Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 1,081 to 1,100 of 1,894
Country: United Kingdom
Holding Institution: Wiener Holocaust Library
  1. Konrad Pietrzuch: Press cuttings regarding his murder

    Konrad Pietrzuch: Press cuttings regarding his murder 

  2. Dr. Karl and wife Katharina Schreiner: copy correspondence and papers re Nazi persecution

    The papers document the persecution by the nazis of Karl Schreiner, formerly a lawyer, and his wife Katharina, from Trier, from 1934-1942. They demonstrate the vigour with which any opposition to the nazis, however minimal, was fought, as early as 1934. The papers include statements of denunciation by various individuals, and the views of the NSDAP, Trier, the mayor of Trier and the state prosecutor at the Sondergericht, Koblenz. The Schreiners' offences consisted of refusal to give the nazi salute; refusal to contribute to nazi organisations and causes; opposition to their children joining...

  3. Lodsky family: Copy papers re Nazi persecution

  4. Copy registration notices re deportations from Camp de Malines convoi Z

    Copy registration notices relating to deportations from Camp de Malines 

  5. Socialist Vanguard Group: 5 issues of Commentary

    Issue Nos 26, 28, 29,30, 31of Commentary, produced by the Socialist VanguardEnglish 

  6. Nelki family documents

    This small collection of copy documents relates to the life of Wolfgang Nelki. See also Unpublished Memoir 4036 for the Nelki family history, written by Wolfgang Nelki.

  7. Antisemitic Nazi measures: copy orders

  8. Copy list of children of Kitchener camp residents

    Copy list of children of Kitchener camp residents

  9. Reports re conditions in Chile

  10. Free Austria Books: Postcards

  11. Notes on the family trees of German Jewish families

    Notes on the family trees of the following German Jewish families: Mendessohn; Rothschild; Montefiore; Veit; Heine; Ephraim; Fraenkel; Meyer; Friedlaender; Mendel; Joseph; Warschauer; Sigmann; Alexander; Oppenheim and von Simson 

  12. Josephine Nelson family correspondence

    Family correspondence

  13. German political leaflets

  14. Jews in Berlin at the beginning of 1942: a report

    This typescript report on conditions in Berlin is the product of a conversation with a Jewish woman who left Berlin in the beginning of 1942 and arrived in London in October of that year.

  15. Rechtsverwaltung to Obersten Reichsbehörden: Letter re behaviour of servicemen

    Copy letter signed by Puttkammer from the Reichsverwaltung to the Obersten Reichsbehörden re the behaviour of servicemen 

  16. Bertha Pappenheim: Copy letter

    Copy letter of Bertha Pappenheim, dated FrankfurtBarely legible 

  17. Adolf Peritz: letter