Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 1 to 3 of 3
Language of Description: German
Language of Description: English
Language of Description: Slovak
Country: Czechia
Holding Institution: Státní oblastní archiv v Třeboni
  1. German Settlement Company in Nová Bystřice

    The fonds includes fragments of the archival records of the German Settlement Company in Nová Bystřice, showing the life and administration of the Nazis in the border regions in 1938-1945. The files relating to prisoners of war and foreign nationals are especially valuable. There are also interesting documents concerning property affairs of individual estates, showing the bad relations between the local officials of the Sudeten and the Nazi movements. Other documents relate to efforts to subordinate the agricultural production to the war economy. Jewish issues can specifically be found in f...

  2. Landgericht (Reichs Regional Court) of Linz – branch in Český Krumlov

    In the files of the criminal, civil and administrative agendas there is only one case concerning a Jewish defendant: No. Vr 243/41 (Blaha Sara, housewife, from Benešov nad Černou, accused of not using her first Jewish name and not getting her Kennkart (personal ID)).

  3. Forest Office of Nová Bystřice

    The fonds includes archival material of the Forest Office of Nová Bystřice (cultivation, timber felling, etc.). As for the Jewish history, there are documents concerning the forced labor of foreign nationals, namely the Hungarian Jews, from 1944.