Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 1 to 20 of 23
Language of Description: English
Country: Greece
Holding Institution: Ιστορικό Αρχείο Μακεδονίας
  1. Συλλογή δικηγόρων Σαμουήλ και Φρατέλη Ναχμία

    • Collection of attorneys Samuel and Frateli Nahmia
    • Syllogí dikigóron Samouíl kai Fratéli Nachmía

    Claims for compensation by Jews, residents of Greece or abroad, as victims of Nazism under Legislative Decree 4178/61. The association "Union of Jewish Hostages of Greece," based in Thessaloniki (1945–1970). Legislation on German reparations (Brueg and Beg Laws). Nominal lists of hostages from the Jewish Communities of Athens and Thessaloniki. Declarations of census data for those protected under tenancy laws. Cases of recognition of National Resistance fighters.

  2. Πρακτικά συνεδριάσεων του Δικαστηρίου του εν Θεσσαλονίκη Πρωτοδικείου

    • Proceedings of Minutes of the First Instance Court in Thessaloniki
    • Praktika synedriaseon tou Dikastiriou tou en Thessaloniki Protodikeiou

    Holocaust Survivors claimed property for losses suffered during the Nazi Occupation. The archive contains the Judge rapporteurships and the proceedings.

  3. Αρχείο Τράπεζας Ανατολής

    • Orient Bank Archive
    • Archeio Trapezas Anatolis

    Files on financial matters of the Thessaloniki and Monastirion Branches: clearances, current accounts, customer files and correspondence. The Βank had some prominent jewish families of Thessaloniki as clients.

  4. Αρχείο Επιχείρησης Χ. Κοντού και Ε. Μοδιάνο

    • C. Kontou and E. Modiano Business Archive
    • Archio Epicheirisis C. Kontou kai E. Modiano

    3 books, 21 folders with title deeds, 25 folders with documents of the import-export agency of C. Kontou and E. Modiano. The business imports and exports mainly iron and ores from shipwrecks and various other products. There are also 17 folders containing lawsuits, commercial correspondence, invoices, and documents on tax matters of the business of Henri Modiano and Charalambous Kontou.

  5. Αρχείο Α.Ε. Αντιπροσωπειών Ισαάκ Μ. Ασσέο

    • Archive of the Representation Company S.A Isaac Asseo
    • Archeio A.E. Antiprosopeion Isaak M. Asseo

    Commercial correspondence of Isaac M. Asseo Representation Company.

  6. Απονομή τίτλου ιπποσύνης στον Elia Modiano

    • Award of Knighthood to Elia Modiano
    • Aponomi titlou ipposinis ston Elia Modiano

    Document awarding the title of knighthood "Cavaliere del Suo Ordine della Corona d' Italia" to Elia Modiano by the King Victor-Emmanuel of Italy

  7. Αρχείο Ασφαλιστικής Εταιρείας "La Nationale"

    • Archive of Insurance Company "La Nationale"
    • Archeio Asfalistikis Etairias "La Nationale"

    7 folders containing insurance contracts, accounting tables, receipts, circulars, correspondence. 3 folders containing 51 proposals concerning Jewish people. 84 payment documents and payment receipts. About 200 letters and various company documents.

  8. Αρχείο Ιδιωτικού Σχολείου Αγλαΐας Σχινά

    • Archive of Aglaia Schina's Private School
    • Archeio Idiotikou Scholeiou Aglaias Schina

    Student records containing names of Jewish pupils and other administrative records.

  9. Αρχείο Ιδιωτικού Σχολείου "Άγιος Βικέντιος"

    • Archive of the Private School " Saint Vincent"
    • Archeio Idiotikou Scholeiou "Agios Vikentios"

    Student records containing names of Jewish pupils and other administrative records.

  10. Αρχείο Ιωάννη Σταθάκη

    • Ioannis Stathakis Archive
    • Archeio Ioanni Stathaki

    230 folders with judicial cases of the lawyer Ioannis Stathakis containing also his personal and professional correspondence.

  11. Αρχείο 40ού Δημοτικού Σχολείου Θεσσαλονίκης (Ιωαννιδείου)

    • Archive of 40th Public Elementary School of Thessaloniki (Ioanideio)
    • Archeio 40ou Dimotikou Scholeiou Thessalonikis (Ioannideiou)

    Student records containing names of Jewish pupils and other administrative records.

  12. Αρχείο Ιδιωτικού Σχολείου "Ο Κοραής"

    • Archive of Korais Private School
    • Archeio Idiotikou Scholeiou "O Korais"

    Student records containing names of Jewish pupils and other administrative records.

  13. Αρχείο Νυκτερινής Επαγγελματικής Σχολής Εμπορικού και Βιομηχανικού Επιμελητηρίου Θεσσαλονίκης (ΕΒΕΘ)

    • Archive of the Vocational Night School of Thessaloniki's Chamber of Commerce and Industry
    • Archeio Nikterinis Epagkelmatikis Scholis Emporikou kai Viomichanikou Epimelitiriou Thessalonikis (EVETH)

    Student records containing names of Jewish pupils and other administrative records.

  14. Αρχείο Ιδιωτικού Σχολείου Δέλλιου "Ιωακείμειο Λύκειο"

    • Archive of Delliou Private School "Ioakeimeio Highschool"
    • Archeio Idiotikou Scholeiou Delliou "Ioakeimeio Likeio"

    Student records containing names of Jewish pupils and other administrative records.

  15. Αρχείο Ιδιωτικού Σχολείου Βαλαγιάννη

    • Archive of Valagianni Private School
    • Archeio Idiotikou Scholeiou Valagianni

    Student records containing names of Jewish pupils, personnel register and other administrative records.

  16. Αρχείο Α΄ Γυμνασίου Θηλέων Θεσσαλονίκης

    • 1rst Girls Highschool Archive
    • Archeio A' Gymnasiou Thileon Thessalonikis

    Student records containing names of Jewish pupils, correspondence protocols and other administrative records.

  17. Αρχείο Αστικού Γυμνασίου Αρρένων Θεσσαλονίκης

    • Archive of "Astiko" Boys Highschool
    • Archeio Astikou Gymnasiou Arrenon Thessalonikis

    Student records containing names of Jewish pupils, Books of certificates of studies, Personnel register, other administrative records.

  18. Εκθέσεις φορολογικού ελέγχου επιχειρήσεων

    • Reports of tax audit on companies
    • Ektheseis forologikou elegchou epixeiriseon

    During the German occupation (1941-1944) the Greek authorities conducted a tax audit on Jewish companies in Thessaloniki.

  19. Ελληνικός Ερυθρός Σταυρός

    • Greek Red Cross
    • Ellinikos Erythros Stavros

    Food distribution to the Jewish Community and other Salonikan Jewish institutions (Saul Modiano Residential Home, Allatini Orphanage, Jewish Mental Hospital) in 1942-1943.

  20. Αρχείο Ειδικού Δικαστηρίου Δωσιλόγων

    • Archive of the Special Court of Collaborators
    • Archeio Eidikou Dikastiriou Dosilogon

    The material is indictments, case files, judicial decisions regarding the Collaborators of the Nazis in Greece.