Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 3,081 to 3,100 of 26,870
Country: United States
  1. Sondergericht Warschau Sąd Specjalny w Warszawie (Sygn. 643/III)

    Selected files of criminal cases from the German Special Court in Warsaw (Sondergericht Warschau). Note: Related collections are available at the USHMM:: RG-15.267, Staatsanwaltschaft bei dem Sondergericht Warschau (Sygn. 1601/III), and RG-15.268, Sąd Niemiecki w Warszawie (Sygn.1207/III).

  2. Soldiers in France; Gigant aircraft in development

    German soldiers in France, meal distribution, Namur station. Compiegne, Ruinen station, electric locomotive. French prisoners. 07:49 Poland, winter, village, rubble, Warsaw. Horses. Tanks. Zichenau. 16:28 1940/41 Leipheim and Obertraubling military airfield, development of the Messerschmitt "Gigant" ["giant"]. Towing with three He 111s, star-launch missiles, giant with six engines. Landing, takeoff at Eggemühl. Rudolf Hess, Theo Croneiss, the directors Rakan Kokothaki and Hentzen. Hanna Reitsch.

  3. Images of Old Berlin

    Men on bicycles, swastika flags, buses, traffic police, "Henko advertising," subway, cafe, equestrian statue of Frederick the Great, women in costume, Nazi music train, roller skaters

  4. Rubel family papers

    The Rubel family papers consist of letters and postcards exchanged between Ferdinand and Else Rubel, originally of Steinbach am Donnersberg, Germany, who had immigrated to the United States, and loved ones in Nazi-occupied Europe. The bulk of the correspondence is addressed to Ferdinand and Else Rubel in New York by friends and family members imprisoned in the Gurs, Rivesaltes, and Noé internment camps. The letters and postcards relay gratitude for letters, packages, and money transfers; describe the poverty and illness in the camps and worries about relatives selected for labor detail; and...

  5. Star of David badge printed with Jude, German for Jew

  6. Hitler in Wiesbaden

    Ozaphan Film. Hitler filmed by his pilot, Hans Baur, in Wiesbaden. Hitler and Nazi officials. A girl runs towards Hitler and shakes his hand. Overlook from Neroberg (hill) in Wiesbaden. Drinking beer. ENDE.

  7. Blum and Manuel Family collection

    Contains correspondence received by Margot Manuel in New York from her relatives in Germany. The majority of the letters were written by her parents, Leopoldine and Hermann Manuel, as well as brother Alfons and Siegfried. Leopoldine and Hermann Manuel, as well as Siegfried, did not survive the Holocaust.

  8. Arrest of collaborators; Germans leave Prague, May 1945

    The arrest of a Czech collaborator with the Nazis (man wearing glasses). They lead him up to an official building. People hit him on the head. Street activity, pedestrians. Clock at 1:20 PM. Puddles in the street. Quick shots of Prague, a Czech flag. Two men on a motorcycle. German soldiers leaving the city. Covered wagons pulled by horses move through the streets, along with people on foot. Trucks whip around a bend. Dead German soldiers. More military vehicles, soldiers sitting in and on the cars. Fires rage at the edge of a field. Wreckage of tanks and trucks on the road. Dead horse, an ...

  9. Soviet and Allied officers celebrate the capture of Berlin

    Celebration, capture of Berlin, Russian soldiers, American soldiers, smoking, drinking, gift exchange, violin

  10. Bela Friedman document collection

    Contains a Schutzbrief (protective letter) issued to Bela Friedman by the Swiss Legation in Budapest; dated October 23, 1944.

  11. Poster, El Fascismo

    Poster: 4a Conferencia, El Antisemitismo como Arma del Facismo. Poster designed by Isidoro Ocampo. Displays a bloodied Jew tied to a post, ropes marked with swastikas. Poster designed for anti-Facist conference organized by the Liga pro Cultura Allemana en Mexico. Highlights the featured speaker, Prof. Enrique Beltran, on the subject of "Anti-Semitism as a Weapon of Facism."; Mexico; 1939

  12. Wehrmacht training

    Private film. Military service, May 8, 1939. Wehrmacht training. Appeals, exercise with a gas mask, visit to the Walhalla, southern German town, boat trip, monument. 10:07:01 Run with gas masks 10:07:58 "Legion Condor" Morning exercise, washing, lessons, formal service, inspection of clothes. 10:09:48 End of the recruitment period, marching out of barracks. 10:11:26 On the plane, close-ups of the pilot, aerial photos. 10:14:02 Landing filmed from the inside. 10:14:35 Bicycles ride out, Würzburg. Young woman in fur coat. 10:16:17 Aircraft in the air.

  13. Regina Bader family correspondence

    Two albums, containing reproductions of correspondence to the donor’s aunt, Regina Bader, and her mother and other family members, 1942-1943. The letters that are copied in this album were sent to Bader while she was interned during World War II in the Bernsdorf forced labor camp, a sub-camp of Gross-Rosen, and her family were mostly living in a ghetto in Sosnowiec, German-occupied Poland. Translations of each letter and postcard are included with the copied documents. The letters, which begin in May 1942, consist mostly of updates from Bader's mother about other family members, some of who...

  14. Family home movies of Germany; election poster; boat ride

    1936-1938. Handwritten intertitles. “Der neue Mantel fuer….” Women exit clothing shop with a shopping bag. “Hoppegarten” Horses race around track. Woman with glasses with an umbrella. “beim Da X.” Women with still picture camera. Woman with fur looks on the water with binoculars. Women sit at table on a balcony, CUs. Garden walkway. Sailboats and rowers. Hitler Youth on waterfront. Group of three walks along path, eat. Slow motion of a young man hopping over a wheelbarrow. INT, CUs, man eating. INT, chocolate shop. Pet bird in a cage. Nazi soldier stands next to election poster of Adolf Hit...

  15. Selected Records of the County Starosty in Stopnica Starostwo Powiatowe w Stopnicy (Sygn. 735)

    Files concerning the looting of the property of Żabiec-Muchówka owned by Fiszel Abramowicz, and files relating to Jewish associations and election to the Senate, 1927-1938.

  16. Nazi officials at the Große Deutsche Kunstausstellung (color)

    AGFA 1940. Officials gather outside the Haus der Deutschen Kunst in Munich for the Große Deutsche Kunstausstellung [Great German Art Exhibition] which took place from July 16 to October 15, 1939. 00:02:06 Otto Nippold, NSDAP Gauleiter in München-Oberbayern, smiling, before other officials in uniform. Gauleiter Adolf Wagner (in brown uniform at 00:02:16) gestures and speaks with other officials, woman in flowered dress and hat. Spectators gather for the occasion. Nippold walks on red carpet. 00:02:40 Nippold with NSKK-Obergruppenfuehrer Helmuth Oldenbourg (in brown uniform), Fuehrer of Motor...

  17. SS Police in France

    SS-Polizei-Verband [SS Police Association] in France, Paris, various private recordings "Leben als Besatzungsmacht" [Life as Occupying Power], arrest operation. Brief color sequence at 01:04:00.

  18. British and Americans in Tunisia; Sinking of the French Fleet at Mers el Kebir; Return to the US

    War in North Africa, combat scenes, parade for Eisenhower, German and Italian prisoners of war

  19. Koenig family papers

    The Koenig family papers primarily contain letters to Anna Sobel and Max Koenig from the Koenig family in Pasieczna, Poland (now Pasichna, Ukraine) and the Sobel family in Sołotwina, Poland (now Solotvyn, Ukraine). Also included are wedding and bris invitations of Max and Anna, and emigration instructions from the American Consulate in Poland.

  20. Morris and Hanna Fall collection

    Documents, photographs, and correspondence illustrating the Fajwlewicz [Fall] family in Łódź and Kalisz, Poland, later in Russia and Kyrgyzstan, then postwar in Germany.