Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 1 to 6 of 6
Language of Description: English
Language of Description: Croatian
Language of Description: Latvian
Country: Russia
Holding Institution: Научно-просветительный центр и Фонд «Холокост»
  1. Коллекция документов "Евреи – участники Великой Отечественной войны"

    • Collection of documents "Jews-participants of the Great Patriotic War"
    • Kollektsiya dokumentov "Jevreji uchastniki Velikoj Otechestvennoj Vojny"

    The collection consists of various correspondence, personal documents (certificates, confirmations, diplomas); periodical press (1941-1945); photos and CV of the soldiers of the Soviet Red Army, their memories about everyday life and fightings in the army; memories about the war; personal belongings and military awards of the soldiers and officers of the Soviet Red Army.

  2. Коллекция документов "Евреи СССР в тылу и эвакуации"

    • Collection of documents "USSR Jews in Evacuation"
    • Kollektsiya dokumentov "Jevreji SSSR v tylu i evakuacii"

    The collection consists of the material concerning personal stories of the Jewish families who were able to escape country to the East in the first days of the war. There are various correspondence between soldiers of the Soviet Red Army and family members in evacuation, also personal photos and photos taken in evacuation; personal documents; memories about life in evacuation, diaries and notebooks with memories.

  3. Коллекция документов "Праведники Народов Мира"

    • Collection of documents "Righteous Among the Nations"
    • Kollektsiya dokumentov "Pravedniki Narodov Mira"

    The collection stores the material about rescuing of Jews during the Holocaust in the territory of the Russian Federation, Byelorussia, Ukraine, Lithuania, Latvia. The material consists of memories of the rescuers and interviews with them, photos of the rescuers and rescued people. Also there are documents (medals and diplomas also) and correspondence concerning Righteous Among the Nation award; articles and publications with the personal stories of the rescue.

  4. Коллекция документов "Холокост на территории России"

    • Collection of documents "Holocaust in the Territory of Russia"
    • Kollektsiya dokumentov "Holokost na teritorii Rossiyi"

    The collection consists of the documents on the history of the Holocaust in Russian Federation from 1941 to 1944: memories compiled after the war (mostly by relatives), correspondence between relatives and these who later were killed, photos (pre-war family and personal photos of victims of the Holocaust), personal documents (mostly various certificates), the memories of the extermination of Jews, various correspondence. The collection includes the archival certificates about mass extermination of Jews in the Rostov district, a list of the killed Jews in Klintzy (Bryansk district). Collecte...

  5. Коллекция документов "Холокост на территории Европы"

    • Collection of documents "Holocaust in the Territory of Europe"
    • Kollektsiya dokumentov "Holokost na teritorii Evropy"

    The collection consists of the documents on the history of the Holocaust in Europe: photos (pre-war family and personal photos of victims of the Holocaust), personal documents (ID, CV, certificates and etc.), the memories of the extermination of Jews, various correspondence. The collection includes the documents of the Sobibor extermination camp (the plan of the Sobibor extermination camp on 14 October 1943, compiled by A. Pecherskiy in 1944. A. Pecherskiy was a leader of the uprising in the Sobibor extermination camp and in 1972 he wrote a book "Revolt in Sobibor"). A letter in Polish of M...

  6. Коллекция документов "Холокост на территории СССР"

    • Collection of documents "Holocaust in the Territory of the USSR"
    • Kollektsiya dokumentov "Holokost na teritorii SSSR"

    The collection consists of the documents on the history of the Holocaust in Ukraine, Moldavia, Byelarussia, Baltic States (with borders until June 22, 1941): photos (pre-war family and personal photos of victims of the Holocaust), personal documents (ID, CV, certificates and etc., also documents about the fate of Jewish families), the memories about the extermination of Jews, various correspondence, the copies of the photos of the mass exterminations in the territory of the USSR, the copies of the Nazi propaganda, the copies of the documents about Babi Yar and card index about periodical ne...