Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 2,641 to 2,660 of 26,870
Country: United States
  1. Selected records of the Embassies, Consulates and Diplomatic Legations of the Polish Republic : Honorary Consulate of the Republic of Poland in Thessalonikē Konsulat Honorowy Rzeczypospolitej Polskiej w Salonikach (Sygn. 467)

    Correspondence related to Jewish minorities in Greece and Poland, Zionist organizations in Thessalonikē, Palestinian matters, the situation of Jewish emigrants living in Greece, Jewish emigration, ritual slaughter, Polish Presidency of the Thessaloniki Consulate in the face of anti-Polish revolution and claims.

  2. Selected records of the Embassies, Consulates and Diplomatic Legations of the Polish : Honorary Consulate in Zürich Konsulat Honorowy Rzeczypospolitej Polskiej w Zürichu (Sygn.496)

    Reports, correspondence, newspaper clippings, instructions and regulations related to the condition of national minorities, mainly Jews, in Poland, Switzerland, Germany, Austria, France and other countries in Europe. Included are materials about matters of visa regulations, Jewish communists, anti-fascist militia, testimony of the refugees, participation of the Polish citizen Lejz Horowitz in the work of the XX Zionist Congress in Zurich, commercial information about Polish Jews in Switzerland, Zionist congresses in Zürich, creation of the Polish-Swiss Export Association and their fraudulen...

  3. Children at displaced persons camp

    Crowd of DPs moves off a field, wild panning shots show faces, volleyball net, camp buildings at a DP camp. The young men and women congregate in a line. 01:19:37 CU, man with two mugs smiles and talks to the camera; two women. DP camp camp building with people in the window. Large residence. VAR CUs, DPs, young girls dancing, schoolchildren. The children stare at the camera, hold hands, dance in concentric circles, smile, play, and chat. 01:22:35 Brief shot of Boder with the children, boy sings for the camera, playing. 01:23:27 Elders pose for the camera. (glimpse of girl with head bandage...

  4. Expropriation files of the Regional Financial Directorate Munich Entziehungsakten der Oberfinanzdirektion München

    Expropriation files of the Regional Financial Directorate in Munich, Germany.

  5. Turquoise bead necklace made in a ghetto-labor camp

    Turquoise bead necklace purportedly made in Theresienstadt ghetto-labor camp in German occupied Czechoslovakia. The necklace was given to Judith Sardi by her mother Katalin Szönyi. Katalin received it from a friend in Israel who told her that it was made in Theresienstadt. Katalin, her husband, and Judith survived imprisonment in multiple forced labor camps during the Holocaust.

  6. German documents Dokumenty niemieckie (Sygn. IZ. Doc I)

    Various German documents regarding German policies in the occupied Polish territories, especially in the “Wartheland”: administration, economy, the police bodies and German settlements in the Wartheland. Records mostly relate to germanization and atrocities against Polish and Jewish population, in addition, to the activity of "Rechsuniversität Posen" created in Poznań. Included are trials against Poles who offended the so-called Volksdeutsche, directives for Germans how to behave towards Poles, a list of names that Polish parents were allowed to choose for their children [File 48], Germaniz...

  7. List of Vilnius Residents and Refugees looking for Relatives

    List of residents and refugees of Vilnius looking for relatives. The table includes names of 159 residents and refugees of Vilnius looking for their relatives worldwide with some residing in Palestine and others in Europe, Displaced Persons Camps, Cyprus, and the USA. Source of information is registered in the left-hand side column, such as the Jewish Agency or the Joint Distribution Committee.

  8. Photographic print of David Eckstein and classmates in cheder

    • United States Holocaust Memorial Museum
    • irn613483
    • English
    • overall: Height: 13.940 inches (35.408 cm) | Width: 11.000 inches (27.94 cm) pictorial area: Height: 10.500 inches (26.67 cm) | Width: 10.500 inches (26.67 cm)

    Gelatin silver print depicting David Eckstein, seven years old, and classmates in cheder (Jewish elementary school), in Brod, ca. 1938.

  9. "Ha’Bricha Derech Czechoslovakia Ba’Shanim 1945-1946"

    Typed manuscript titled “Ha’Bricha Derech Czechoslovakia Ba’Shanim 1945-1946” by Elchanan Gafni. Gafni studied at the Sorbonne, Prague University, and Hewbrew University in Jerusalem, and served in several public positions in Israel. This unpublished draft manuscript describes the efforts to bring survivors from Czechoslovakia to Israel shortly after World War II.

  10. Wolf and Rachael Munic collection

    Collection of materials documenting the postwar life of Wolf and Rachel Munic in various locations including Linz, Berlin, Frankfurt, and Hamilton, Canada. Includes their Canadian passports, a notebook, handwritten memoirs by Wolf Munic dated circa 1948, their ketubah, identity papers, correspondence, and other documents from the late 1940s to early 1970s.

  11. Prayer book

    Hamash volumes belonging to Leo Loeb, with inscriptions by him as well as by his father.

  12. Photographic print of a grandfather and granddaughter

    • United States Holocaust Memorial Museum
    • irn613481
    • English
    • overall: Height: 11.750 inches (29.845 cm) | Width: 10.940 inches (27.788 cm) pictorial area: Height: 9.940 inches (25.248 cm) | Width: 10.500 inches (26.67 cm)

    Gelatin silver print of a grandfather and granddaughter, Warsaw, ca. 1935-38.

  13. Selected records from the State Archives of the Republic of Cyprus related to the Jewish emigration

    Selected records of the British colonial administration of Cyprus related to the Jewish legal and illegal emigration to Cyprus, internment camps for Jews who had immigrated or attempted to immigrate to Mandatory Palestine in violation of British policy as well as other matters related to Jews, Polish and other refugees in Cyprus before, during and immediately after WWII. Includes passenger’s lists divided by particular SS ships (1934); a list of illegal Jewish emigrants on board of the Bulgarian SS Rudnichar (1940); registers and correspondence relating to acquisition of properties in Cypru...

  14. Selected records of the Embassies, Consulates and Diplomatic Legations of the Polish : Diplomatic Legation in Budapest Poselstwo Rzeczypospolitej Polskiej w Budapeszcie (Sygn.501)

    Statistics, studies, historical essays, correspondence, notes, minutes, articles and speeches related to Jewish affairs, political and economic situation of Jews in Germany, Poland, Russia and other countries, antisemitism, Zionism movement and diplomatic protest of Polish Government against German atrocities against Polish Jews in Berlin, support of Polish government of emigration of Jews to Palestine, opening of Polish line to Haifa to facilitate emigration and tourism to Palestine.

  15. Wissbrun family papers

    The collection documents the Holocaust experiences of Fritz Wissbrun, his future wife Edith Kahn, and their families in Amsterdam, including Fritz’s deportation to the Herzogenbusch concentration camp (Vught). Included is correspondence written by Fritz in Herzogenbusch to Edith in Amsterdam, as well as letters to Edith from Fritz’s mother, Melanie Wissbrun, who was deported to the Westerbork concentration camp; identification papers, passports, vaccination documents, restitution papers, marriage certificates, family books, poetry, and material related to Fritz’s education in Germany and th...

  16. Selected records of the town Ostrowiec Świętokrzyski Akta miasta Ostrowca Świętokrzyskiego (Sygn. 2891) : Wybrane materialy

    Selected records pertaining to personal data of inhabitants of Ostrowiec Świętokrzyski as well as a suburb Denków, including: the register books of permanent inhabitants, alphabetic lists of electors with the right to vote in 1939, and birth, death, and marriage registries from the Synagogue of Ostrowiec Świętokrzyski.

  17. Ministry of Interior. Prisoner cards, labor camps Nováky, Sered, Vyhne and other camps Ministerstvo vnútra. Karta zaistenca, Pracovný tábor Nováky, Sereď, Vyhne

    Card files of Jewish inmates of forced labor camps in Slovakia for the years 1942 to 1944. In addition to the three main labor camps of Nováky, Sereď, Vyhne, the collection also includes the card files for several smaller camps (commonly referred to as Pracovné stredisko pre Židov), as follows: Degeš, Tehelňa HSĽS Nitra (brick factory), Ilava, Kraľovany, Kostolná, Devínska Nová Ves, Vyhne, and Žilina.

  18. American Red Cross pin

    American Red Cross service pin received by Helen Weisberger during her service with the American Red Cross in World War II.