Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 741 to 747 of 747
Country: Belgium
  1. Archief Joris Desbonnet.

    In dit bestand noteren we vooreerst de antisemitische propaganda geschreven door Joris Desbonnet zelf. Nr. 3 bevat o.a. antisemitische artikels waaronder de brochure “Wie won en wie verrijkte zich in den Wereldoorlog?” (1935-1936). Onder nr. 11 vinden we een ongedateerd script van de hand van Desbonnet getiteld “Het Jodendom valt aan”. Daarnaast vermelden we nog de congresteksten van het vierde en vijfde congres van het antisemitische persagentschap Wereld Dienst te Erfurt (resp. in 1937 en 1938). Deze documenten zijn overgebracht naar de “collectie congressen”; zie de verwijzingen onder nr...

  2. Bibliothèque de l'Institut d'études du Judaïsme

    • Library of the Institute for Jewish Studies
    • Institut d'Études du Judaïsme
    • BE/IEJ Bibliothèque de l'Institut d'études du Judaïsme
    • English, French
    • 1800
    • +/- 15 000 works and periodicals

    The library holds more than fifteen thousand works related to Judaism. It holds a unique collection of Jewish periodicals emanating from Belgian and international Jewish organisations. The library possesses the complete collection of the periodical Regards par of the CCLJ, of the Centrale d’œuvres Sociales, du Kehilatenou, de Menorah, created in 1955 by Chaïm Perelman. The many press clippings are arranged thematically, and by sections in the library. It also holds documents regarding Jews from the USSR.

  3. Course notes and publications from professors affiliated with the IEJ

    • Notes de cours et publications des professeurs de l'IEJ

    This fond regroups course notes, syllabi, publications and documents related to all forms of education displayed at the center. Those files are arranged according to the name of the professors.

  4. Archives du CNHEJ/IEJ

    • Archives of the CNHEJ/IEJ

    Very rich fond comprising of all documents relating first to CNHEJ, then IEJ. It contains the correspondence of the institute, official documents, charter depicting the goals and priorities of the institution, financial documents (1959-1977), minutes of the meetings ranging from scientific meetings to HR meetings. The fond holds also files regarding sociological research, conferences organised by CNHEJ/IEJ, applications for subsidies to the Institute of Contemporary Jewry, Hebrew University of Jerusalem.

  5. Manuscripts

    In more than 2,000 diaries and manuscripts, people and personalities relate their experiences relating to the Exodus, the 18-day military campaign, daily life, deportation and the Liberation.

  6. Photographic archives

    The photographic archives consist essentially of the collections of the Sipho agency which distributed a large element of the Belgian as well as the international press photographs from 1930 until 1944. In 1946, the Sipho responsibles were brought to trial and its collections were confiscated. In 1970 they were transferred to the Centre. This important collection (some 300,000 photographs) consists of a Belgian and an international section. It has been regularly supplemented with new acquisitions such as the collections of Otto Kropf (relating to daily life in occupied Belgium), of Raphaël ...

  7. Archives

    The collection includes personal archives, archives of private organisations, of collaborators and collaborationist movements, of resistance fighters and resistance organisations, of official institutions and services that existed only between 1939 and 1946 (based under the terms of an agreement with the General State Archives) and of microfilms and photocopies of foreign archival collections. Some archive collections are already accessible online. The collection allows researchers to explore a variety of subjects, in the first place on the Second World War: the policies of the Occupation a...