Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 601 to 620 of 1,669
Country: Israel
  1. Documentation of the Kulturbehoerde I (Culture Office I) in Hamburg

    Documentation of the Kulturbehoerde I (Culture Office I) in Hamburg

  2. Collection of the Abteilung für besondere wirtschaftliche Angelegenheiten - Department for Special Financial Matters of the German Ministry of the Treasury, Hauptabteilung Wirtschaft, in the Netherlands, 1940-1945

    Collection of the Abteilung für besondere wirtschaftliche Angelegenheiten - Department for Special Financial Matters of the German Ministry of the Treasury, Hauptabteilung Wirtschaft, in the Netherlands, 1940-1945 The department was also called the Referat für besondere wirtschaftliche Angelegenheiten; the head of the department was Dr. Joachim Kessler, whose title was Der Sonderbeauftragte für wirtschaftliche Verflechtung (Supervisor over the Integration of the Dutch Economy with the Economy of Germany); his areas of work were the: exchange of stock portfolios between the Netherlands and G...

  3. Card index of Jews murdered in the Iaşi pogrom (June-July 1941) and a card index of survivors (former deportees), compiled by the Romanian branch of the World Jewish Congress (WJC) after the Holocaust

    Card index of Jews murdered in the Iaşi pogrom (June-July 1941) and a card index of survivors (former deportees), compiled by the Romanian branch of the World Jewish Congress (WJC) after the Holocaust A. Card index of Jews murdered in the Iaşi pogrom (June-July 1941) In the collection there are 465 file cards, including personal information regarding the victims of the pogrom in Iaşi. In addition to the name of the victim and the date of his/her murder, data regarding the cause of death is also written on the file cards, as well as data regarding the person making the declaration (that is t...

  4. Documentation collected in the context of the "Research project regarding the contribution of Holocaust survivors to the State of Israel", from Kibbutz Mahanayim

    Documentation collected in the context of the "Research project regarding the contribution of Holocaust survivors to the State of Israel", from Kibbutz Mahanayim Testimonies: 1. Chaya Slutzki; 2. Menachem Perlmutter.

  5. P.21.1 - Ilya Ehrenburg Collection - Original documentation of the Soviet writer on the subject of the Holocaust in the Soviet Union

    Ilya Ehrenburg Collection - Original documentation of the Soviet writer on the subject of the Holocaust in the Soviet Union Original documentation of the famous Soviet writer Ilya Ehrenburg: Articles, testimonies, photographs and letters on the subject of the Holocaust in the Soviet Union, some of which were put in "The Black Book"; letters from Jews regarding expressions of antisemitism in the Soviet countries during the postwar period.

  6. Documentation collected in the context of the "Research project regarding the contribution of Holocaust survivors to the State of Israel", from Kibbutz Erez

    Documentation collected in the context of the "Research project regarding the contribution of Holocaust survivors to the State of Israel", from Kibbutz Erez Experiences of: 1. Batya Barash; 2. David Dov-Miklos Klein; 3. Zvi Hesho Levkovitz; Regarding the "Sharsheret" ["Chain"] group: 1. Nachum Zelonka, "History of the 'Sharsheret' group that arrived to Nahsholim in March 1949"; 2. "The 'Sharsheret' group on the illegal immigrants' "Ulua-Chaim Arlosoroff " ship in winter 1946", written by Arieh Fried, April 2000; Original letters by Moshe Zeiri, who established and directed the children's ho...

  7. Documentation collected in the context of the "Research project regarding the contribution of Holocaust survivors to the State of Israel", from Kibbutz Eilon

    Documentation collected in the context of the "Research project regarding the contribution of Holocaust survivors to the State of Israel", from Kibbutz Eilon Book: Collection of testimonies produced in Kibbutz Eilon in the context of the project (Editorial board: Dvora Nevo, Sima Shimoni and Dan Zinger, November 1995), including testimonies by: Chanaleh Goldberg, Yochanan Cohen, Yaakov Karmi, Shimon Maneski, Malka Nir, Ida Sivan, Frumkah Paritzi, Dov Shivo, Pnina Perl (Schlossberg) Schmidt, and Grisha Shefer; Nine issues of "Zeh Asher" (the newspaper of the Asher Regional Council): Issue no...

  8. Documentation of the Ratsherrenkanzlei (Municipal Council members) office in Hamburg, on subjects related to Jews

    Documentation of the Ratsherrenkanzlei (Municipal Council members) office in Hamburg, on subjects related to Jews Included in the Collection, among other materials, are files regarding the purchase of Jewish owned buildings during 1938-1944.

  9. Documentation of the "Machaneh Yisrael" Jewish organization, 1936-1940

    Documentation of the "Machaneh Yisrael" Jewish organization, 1936-1940 Included in the collection of the "Machaneh Yisrael" organization in Riga: Covenant of the "Machaneh Yisrael" organization; protocols of meetings of the organization; lists of members of the board; lists of the organization's branches; correspondence with Zionist organizations overseas regarding fundraising and the establishment of a new yeshiva; receipt books of the organization; personal records of members of "Machaneh Yisrael" in Riga.

  10. Documentation of the Communist Party District Committee in Volkovysk, 1940-1941

    Documentation of the Communist Party District Committee in Volkovysk, 1940-1941 The Collection includes lists of Communist Party members and candidates; protocols from District Committee meetings; statistical reports of Party members and candidates; reports concerning preparations for the elections.

  11. Documentation of the elementary education institutions directorate of the department of schools, of the Ministry of Education of the Republic of Latvia, 1927-1938

    Documentation of the elementary education institutions directorate of the department of schools, of the Ministry of Education of the Republic of Latvia, 1927-1938 Included in the collection is historical information regarding a Jewish kindergarten, and files regarding work disputes in Jewish schools.

  12. Documentation of the Südosteuropa-Gesellschaft (Southeastern Europe Company) in Vienna, from the Bundesarchiv (Federal Archive) in Germany, 1940-1944

    Documentation of the Südosteuropa-Gesellschaft (Southeastern Europe Company) in Vienna, from the Bundesarchiv (Federal Archive) in Germany, 1940-1944.

  13. Files of Jews in the Nuernberg and Fuerth Police

    • ארכיון יד ושם / Yad Vashem Archives
    • 7642544
    • English, Hebrew
    • Identity card Official documentation Personal documents Record of deportees Record of murdered persons Record of persecuted persons Record of survivors
  14. Documentation from the Hamburg Police

    Documentation from the Hamburg Police

  15. Hakibbutz Ha'arzi Archives Collection: The Hashomer Hatzair Movement Chapter in the Lodz Ghetto

    Hakibbutz Ha'arzi Archives Collection: The Hashomer Hatzair Movement in the Lodz Ghetto This Record Group is one of the most important Record Groups in the Hakibbutz Ha'arzi Archives Collection. The documentation regarding the Lodz Ghetto is extremely rich, but this material is unique and complements our knowledge of the lives of the Jews in the Lodz Ghetto. The material was gathered, organized and brought to Eretz Israel by Feival Podmesky. The documents were arranged in 35 files containing hundreds of original documents (thousands of pages), which were written in the ghetto by Feivel Podm...

  16. Documentation of the Staats- und Privatschulen-Privatschulen (State and private schools) in Hamburg

    Documentation of the Staats- und Privatschulen-Privatschulen (State and private schools) in Hamburg The Collection is comprised of sub-record groups that deal with specific schools. Included in the material, among others, are lists of pupils and matriculation certificates of boys and girls who were pupils in certain schools. Included are the sub-record groups: Berblinger Schule - 362-6/3 Milberg-Schule - 362-6/16 Handelsschule Lülsdorff - 362-6/17.

  17. P.34: Collection of Rabbi Stephen Wise, American Zionist leader

    P.34: Collection of Rabbi Stephen Wise, American Zionist leader Stephen Samuel Wise (1874-1949), the son and grandson of rabbis, was born in Budapest in 1874. When Wise was an infant, his parents emigrated to the United States with their family. From a very young age, Wise aspired to be a rabbi, like his father Rabbi Aharon Wise. Wise completed his studies at Columbia University with Outstanding Honors at the age of 18, and was ordained as a rabbi in 1893. He served as the rabbi in several significant communities in New York and Oregon, and he was a trail-blazer in the area of inter-denomin...

  18. Documentation from the Kultusministerium (Ministry of Religions and Education) of the Saar region, 1920-1945

    Documentation from the Kultusministerium (Ministry of Religions and Education) of the Saar region

  19. Documentation from the (Transportkomandatur) Railway Transport Headquarters in Minsk, 1941-1944

    Documentation from the (Transportkomandatur) Railway Transport Headquarters in Minsk, 1941-1944 The collection contains lists of railroad station and trains, instructions on the order of dispatching the military trains, maps, table showing distances, internal correspondence of the Railway Authority and instructions and guidelines regarding ways to defend against attacks by partisan units.