Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 2,641 to 2,660 of 26,867
Country: United States
  1. Elisabeth Eidenbenz papers Nachlass Elisabeth Eidenbenz (1913-2011)

    Private papers of Elisabeth Eidenbenz (1913-2011), a teacher, nurse, and aid worker for refugees in the camps of Argelès-sur-Mer, Saint Cyprien, and Rivesaltes, France and in other places. The collection consists of private personal documents, correspondence and photographs of Elisabeth Eidenbenz and her family; reports, press articles, correspondence, and photographs relating to activities of Elisabeth Eidenbenz to rescue children of Spanish Republicans, Jewish refugees and Romanies fleeing the Nazi invasion. Elisabeth Eidenbenz was a founder of the Mothers of Elne-a maternal hospital at E...

  2. Private papers of Salomon (Shalom) Adler-Rudel (A140)

    Personal papers of Shalom Adler-Rudel (1894-1975): Lists, brochures and leaflets of various schools, and correspondence between Shalom Adler-Rudel, Paul Reiward and the Zionist Federation of Belgium regarding the financial situation and activities of Jewish refugees in Belgium, 1938; a copy of a letter from Reiwald to Adler-Rudel, concerning the economic activities of German refugees, including a list of companies in Belgium owned by refugees; reports on the assistance to Jewish refugees, 1939, in Antwerp, Brussels, and other locations; correspondence between the World Jewish Congress, the ...

  3. Martin Sloan collection

    Consists of identity paperwork, naturalization and citizenship documentation, and restitution paperwork related to the post-war experiences of Mendel Slomovits (later Martin Sloan), a survivor of Auschwitz and Buchenwald. Also includes testimony written by Albert Hersch (born Adolph Hershkovitz), who survived the camps with Mendel.

  4. Moritz Löwenstein papers

    Collection of papers including identity card, membership card, receipt, and certificates relating to Moritz and Florica Löwenstein.

  5. Sightseeing in Palestine, circa 1930

    Sixteen films by Carl Lutz of Palestine: Nr. 303 Bethlehem, Jerusalem (Film Nr. 26) [ca. 1936] (09:15) Nr. 305 Palästina 3 (Film Nr. 10) [1935] (11:56) Nr. 306 Palästina (Film Nr. 22) [1935-1936] (12:56) Nr. 307 Palestine, the land of the bible (Film Nr. 21) [1937] (12:41) Nr. 308 Tel Aviv, Hafen (Film Nr. 18) [1936-1937] (11:47) Nr. 309 Palästina 1951 (Film Nr. 13) [1951] (13:16) Nr. 310 Palästina 1951 (Film Nr. 14) [1951] (13:36) Nr. 311 Ägypten (Film Nr. 4) [ca. 1935] (08:40) Nr. 312 Palästina 4 (Film Nr. 11) [ca. 1935] (09:27) Nr. 313 Palästina (Film Nr. 12, I) [ca. 1935] (16:56) Nr. 31...

  6. Jewish community of Kastoria, Greece; Sephardic school for children

    EXT pan of a building. Children stand outside. Pan, shopfronts with signs in Greek, crumbling stone wall on Metropole Street. A man with hat walks along the street. Houses over a lake, pan coastline. Residences, laundry hanging from balcony. A woman walks in the street. Another woman steps outside her house. A man walks towards her and they shake hands. Cobblestone streets in Kastoria with local people walking around, including Nona, Sol, and Victor Hazan. A woman does the washing in a body of water. A group of men in hats and long jackets walk towards the camera. Pan, building with balconi...

  7. Fonds FSJF-après-guerre (MDLXXXIV). Fédération des Sociétés Juives de France

    Records of the Fédération des Sociétés Juives de France (Federation of Jewish Charities in France) FSJF: Correspondence, reports, minutes, leaflets, cultural programs, press articles related to socio-legal assistance for Jewish survivors and the needy, commitment to the memory of the Shoah, support for the State of Israel, promotion of Yiddish language and the renewal of Jewish culture in France.

  8. Klein, Leikach, Schonebaum family history

    Contains a family history of the Leikach, Schonebaum and Klein Families including family trees, maps, illustrations, photos and a roster of family members; also includes photocopy of proclamation by Mayor Martin O’Malley designating April 1, 2006 as “Leikach-Glick-Shanis Day” in Baltimore. Includes a memoir dated c. 1992; in English.

  9. International Refugee Organization Internationale Vluchtelingen Organisatie

    Records of the Dutch Delegation of the Intergovernmental Committee on Refugees relating to various aspects of migration and relief work for the period 1947-1957. It concerns documents on the status of Jewish, Hungarian, Polish and other refugees and displaced persons; the reception of refugees in the Netherlands; assistance; restoration of rights and legal status; emigration facilities in South America, Canada and New Zealand; the arrangements regarding refugees in the various German occupation zones; guidelines for the compensation of Nazi followers; correspondence and reports from charita...

  10. Selected records of the county authorities of eastern voivodships Akta starostw powiatowych województw wschodnich (Sygn.1179)

    Reports and statistics of the regional municipal offices relating to monitoring of activities of population in political parties, political movments (Ukrainian nationalism, communism, Zionism,) and criminal activities; statistics of population in regard of nationality and religion, lists of organizations and associations under the influence of the Christian Democracy. The collection refers to Ukrainian political movement, German political movement, Jewish political movement, activities of the Jewish Social Democratic Workers' Party Poalej Syjon and Jewish emigration organized by the Żydowsk...

  11. Selected records of the Embassies, Consulates and Diplomatic Legations of the Polish Republic : Consulate in Buffalo Konsulat Rzeczypospolitej Polskiej w Buffalo (Sygn.491)

    Reports, correspondence, circulars and statistics relating to immigration of Poles and to Polish national minorities, mainly immigration of Jews to the United States.

  12. Hitler Youth; dog parade

    “HITLERJUGEND” Hitler Youth march in uniform down the street, the boys at the front play instruments followed by those carrying German and Nazi flags. Women at the end also carry flags. “DOG PARADE” Marching band. Officers with dogs, many are German shepherds. Horse-drawn float with a sign that reads, “Dachshunde.” The float is covered with pine trees, and (what looks like) a toy dachshund. Men and women follow, many walking dachshunds. Car with a Nazi flag draped across the front. Boy with “Foxterriers” sign, followed by folks walking fox-terriers. Procession of “Erdhunde” dogs and their o...

  13. Allied propaganda leaflet, "Ein Deutsches Flugblatt"

    Leaflet dropped by the RAF over Germany in July 1943. The leaflet quotes from the "Manifesto of the Munich Students" attributed to the White Rose resistance group.

  14. Bedcover recovered by the Gleiser family

    Velvet bedcover used in Pidvolochysʹk (formerly Podwołocziska), in the Tarnopol district, where more than 2,000 Jews lived before 1939. The Gleiser family lived there until they were forced into Pidvolochysk ghetto. Ita Bier Gleiser (b. 1895) escaped together with her children, Moishe (b. 1923), Genia (b. 1926), Riwa (b. 1922), and Frima (b. 1936), and hid in different places until the liberation in 1944. At that point the family returned to their hometown of Pidvolochysʹk and recovered the one item they had before the war – the bedcover. In 1945 the family reached Germany via Szczecin in P...

  15. Lista Family papers

    The collection documents the Holocaust-era experiences of Jerry Lista (born Israel Cymbalista) in displaced persons camps near Munich, Germany; his immigration to the United States in 1951; his marriage to Gyta Szmulewicz (later Judy Lista) in 1958; and Judy’s immigration to the United States. Also included is a document regarding Jerry’s leg amputation after getting shot and left for dead on a death march in 1945. Photographs include pre-war depictions of the Cymbalista and Szmulewicz families, Jerry in a DP camp, and Judy in Israel. Additionally, there is a Dachau DP identification card o...

  16. Children ski; Women repair damage in Slovakia

    Outdoors in Spišská Nová Ves. Children, including Emma and George and their friends Vitaliy and Peter, ski in the snow. 00:00:50 Women greet each other, shake hands (with Elizabeth Vasilevsky?) , and smile for the camera.One fixes her hair and looks in a handheld mirror. The two women link arms with George Vasilevsky (camera around his neck) and proceed towards the camera. CUs of the two women, snowball fight, probably at the residence of the Vasilevsky family. One writes a word in the snow with the tripod. 00:04:06 Teenage girl (Emma?) with glasses in scout uniform walks towards the camera...

  17. Private papers of Fritz Ullmann (A320)

    Personal papers of Fritz Ullmann (1902-1972). The collection consists of memorandums and correspondence relating to Jewish immigration, wartime rescue activities, the sending of relief packages into concentration camps and ghettos, and the Zionist movement.

  18. Collection of materials relating to World War II Zbiór materiałów z lat i dotyczących II wojny światowej (Sygn.271)

    Various materials relating to the World War II, including patriotic and anti-German poetry, prophecies referring to the future of Poland and Europe, an open letter to the General Gub. Dr. Hans Frank, condemning the inhuman crimes of the occupiers (1940), a list of Polish citizens saved from German concentration camps as a result of the action of Count Folke Bernadotte, provisions of German police equipment (Ordnungspolizei, ORPO), and reports of the Haupttreuhandstelle Ost., HTO (1939-1942).

  19. Selected records from the General State Archives, Greece-Archives of Serres

    Postwar records of the Special Court for theTrials of the Local Collaborators in the area of Serres (Eastern Macedonia) in the former Bulgarian Occupation Zone, according to the Law 533/1945 for the collaboration with the enemy. The collection includes registries of collaborators, investigation files, outgoing correspondences concerning investigation, court proceeding and verdicts. The reverse side of some of the papers used for these investigations and correspondence contains documents of the Bulgarian Administration (mostly empty forms, but some with text) during the occupation years (194...