Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 1,921 to 1,934 of 1,934
Language of Description: English
Language of Description: Finnish
Language of Description: Lithuanian
Country: United Kingdom
  1. Papers relating to the London Jewish Hospital Association

    Jewish Chronicle The papers, 1908-19, 1935, include correspondence, 1908-19, of Dr A.G.Levy with Lord Swaythling, C.G. Montefiore, Mr Jacobowizcy, A. Gaster, Sir E. Cooper Perry, and a letter from Meyer Spielman; cuttings from the , with references to the London Jewish Hospital Movement, 1909-15, two typescript reports on the London Jewish Hospital signed by Arnold Sorsby and associates and addressed to Major Green, Chairman of the hospital, 21 Jun 1938.

  2. Letters from Eugen Flatow from internment camps on the Isle of Man

    Letters, in German, from Eugen Flatow mainly to his wife, from internment camps on the Isle of Man, Jul 1940 - Apr 1941, with a cyclostyled manuscript prayer book produced by the inmates of an internment camp probably also on the Isle of Man.

  3. Papers of Chief Rabbi Sir Israel Brodie

    Newspaper cuttings, 1948-62 (2 vols.), together with journals of pastoral tours of Australia and New Zealand kept by Mrs Brodie, 1951-2 and 1961-2, and material relating to visits to Israel, Ireland, South Africa and the United States of America (3 vols.). Photographs, including portraits, 1950s-70s. Personal papers, 1918-68; papers of the Conference of European Rabbis and Associated Religious Organisations, 1967-8; drafts and typescripts of sermons, addresses and articles, 1924-63.

  4. Papers relating to the Oxford Jewish Congregation

    Iton Ha'vatikin Papers relating to the Oxford Jewish Congregation, 1979-81: circulars, papers, information pamphlets relating to the Oxford Habonim, 1971-80; copies of , the magazine of the Habonim club, 1936-48.

  5. Papers of Harris M.Lazarus

    Personal papers including agreements and correspondence relating to Lazarus' appointments, notes on Lazarus' career and a copy of his official record at Jews' College, London, six certificates of the University of London, 1900-4; family and other photographs, poems, writings, copies of Lazarus' death certificate and other papers, 1880-1962. Correspondence, with individuals and organisations, 1905-58. 256 sermons and a large number of papers for special services, 1887-1956. Reports, pamphlets and communal papers as well as histories of various synagogues. Sabbath Observance Employment Bureau...

  6. Papers of the Stepney Jewish Lads' Club

    The Stepnian Stepney Jewish Club Chronicle West Central Jewish Lads' Club Magazine The Bradian Stepney Jewish Lads' Club Denzil Myer Magazine A to Z of Judaism Minute books, 1924-56. Copies of , 1932-49; ; ; and . Copies of , Nov 1922 and Jul 1928. History of the Stepney Jewish Lads' Club, 1901-36 and three Stepney Jewish Lads' Club booklets, 1914-15 and n.d.; pamphlet issued in memory of Robert Asknew, 1901-40; address of B.L.Q.Henriques on 'The club and the religious problem', 1930, and published by the Religious Advisory Committee, 1963. General correspondence files and correspondence wi...

  7. Papers of M.J. Landa relating to the 'Jewish regiment'

    The collection includes articles relating to the regiment, 1916-44, some covering technical aspects, e.g. Hebrew words of command. Reports of the Jewish regiment committee, 1917-21; statement of receipts of payment of the Jewish regiment committee, 1917-20; programmes for performances by supporters of the regiment in aid of the 'comforts fund' and in aid of the Distressed Polish Jews Fund, 1915-18; balance sheet for concerts at the Hackney Empire, 1918, and for the motor ambulance fund, 1918. Correspondence and telegrams relating to the formation of the regiment, 1917-18: correspondents inc...

  8. Papers of Abraham Hauser

    Correspondence and papers, scrapbooks containing newspaper cuttings, programmes, photographs, etc., 1926-40.

  9. Archives du Comité international de la Croix-Rouge (ACICR): G44 Hostages and Political Detainees (microfilm)

    Archives du Comité international de la Croix-Rouge (ACICR) collection, 1939-1952, comprises files, reports and correspondence on the following subject areas: general background on hostages and political detainees; hostages and political detainees in Germany; hostages and political detainess by country and nationality (except Germany); assistance to hostages and political detainees; repatriations of deported; case files (all nationalities); civil war in Greece.

  10. Dachau concentration camp: postcard

    Postcard from Dachau concentration camp collection comprises a postcard and translation from Ernst Fulda in Dachau concentration camp to Louise Fulda.

  11. Adler family: official personal documents

    Collection of official personal documents, correspondence and press cuttings of members of the Adler family who emigrated to the UK in 1936. Includes certificates of birth and death, speeches, work references, certificates of naturalisation, passports, marriage certificates, declaration of acquisition of British nationality and school reports of Bruno and Meta Adler (1664/1), Erich and Ursula Adler (1664/2), Moritz Israel and Elise Mecklenburg (1664/3), and Feist and Betty Landau (1664/4).

  12. Elise Steiner: personal papers and correspondence

    This collection contains the personal papers of Elise Steiner, a former Jewish refugee from Vienna who arrived in England on a Kindertransport in 1938. Her parents and younger brother were murdered at Kowno concentration camp in 1941. Includes family correspondence (together with typescripts) documenting the day to day activities and aspirations of a Jewish family in Vienna. Reoccurring themes include their gratitude that at least one child was able to escape and continue with her education, efforts to find a place on the Kindertransport for Elise's brother Leo Steiner, news of the fate of ...

  13. Peter Ury: personal papers

    This collection contains the papers of Peter Ury, a Jewish composer from Cologne who emigrated to England in 1939 to escape persecution in Germany. Included are some musical scores of his work, correspondence and press cuttings. Also included are various membership and ID cards of Alfred and Ernina Unger (parents of Peter Ury's wife).

  14. Concentration camp correspondence from various prisoners

    This collection mainly contains correspondence relating to Jewish inmates of concentration camps in Nazi Germany, such as a letter sent by Boleslaus Deja from Sachsenhausen-Oranienburg concentration camp (1940); censored postcard sent by Emil Gans from Lodz (Litzmannstadt) ghetto (1941); postcard sent by Bernhard Steckowski from Buchenwald concentration camp (1942) and his receipts of postings of money ('Einlieferungsschein') received at Sachsenhausen-Oranienburg (July 1940), Dachau (October 1940) and Buchenwald (September 1941) concentration camps; and letter from Konstanya Nowakowska at R...