Archival Descriptions

One item found
Language of Description: German
Language of Description: English
Language of Description: Croatian
Country: Sweden
Holding Institution: Landsarkivet i Lund
  1. Länsstyrelsen i Malmöhus län, civilförsvarssektionen

    • Civil Defence Section of the County Administrative Board of Malmöhus County
    • Landsarkivet i Lund
    • Länsstyrelsen i Malmöhus län, civilförsvarssektionen
    • English
    • 58 linear meters of textual records.

    Among other records, the Civil Defense Section's archive contains documentation concerning Holocaust refugees, around 1941-1949. The series Ö I: a Registerkort över flyktingar inkomna til landet contains 29 boxes with more than 20,000 register cards of refugees and survivors from concentration camps, who came to Sweden from 1944 to 1946. The cards include their name, date of birth, place of residence, nationality, date of arrival and the name of the reception center where they were received, and sometimes information on transfers. On some cards there is a note if the person was Jewish, in...