Archival Descriptions

One item found
Language of Description: English
Language of Description: Lithuanian
Language of Description: Multiple
Language of Description: Ukrainian
Country: Italy
Holding Institution: Sezione di Archivio di Stato di Orvieto
  1. Archivio Storico del Comune di Orvieto

    • Historical Archives of the Municipality of Orvieto
    • ASCO
    • Archivio Storico Comunale di Orvieto

    Holocaust-relevant material is arranged in four series: - Protocols, 1939: Discrimination of Jews and immigration issues (ASCO, b. 195); - Protocols, 1940: Defence of the breed (ASCO, b.199); - Protocols, 1942: Assessment of breed (ASCO, b. 208); - Protocols, 1944: Assessment of Jewish communities in Orvieto (ASCO, b. 216).