of two Romanian officers, one tips his hat. More soldiers in a field, they salute as officials walk by. One addresses the crowd from a platform with flags. They salute and march and the band plays. 08:00 glimpse of a cameraman. CU, official. Military parade, ceremony. Automobiles drive away.

  19. Blima Sicherman papers

    Contains documents concerning Blima Sicherman, born in Breslau, Germany [present-day Wroclaw, Poland] in 1905. Includes a Polish postwar passport issued in the Czech Republic and documents for vaccination, immigration documents, and translations attesting to Blima's internment in the Auschwitz concentration camp and then "Brnenc" [Brunnlitz] concentration camp, where she survived due to the actions of Oskar Schindler. From there, Blima went to Sweden and immigrated to the United States. Her husband, Oskar Sicherman and children [names unknown] did not survive the Holocaust.