Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 861 to 880 of 1,670
Language of Description: English
Language of Description: Croatian
Country: Israel
  1. Documentation collected in the context of the "Research project regarding the contribution of Holocaust survivors to the State of Israel", from Kibbutz Ruhama

    Documentation collected in the context of the "Research project regarding the contribution of Holocaust survivors to the State of Israel", from Kibbutz Ruhama Memorial booklet: 1. "Yosef Shamir, 1916-2001, a man of the movement, of vision, and action", August 2003; Testimonies: 1. David David, "Story of my life", summer 1993; 2. Sara Kaplun, "Life was given to me as a gift"; 3. "Memoirs of Rachel Shamir, regarding the German occupation of the city of Tarnow in September 1939, and her departure to the city of Lwow, two months later" (14/12/2003); Photographs (photocopy): 1. David David (16/0...

  2. Documentation (microfilms) from the State Archive in Geneva, Switzerland

    Documentation (microfilms) from the State Archive in Geneva, Switzerland

  3. Documentation of the NSDAP-Gauleitung Westfalen-Nord

    Documentation of the NSDAP-Gauleitung Westfalen-Nord Included in the Collection are the record groups: - Gauschulungamt JM/14920 (frames 2-182); JM/14940 (frames 221-448) - Gaugericht Westfalen-Nord JM/14920 (frames 183-184) - NS Frauenschaft Westfalen-Nord JM/14920 (frames 185-218) - Hauptleitung JM/14940 (frames 2-159) - Gauinspekteure JM/14940 (frames 160-220).

  4. Documentation of the district committee of the representatives of the workers, farmers and soldiers in Mogilev, 1923-1924

    Documentation of the district committee of the representatives of the workers, farmers and soldiers in Mogilev, 1923-1924 In the collection: Lists of members of the executive committee of the representatives of the workers and the police workers in the Mogilev district during 1923-1924.

  5. Documentation of the anti-fascist undergrounds in Belorussia, 1944-1962

    Documentation of the anti-fascist undergrounds in Belorussia, 1944-1962 Included in the collection: - Memoirs regarding the underground activities in the Minsk Ghetto, and regarding the persecution and murder of the Jews in the Minsk Ghetto; - Documentation of the anti-fascist underground, regarding the murder of Jews in the Malorita district in June 1942; - Report of the regional anti-fascist underground in Brest, regarding the Nazi war crimes in the Brest region during 1941-1944; - Names of members of the Jewish underground active in the Minsk Ghetto during 1941-1943.

  6. M.1.Q. - Historical questionnaires completed by refugees in DP camps, 1946-1948

    M.1.Q. - Historical questionnaires completed by refugees in DP camps, 1946-1948 The Central Historical Committee (CHC) in Munich distributed questionnaires among Holocaust survivors from various countries and cities. The purpose of the questionnaires was to gather detailed information regarding the persecution during the Nazi occupation.

  7. Collection of David Cohen, head of the Joodsche Raad voor Amsterdam (Jewish Council) and leader of the Jewish community in the Netherlands, 1922-1954

    Collection of David Cohen, head of the Joodsche Raad voor Amsterdam (Jewish Council) and leader of the Jewish community in the Netherlands, 1922-1954 Included in the collection: Testimonies in favor of Professor David Cohen, from a trial held against him after the Nazi occupation of the Netherlands, 1947-1948; Various documents submitted by Professor David Cohen to his lawyers during the trial held against him and against A. Asscher in the Netherlands after the war, 1947-1949; Documents regarding the possibilities for emigration for Jews from the Netherlands during the Nazi occupation perio...

  8. Documentation collected in the context of the "Research project regarding the contribution of Holocaust survivors to the State of Israel", from Kibbutz Ein Gev

    Documentation collected in the context of the "Research project regarding the contribution of Holocaust survivors to the State of Israel", from Kibbutz Ein Gev Testimonies/ interviews: 1. Willi Bechner; 2. Rivka Grinberger; 3. Shragai Degani; 4. Michael Werner; 5. Baruch Zeira; 6. Zvi Mor; 7. Mordechai Neustadt (testimony, from an unknown source); 8. Rachel Sobol; Booklet: 1. Uri Yanai, "Excerpts of memoirs", Kibbutz Ein Gev, 1990; 2. "Saltzseleufer leben zeit shrift", Aroibegegebn durchen kultur-amt beim Yiddishen Komitet in Bad Salzuflen-Fulder [?] Kriz, Amerikaner Zone ("Journal of my li...

  9. Documentation regarding Jews in Eldagsen, from the Niedersaechsischen Hauptstaatsarchiv in Hannover

    Documentation regarding Jews in Eldagsen, from the Niedersaechsischen Hauptstaatsarchiv in Hannover

  10. Documentation of the Jewish Community Assembly in Tallinn, 1918 - 1940

  11. Documentation of anti-Nazi emigree organizations from Germany and Austria that were active in Paris, 1936-1940

    Documentation of anti-Nazi emigree organizations from Germany and Austria that were active in Paris, 1936-1940 This Record Group was set up in the Osoby Archive in Moscow and includes files of a number of German emigee organizations that were active in Paris. - Files of emigee organizations (Frames 1004-1151) including the Fédération des Emigrés provenant d'Autriche and the Ligue Autrichienne (in German: Oesterreichischen Liga) containing correspondence, fliers, administrative material and reports regarding the Austrian refugees in France, 1938-1940. One of the files (Frames 1026-1114) incl...

  12. Documentation of elementary school no. 8 in Rovno, 1940-1941

    Documentation of elementary school no. 8 in Rovno, 1940-1941 Included in the collection are class logs in which lists of Jewish pupils appear.

  13. Documentation of the writer, Arthur Rosenberg, 1932

    Documentation of the writer, Arthur Rosenberg, 1932 In the collection there is correspondence from 1932 of the writer, Arthur Rosenberg, who lived in Paris, with acquaintances, publishers and the editorial boards of newspapers in Germany, proposing that he work for them as a journalist or requesting that they publish his books and articles, many of which were about the current situation in France.

  14. Documentation of the Romanian authorities in the Bukovina and Transnistria area, 1941-1942

    Documentation of the Romanian authorities in the Bukovina and Transnistria area, 1941-1942 Included in the collection: - Letters sent by inmates in camps in the Bukovina area to their family members in Cernauti, regarding life in the camps, 1941; - Regulation of Sadagura camp, regarding inmates in the area of northern Bukovina; - Report prepared by commander Chelmeniti, regarding the abuse of Jews who were transferred from Edineti camp to forced labor; - Instruction by the Minister of the Interior of Romania, sent to the Police detachment in Sadagura, regarding the use of POWs and Jews from...

  15. Documentation collected in the context of the "Research project regarding the contribution of Holocaust survivors to the State of Israel", from Kibbutz Ma'agan Michael

    Documentation collected in the context of the "Research project regarding the contribution of Holocaust survivors to the State of Israel", from Kibbutz Ma'agan Michael Testimonies/ interviews: 1. Yehoshua Eilon; 2. Shoshana Engel; 3. Heini Glazer; 4. Miriam Dror; 5. Tamar Singer; 6. Eli Zamir; 7. Malka Cohen; 8. Chaya Canaani; 9. Mordechai Magnus; 10. Avner Kedem; 11. Ossi Raz; 12. Zipora Shomron (three [copies of] unidentified interviews); Letters (photocopy): 1. 11 letters from 1939-1944, in German; 2. Two letters relating to relatives of Shoshana Engel, from the Nazi occupation period in...

  16. An anthology of Collections from various institutions that were active in Belorussia during the occupation, 1941-1944

    An anthology of Collections from various institutions that were active in Belorussia during the occupation, 1941-1944 The Collection includes instructions regarding the payment of salaries to Jewish workers; request by the Kholopenichi District Commander to receive an explanation regarding food rationing in the ghetto; instructions of the District Commissioner (Gebietskommissar) in Sluts regarding a carpentry workshop; anti-Jewish propaganda in the Pukhovichi area; list of inmates in the Stolbtsy prison, 1942-1943; list of residents in Kholopenichi and a list of Kletsk residents slated to b...

  17. Files of the OFD Muenchen, regarding the confiscation of Jewish property in Munich

    Files of the OFD Muenchen, regarding the confiscation of Jewish property in Munich Copies of the material were transferred to Yad Vashem by the Oberfinanzdirektion Nürnberg - Bundesvermögensabteilung - Außenstelle Nürnberg; the original material was then deposited in the Stadtarchiv Muenchen.

  18. Lists of residents from Rowne who voted for the Sejm, the Polish parliament, 1938-1939

    Lists of residents from Rowne who voted for the Sejm, the Polish parliament, 1938-1939

  19. Collection of C. J. M. Schaepman, the College van Secretarissen-Generaal (Secretary General), regarding the public service in the Netherlands, 1940-1947

    Collection of C. J. M. Schaepman, the College van Secretarissen-Generaal (Secretary General), regarding the public service in the Netherlands, 1940-1947 Establishment of the College van Secretarissen-Generaal for the administration of the internal matters of the government offices, such as the salaries of the clerks in the Netherlands, in 1902; transfer of the authorities of the Dutch Government in Exile in London, to the College van Secretarissen-Generaal in 1940; the public service succeeded to administer the various government offices in the Netherlands until 1943; Included in the collec...