Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 801 to 820 of 1,934
Language of Description: English
Language of Description: Croatian
Country: United Kingdom
  1. Miscellaneous documents

  2. Biographical article on Hans Kohn

    Draft article by Robert Weltsch entitled: "Hans Kohn: Interpreter and Historian of Nationalism" 

  3. Brückner family: Certificates

    Birth, marriage and death certificates for Brückner family

  4. Suzanne Ullmann papers

    This collection comprises papers of the Ullmann family including correspondence received by Rudi and Lenke Ullmann in the UK from Lenke's mother Regina Brueck née Reisner, aka 'Lill Mama' (Little Grandma), 1939-1942 (with introduction and notes on individuals) 1878/1; poems by Regina Brueck, 1910-1940s, 1878/2; a long letter written by Regina Brueck to her daughter, Heddy, detailing the family's experiences in Budapest during the war, c1945, 1878/3; account by Suzanne Ullmann of life during the war in Budapest, 1878/4 

  5. Leo Freund collection

  6. Unity Mitford Collection

    Note that readers need to reserve a reading room terminal to access this archive.

  7. John Rayner collection

  8. Yom Hashoah: publicity material

    Yom Hashoah: publicity material 

  9. Irmgard Smurka: copy papers

    These copy personal papers of Irmgard Smurka (née Klinger) document the life of a German Jewish resident of Berlin who emigrated to Great Britain after the war. The papers include school certificates; birth, marriage and death certificates; job references, etc. Of particular interest is an affidavit of 1961 submitted by Irmgard Smurka in support of a claim for compensation, in which she details the victimisation she endured during the nazi era (-/14). In addition there are manuscript (-/17) and typescript (-/18) accounts of her experiences written in German for Yad Vashem. The above items p...

  10. Arnost Polak: family correspondence and papers

    Readers need to book  a reading room terminal to access this digital contentThis collection comprises original postcards and letters from Gerta and Rudolf Pollak, Jewish inmates of Terezin concentration camp in former Czechoslovakia and Siedliszcze, a forced labour camp in the Lublin area, Poland. Also included are some recent photographs of Terezin and memorial stones. The letters are particularly significant for historians of the period because they provide a detailed insight into ghetto life and shed light on the fate of one transport from Terezin to Lublin District in Poland. The f...

  11. Lisbeth Sokal: Personal papers

  12. Bertha and Karl Weiss papers

    This collection contains the personal papers of Bertha and Karl Weiss, Jewish former residents of Berlin whose families originated in Poland. Also contained are papers relating to various restitution and pension claimsReaders need to reserve a reading room terminal to access some digital photographs

  13. Selma Mills collection

  14. Polish Jewry during the Nazi era: Extracted accounts

    Readers need to reserve a reading room terminal to access a digital version of this archive.This collection of material describes, in the main, the fate of Polish Jewry during the Nazi era. It was extracted from Polish archives in London. In addition there is an extract from a captured German archive and a typescript account of a French Jew's experience of Auschwitz.Transcript of T-77 Roll 1443 Records of Headquarters, Oberkommando der Wehrmacht, "Feindpropaganda in Generalgouvernment wertet den Katyn Fall zu angriffen auf die Methoden des KZ-Lagers Auschwitz aus," (20.4.1943)A Polish profe...

  15. Certificate of proof of racial origin

  16. Manfred Gans: Copy diary extract

    Manfred Gans: Copy diary extract in which the author describes meeting British, American and Russian troops, German soldiers, prisoners of war and refugees

  17. Max Hirsch collection