Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 1,441 to 1,460 of 1,894
Country: United Kingdom
Holding Institution: Wiener Holocaust Library
  1. Paula Rosenzweig: Copybook

  2. German Jewish doctors: List of suicides/ murdered

    List of German Jewish doctors who either committed suicide or were murdered between 1933 and 1939.

  3. Nuremberg and Fürth: Eyewitness testimonies of Nazi persecution

    The first item is a report of events in Nürnberg and Fürth during Kristallnacht. The second item is a copy transcript of a letter, the author and addressee of which are unknown, wherein 2 elderly women describe conditions in Germany in 1942.

  4. Photograph of portrait of Luise Hensel

    a mounted photograph of an original pencil drawing by W. Hensel, depicts Luise Hensel (the famous Catholic poet, d. 1876?), in 19th century garb

  5. Miscellaneous collections

    This collection of documents and images came about as the consequence of an appeal made in the May 1962 issue of the AJR Information, by the Council for Jews from Germany, for memorabilia and documents of Germany Jewry, of historical and artistic value, for the Memorial Hall to German Jewry at the Wiener Library.

  6. Annie Jacob: Personal account

    Annie Jacob: personal account of the war years including  a period of incarceration at Gurs internment camp 

  7. Correspondence re refugees from Czechoslovakia

  8. Copy documents re status of non-denominational Jews

    These copy documents shed some light on the experiences of non-religious Jews during the Nazi era.They were transcribed and copied by the depositor.

  9. Heinrich Sterne: copy letter

    The author of this copy letter written in Sütterlin script is unknown. The recipient, Heinrich Stern, was a lawyer and president of the preussiche Landesverbandes der jüdische Gemeinden

  10. Hadjeret el Meguil, Algeria: Various documents

    Readers need to reserve a reading room terminal to access a digital version of this archive.This microfilm collection of documents concerning life in Hadjeret el Meguil and other internment camps in Vichy North Africa was, according to a covering note at the beginning of the collection, donated to the Wiener Library, by way of gratitude for the assistance that was given to the depositor with respect to his restitution claims.Material re camps in North Africa including the following:Type-written copy of a novel, "Levinstein", by Peter Andreas, based on his experiences in forced labour units ...

  11. Lodz ghetto: various documents

    Readers need to reserve a reading room terminal to access a digital version of this archive.This microfilm collection of facsimile documentation from the Lodz ghetto comprises at least two separate deposits and sheds light on the controversial role of the chairman of the Judenrat, Mordechai Rumkowski. One of the documents in this collection is a fragment of a calendar covering part of the year 1942. The front bears an image of Rumkowski with the ghetto in the background and the month of January opens with the slogans 'work', 'bread', 'care of the sick', protection for the children', 'peace ...

  12. Hans Peter Frank collection

  13. Irmgard Piepenbrock: school certificate

    Leaving certificate issued from the commercial college “Handelsschule der Schwestern Unserer lieben Frau zu Ahlen (Westf.) (Berufsfachschule)“.German 

  14. Kartel Convent: Various papers

    This collection contains circulars from the KC in Great Britain and the American Jewish KC Fraternity, Inc.

  15. Robert Loebl diary

  16. Kurt Gerron: personal papers re Theresienstadt film

    Readers need to book  a reading room terminal to access this digital contentThis collection comprises the papers of Kurt Gerron which were created during the course of making the infamous propaganda film, which he directed and which was shot in Theresienstadt-Ghetto in 1944. It was originally entitled Theresienstadt. Ein Dokumentarfilm aus dem jüdischen Siedlungsgebiet but came to be known as Der Führer schenkt den Juden eine Stadt. The papers consist of descriptions of the days' shooting; itemized camera shot descriptions; narrator's text and related correspondence and papers. The pap...