Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 1,801 to 1,820 of 1,894
Country: United Kingdom
Holding Institution: Wiener Holocaust Library
  1. Notgeld collection

    Notgeld collection; also covering letter 

  2. German Jehova's Witnesses: leaflets

  3. Brussels Relief Committee: Records

    Readers need to reserve a reading room terminal to access a digital version of this archive.This microfim collection of miscellaneous reports and papers documents the fate of Belgian Jewry during WWII.Belgian Information Center: Information regarding radio broadcasts on 16 and 17 July 1942, frames 1-6American Joint Distribution Committee publication: Liste des Israelites liberés de Camps d'Allemagne et arrives en Belgique, 31 July 1946, frames 7-27Typed extract from the 'Bulletin d'information No. 3 du conseil des Association Juives de Belgique': Manifestation Publique de Reconnaissance au ...

  4. George Rosney papers

    This collection contains family correspondence of George Rosney including letters received by him in England from his parents in Karlsruhe and later Stuttgart prior to their deportation to Terezin. Also included is correspondence from various other individuals to George; a separate set including detailed account of George's impressions of Germany in the imediate aftermath of the war. In addition there is a set of correspondence received and copy outgoing of Frieda Fromm-Reichmann, a cousin resident in the USA, which documents the efforts made to extricate Carl and Lise Rosenfeld from Germany.

  5. Liberation of the concentration camps: Copy excerpts from interviews and other papers

    The accounts of liberation from the concentration camps (-/1) are more often than not unsourced. The utterances of leading Nazis (-/2) are extracted from published sources.

  6. Erich Berges: Report re experiences in concentration camps

    This report describes conditions in Buchenwald then Mauthausen for this former prisoner. The collection also includes a handwritten summary of the contents in English.

  7. Gisela Nathan collection

    Gisela Nathan: correspondence

  8. Kristallnacht: Miscellaneous extracts and articles

    This collection consists of manuscript and typescript extracts of contemporary newspaper articles about Reichskristallnacht, and unidentified letters and notes about the same. It appears to be an artificial collection.

  9. Baldur von Schirach: texts from various speeches

    Copy transcriptions of speeches dealing mainly with youth in Nazi Germany. Each speech was subsequently checked and edited by Mia Thiel Hansen in the employ of the BBC on 19 November 1945. An original certificate of authentication signed by Mia Thiel Hansen is enclosed with each speech.

  10. Letter of unidentified Holocaust survivor

    Letter written by a former resident of Prague and inmate of Theresienstadt who emigrated to Canada.

  11. List of former inhabitants of Heilbronn

    This list of former inhabitants of Heilbronn is thought to have been sent to the depositor's mother shortly after it was created. It was produced by the office of the mayor of the city of Heilbronn in August 1964. The names are listed alphabetically by country. The circumstances surrounding its creation are unknown.

  12. Eisler Family: Copy correspondence

    Copy and translated correspondence of Noah (Eisler ?) in Cracow to his children, Itzchok, Mala and Jacob, somewhere abroad, reporting routine everyday life.

  13. Comrades in struggle

  14. Antisemitism in the Middle East: reports