Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 1 to 3 of 3
Language of Description: German
Language of Description: English
Language of Description: Croatian
Country: Ukraine
Holding Institution: Всеукраїнська єврейська рада
  1. Колекція фонду "Пам'ять Бабиного Яру"

    • Collection of the “Memory of Babyn Iar” Foundation
    • Collection of the "Memory of Babi Yar" Foundation
    • Коллекция фонда "Память Бабьего Яра"
    • Всеукраїнська єврейська рада
    • Колекція фонду "Пам'ять Бабиного Яру"
    • English
    • 1920-2015
    • 1. Card index, includes names of the Jews perished in Babyn Iar and other sites of mass murder of the Jews in Ukraine during the WWII. 2. Photograph collection, includes personal and family photos of the Jews perished in Babyn Iar and other sites of mass murder of the Jews in Ukraine during the WWII. 3. Audiocollection, contains testimonies recorded from those Jews who survived Babyn Iar, as well as the other sites of mass murder of the Jews in Ukraine during the WWII.
    • Card index contains over 22.000 names of the Holocaust victims. - Photo collection contains over 1000 personal and family pictures. - Audio-collection contains over 60 testimonies recorded on tapes.
  2. Колекція Асоціації Праведників Бабиного Яру

    • “Righteous of Babyn Iar” Association collection
    • "Righteous of Babi Yar" Association collection
    • Коллекция Ассоциации Праведников Бабьего Яра

    Handwritten and typewritten statements and testimonies from the Jews who were given aid during the Holocaust as well as from the Gentiles who rescued the.

  3. Колекція Центру «Героїзм євреїв у Великій Вітчизняній війні»

    • Collection of the “Jewish Heroism during the Great Patriotic War” Center
    • Card index of the Jewish veterans of the Second World War. - Card index, biographies and photos of the Jews whom "Hero of the Soviet Union" decoration was awarded; - Card index, biographies and photos of the Jews whom "Orden of Glory" decoration was awarded;