Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 1,181 to 1,200 of 1,670
Language of Description: English
Language of Description: Finnish
Country: Israel
  1. Documentation from the National Archives of Romania

    Documentation from the National Archives of Romania The collection includes files created by various organizations: Reports by the central and the local administration regarding the persecution of Jews; files from the Military Cabinet of the Ion Antonescu government; decrees and decisions against the Jews, 1940-1944; surveillance reports by the Siguranta Security Police.

  2. Collection of Omnia-Treuhandgesellschaft, the Deutsche Revisions und Treuhand A.G. and the Wirtschaftprüfstelle, regarding the administration of Jewish property in the Netherlands during 1940-1945

    Collection of Omnia-Treuhandgesellschaft, the Deutsche Revisions und Treuhand A.G. and the Wirtschaftprüfstelle, regarding the administration of Jewish property in the Netherlands during 1940-1945 Omnia-Treuhandgesellschaft, the German Office for the Aryanization of Jewish Businesses in the Netherlands, was a German trustee company in Berlin before the war; the Wirtschaftprüfstelle, the organization that supervised the Aryanization of Jewish businesses, gave the order to Omnia for the implementation of the Aryanization process in 1941; Omnia received approximately 16,000 orders for the diss...

  3. Documentation of the Special Court (Sondergericht) in Munich

    Documentation of the Special Court (Sondergericht) in Munich The Special Court (Sondergericht) in Munich was one of the regional courts of law established in Germany to try charges of crimes against the Nazi regime and Nazi ideology. The collection includes files of trials and investigation proceedings against Jewish and non-Jewish Germans who were charged with crimes, such as expressing criticism of the Reich and its leaders and the Reich's attitude toward the Jews, and "race defilement" crimes. The Special Courts (Sondergerichte) were established in the spring of 1933. At first, 25 courts...

  4. Documentation of the district committees of the Communist Party in the Bialystok region, 1939-1941

    Documentation of the district committees of the Communist Party in the Bialystok region, 1939-1941 Included in the collection: - Questionnaires of delegates to the Communist Party convention; - List of residents and documentation of the neighborhood committee in Bialystok; - Lists of Communists and Soviet activists; - Documentation of the NKVD; - Documentation from the first convention of the Communist Party in Bialystok; - Instructions of the Communist Party regional committee; - Protocols of meetings; - Documentation of the Police and the NKVD, regarding political opinions and the propaga...

  5. Documentation collected in the context of the "Research project regarding the contribution of Holocaust survivors to the State of Israel", from Kibbutz Misgav Am

    Documentation collected in the context of the "Research project regarding the contribution of Holocaust survivors to the State of Israel", from Kibbutz Misgav Am Personal documentation of Bilha Telem-Finkestein (photocopy): 1. Interview, published in the kibbutz newsletter on 27/04/1990 and 11/05/1990; 2. "What does Holocaust Day mean to you?", from a booklet in her memory; 3. Certificate from the Hebrew school at the "Exodus from Europe 5707/1947" camp, issued on Yud-Chet Sivan 5708 (25 June 1948); 4. Identity card from the Rosenheim DP camp, Germany, 19/08/1948.

  6. Documentation of the Jewish Cultural Center in Tallinn, 1940 - 1941

  7. Documentation of the office of the Prosecutor in Muenster (Westphalia region)

    Documentation of the office of the Prosecutor in Muenster (Westphalia region) The sub-collection includes one file, titled: Rechtsanwalt Julius Cohn und Frau, früher Münster, später Paris, wegen Vergehens gegen das Reichsfluchtsteuergesetz, 1933-1950 (Urteil 1950 aufgehoben)

  8. Documentation of the Reichsministerium fuer Wissenschaft, Erziehung und Volksbildung (Reich Ministry of Science, Education and Public Education), Germany, 1933-1945

    Documentation of the Reichsministerium fuer Wissenschaft, Erziehung und Volksbildung (Reich Ministry of Science, Education and Public Education), Germany, 1933-1945

  9. Documentation from the Betreuungsstelle für politisch, rassisch und religiös Verfolgte (Support Office for politically, religiously and racially persecuted people) in Friedberg in Hessen, Germany

    • ארכיון יד ושם / Yad Vashem Archives
    • 11972368
    • English, Hebrew
    • 1933-1962
    • Names of perpetrators Official documentation Record of deportees Record of murdered persons Record of persecuted persons Record of survivors

    Documentation from the Betreuungsstelle für politisch, rassisch und religiös Verfolgte (Support Office for politically, religiously and racially persecuted people) in Friedberg in Hessen, Germany The office was established in July 1945 by former political prisoners, most of them members of the Communist Party. The office was intended to serve as a self-help organization dealing in all areas of life. As of April 1946, the office became subordinate to the local government of the region (the department for rehabilitation, the social services branch). An Order given by the Minister für politisc...

  10. Tax files of Jews, from the Finanzamt Heilbronn

    Tax files of Jews, from the Finanzamt Heilbronn

  11. O.64.2/SCH.10 - Documentation of the Ghetto Headquarters

    O.64.2/SCH.10 - Documentation of the Ghetto Headquarters

  12. Documentation collected in the context of the "Research project regarding the contribution of Holocaust survivors to the State of Israel", from Kibbutz Nirim

    Documentation collected in the context of the "Research project regarding the contribution of Holocaust survivors to the State of Israel", from Kibbutz Nirim Memoirs/ experiences: 1. Lucia Almagor; 2. Gedaliahu Baruch; 3. Lili Golombovitz; 4. Salomon Garfinkel; 5. Rivka Hononov; 6. Dani Luz; 7. Elia Mandels; 6. Frida ("The mother of Ruthi Wolf"); 9. Sara Kaplun; 10. Zeev Ram; Interviews/ testimonies: 1. Ruchela Ahituv; 2. Shimon Alter; 3. Lucia Almagor; 4. Lili Golombovitz; 5. Arieh Genislav; 6. Reuven Domani; 7. Esther (Levi) Wolfson; 8. Miki Hermoni; 9. Dani Luz; 10. Rafael Levi; 11. Jean...

  13. Documentation of the high schools directorate of the department of schools, of the Ministry of Education of the Republic of Latvia, 1931-1940

    Documentation of the high schools directorate of the department of schools, of the Ministry of Education of the Republic of Latvia, 1931-1940 Included in the collection is correspondence with the association for the advancement of Jewish culture in Yelgava regarding the opening of a high school and other subjects; correspondence with schools and high schools in Yelgava, Daugavpils, Liepaja, Rezekne and Riga, regarding the acceptance and dismissal of teachers, the financing of the studies, the participation of pupils, the distribution of Communist posters, and scholarship payments to pupils.

  14. Documentation of the Police station of the Cernauti railroad, 1941

    Documentation of the Police station of the Cernauti railroad, 1941 Included in the collection are letters sent to relatives in the Bukovina area by people deported to the Transnistria area.

  15. Documentation from the Landratsamt Hersfeld

    Documentation from the Landratsamt Hersfeld

  16. M.29.FR - Documentation regarding the Holocaust from the Federal German Military Archives in Freiburg, 1936-1945

    M.29.FR - Documentation regarding the Holocaust from the Federal German Military Archives in Freiburg, 1936-1945 There is diverse documentation from the Wehrmacht (German Army) regarding the Jews, Jewish communities and the fate of the Jews during the Holocaust in the collection, including reports, memos, telegrams and personal documents, encompassing a wide variety of organizations and units that worked within the Wehrmacht framework. The files cover different areas of activity and organizations: partisan activity, administration of the occupied areas, activities of combat units, cooperati...

  17. Documentation of the Geheime Feldpolizei (Secret Field Police-GFP) unit known as Eichenhain (in the area of Hitler's headquarters in the Winniza area of Ukraine) and of other GFP units in the occupied Soviet Union areas, from the Osoby Archive in Moscow, 1941-1943

    Documentation of the Geheime Feldpolizei (Secret Field Police-GFP) unit known as Eichenhain (in the area of Hitler's headquarters in the Winniza area of Ukraine) and of other GFP units in the occupied Soviet Union areas, from the Osoby Archive in Moscow, 1941-1943 The first part of the collection includes documents from various units. The first part contains many documents from the Eichenhain unit which was active in the FHQu Wehrwolf area (the area of the Fuehrer's [Hitler's] headquarters) in Strishawka (ten kilometers north of Winniza, Ukraine). The unit (known as RSD in the documents) wa...

  18. Police files from the St. Gallen, Switzerland canton (region) pertaining to refugees and immigrants

    Police files from the St. Gallen, Switzerland canton (region) pertaining to refugees and immigrants - Files of Jewish refugees; - Police documentation.

  19. Documentation of the Building Trust (Mog stroitrest) in Mogilev, 1938-1941

    Documentation of the Building Trust (Mog stroitrest) in Mogilev, 1938-1941 The Collection contains personal files of the Jewish workers in the Building Trust, lists of members of the Komsomol, lists of experts with a high school education and above and lists of the workers in the association and its branches.

  20. M.59- documentation from the US National Archives

    M.59- Alexandria Collection: Nazi documentation from the US National Archives The Record Group contains Nazi documentation confiscated by the US Army and transferred to the US National Archives in Alexandria, Virginia, USA. The documentation includes documents from German government offices, Nazi organizations (including the Nazi party), SS Headquarters and the German Police, as well as German Army units on various levels, from Army Groups to Divisions. Additionally, copies of documentation regarding the persecution of the Jews of Germany, some of them from Nuremberg Trial files, have been ...