Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 1,501 to 1,520 of 1,615
Language of Description: English
Language of Description: Croatian
Language of Description: Multiple
Language of Description: Ukrainian
Country: Israel
Holding Institution: ארכיון יד ושם / Yad Vashem Archives
  1. Documentation regarding the Holocaust from regional and local archives in Germany

    The Record Group contains documentation gathered from state, regional and local archives in Germany. In the documentation there is much information regarding the persecution of the Jews on the local level, including deportations, as well as information regarding life in the Jewish communities, Jewish property and sometimes, lists of local Jews.

  2. Documentation from archives in Austria regarding the Holocaust

    In the Record Group there is documentation from national, district and local archives in Austria. There is much information in the Record Group regarding the persecution of the Jews by the federal and local authorities and activities of institutions that persecuted the Jews. In this Record Group there is also information regarding Jewish Community life, Jewish property and various lists of Jews, such as lists of Jews (and Mischlinge or those married to Jewish women) who were dismissed from government service or lists of local Jews.

  3. Collection of Rachel Auerbach, author and founder of the Oral Testimonies Department at Yad Vashem archives

    he Rachel Auerbach Collection contains: Personal documentation; biography; rough drafts of her letters from before the war; versions of her works in Yiddish, Hebrew and Polish; articles published in Israel and abroad; articles on general subjects written in Yiddish, Hebrew and Polish; correspondence; documentation regarding the book "Treblinka" by Jean François Schreiber; research articles about Rachel Auerbach; radio broadcasts; scripts; documentation regarding the Oral Testimonies Department at Yad Vashem; documentation regarding Rachel Auerbach and Yad Vashem; documentation related to th...

  4. The Osoby Collection: Nazi documentation from the Special Archive (Osoby) in the Soviet Union

    In the Record Groupe there is documentation from important archives in Germany, documentation confiscated by the Germans from countries they occupied during the war, documentation from Jewish archives in and outside of Germany confiscated by the Germans and more.

  5. Collection of Jacob Robinson, jurist and diplomat

    The Jacob Robinson Collection contains documentation and publications dealing with the capture of Adolf Eichmann and the Eichmann Trial, and especially with international legal aspects regarding this event; a copy of the interview Willem Sassen conducted with Adolf Eichmann in Argentina in the middle 1950s; documentation regarding criminals and trials conducted against them, mainly the Nuremberg Trials; plans for the creation of a comprehensive bibliographical and chronological project about the Holocaust; bibliographical surveys; documentation concerning the Joel Brand Affair and the Holoc...

  6. The Gilbert Collection: Documentation written by senior Nazi war criminals in detention during the Nuremberg Trials

    In the collection there are interviews with these Nazi leaders and officials, as well as essays and manuscripts written by them while they were imprisoned during the trials. Among other items in the documentation:- Hans Michael Frank, Governor of the Generalgouvernment, who described his experiences and personal encounters with Hitler; - The diary of Rudolf Hess, Hitler´s deputy in the Nazi party, written during his imprisonment in England and notes he prepared for a declaration before the trial;- Article by Alfred Rosenberg regarding the persecution of the Jews; - Bibliographical notes by ...

  7. Documentation from the Archive of the Main Commission for Investigation of Crimes against the Polish People, the Institute of National Remembrance in Poland

    The Commission gathered much documentation from various sources: documentation from the offices of the German authorities that left Poland with the withdrawal of the Wehrmacht, as well as loot and documentation that came into the hands of the Allied forces. Additionally, the Commission itself gathered much documentation during its visits to persecution sites in Poland, and it received documentation from various bodies, for instance completed questionnaires regarding the persecution of the Jews.

  8. David Boder Collection: Testimonies of survivors in DP camps in Germany

    This record group is a collection of testimonies recorded by David Boder, a Professor of Psychology at the Illinois Institute of Technology, in DP camps in Europe in 1946. The collection is comprised of testimonies of Jews and non-Jews, recorded in various languages and translated into English. The testimonies focus on the events in the lives of the survivors during the war in the ghettos and camps, while serving in the military, in hiding and in children's homes. The testimonies also contain information regarding the rehabilitation of the survivors from immediately after the war until the ...

  9. Legal documentation from KGB Archives in Moldavia, 1944-1945

    In the collection there is legal documentation from the Komitet gosudarstvennoy bezopasnosti (KGB- Committee for State Security) Archive of Moldavia including investigative files of war criminals in the areas of Moldavia and Ukraine. The documentation includes detention orders, interrogation reports of local residents accused of the persecution of the Jews and murder of Jews in Moldavia and Ukraine, indictments and court rulings regarding the search for a specific criminal throughout the Soviet Union.

  10. Kriegsverbrecherreferat (War Criminals'Section), Legal Department at the Central Committee of Liberated Jews, Munich

    • Personal files regarding Nazi war criminals and Ukrainian, Latvian and Lithuanian collaborators (Subsection M.21.1); - Personal files regarding Jews suspected of collaboration (Subsection M.21.2);- Files containing much documentation regarding criminals according to the places where they were active in camps and ghettos (Subsection M.21.3); - Correspondence regarding war criminals;- Photographs of war criminals; - Newspaper clippings.
  11. Saly Mayer Archive: Documentation regarding the activities of Saly Mayer, President of SIG (the Union of Jewish Communities in Switzerland), on behalf of the Joint Distribution Committee (JDC)

    The documentation is from 1939-1950. Most of the documentation describes the activities of Saly Mayer as the (unofficial) representative of the JDC in Switzerland during World War II.Saly Mayer transferred JDC funds to persecuted Jews in Europe and Shanghai in different ways. He also distributed money for the care of the Jewish refugees in Switzerland. As part of his activities, he received information regarding what was happening in Europe against the Jews, for example in Slovakia (from the Bratislava Working Group). He was in contact with representatives and activists of various Jewish or...

  12. War Criminals Department, Legal Division (Kriegsverbrecherreferat) of the Central Committee of Liberated Jews) - Munich

    n the collection there are personal files regarding Nazi war criminals and Ukrainian, Latvian and Lithuanian collaborators, mainly in the areas of Poland. There are testimonies of survivors in all the documentation.

  13. The She’erit Hapletah Collection - Displaced Persons life in the camps, 1945-1948

    In this Collection there is documentation regarding the lives of the displaced persons (DPs) in the camps. It contains thousands of placards from the camps, mainly concerning cultural and artistic matters, religious life, sport, elections and political parties. Additionally, there are announcements , principally issued by administrative departments in the Eschwefe DP camp and the Feldafing DP camp. There are letters or surveys on subjects related to daily life in the DP camps in a few individual files.

  14. The Recha Freier Archive: Founder of Youth Aliyah in Germany, 1935-1951

    The collection contains Recha Freier's personal files, including correspondence with various international organizations, among them the Hadassah Women's Zionist Organization of the United States, which directed its main efforts to the project to rescue Jewish children during the Holocaust.

  15. Protocols and historical documentation from the Demjanjuk Trial, 1986-1988

    A. Official protocols of the trial in Hebrew and in translation into English B. Historical documentation which served the prosecution at the Demjanjuk Trial

  16. The Julia Vajda Collection: Testimonies of Hungarian survivors, 2004-2007

    The collection contains interviews with survivors conducted by Dr. Júlia Vajda as part of the “Totalitarianism and Holocaust Project” of the University of Debrecen, Hungary, 2004-2007, and documentation regarding these interviews. There are 332 audio testimonies in the collection: 308 interviews with Jewish survivors and 24 with non-Jewish witnesses.Documentation regarding the interviews: - Completed questionnaires containing personal information regarding the survivor and information concerning the fate of the survivor's family in the Holocaust (There is a completed questionnaire for each ...

  17. Evidentiary Material in preparation for the Eichmann Trial

    The Collection contains evidentiary material in preparation for the Eichmann Trial, including transcripts of testimonies given to the Israel police, and copies of documents from the Holocaust period, 1933-1961

  18. Legal documentation collected in Israel in preparation for criminal trials

    This Record Group contains material regarding Nazi criminals collected in Israel to assist in the interrogations and the placing of war criminals on trial, including: Testimonies of Holocaust survivors collected in courts in Israel as requested by courts abroad, newspaper clippings regarding criminals (at times regarding camps as well), lists of Nazi criminals, documentation regarding criminal trials abroad (newspaper articles, indictments, verdicts), correspondence regarding the collection of the material, and reports regarding the Department for Investigation of Nazi Crimes (INC) of the I...

  19. The Dr. Nathan Eck Collection, holocaust researcher, 1938-1976

    The documentation mainly deals with research on various aspects of the Holocaust period in Poland and France. There are research papers, testimonies, newspaper clippings, correspondence and documentation concerning the emigration of Jews to Latin American countries. Outstanding documentation in the collection: - Draft of Dr. Nathan Eck's memoirs, Paris, June-July 1944; - Undated draft of descriptions and memoirs from the WW II period in Lodz, Warsaw and Vittel; - Testimonies regarding the persecution and murder of Jews and the uprising in the Sobibor extermination camp; - Articles, essays, ...