Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 1 to 2 of 2
Language of Description: English
Language of Description: Finnish
Language of Description: French
Country: Serbia
Holding Institution: Архив Jугославије
  1. Државна комисија за утврђивање злочина окупатора и њихових помагача

    • State Commission for the Investigation of the Crimes of Occupiers and their Supporters
    • Državna komisija za utvrđivanje zločina okuaptora i njihovih pomagača

    Commission created by Yugoslav Partisan Government during WWII in 1943. for collection all data about Crimes committed by Occupiers and their Accomplices. The fund consists primarily of statements of survivors and their relatives, decisions for War Criminals, partly by original documents or copies of documents. There are comprehensive lists of War Criminals. Part of documentation published by Commission in 93 Saopštenja (Comunique) and in some other publications.

  2. Емигрантска влада Краљевине Југославије

    • Royal Yugoslav Government-in-exile
    • Emigrantska vlada Kraljevine Jugoslavije

    Documents of Yugoslav Government-in-exile during WWII. Original documentsabout activities of dfiferent ministries, among others humanitarian work for Yugoslav POW, refugees, Jews, propaganda regarding War Crimes in Yugoslavia, activities with other Ally governments.