Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 201 to 220 of 747
Country: Belgium
  1. Gert (Gerhard) Lilienthal. Collection

    KD_00059_0001 : Judaica concerning Jewish emancipation and the German liberal revolution of 1848 ; remains of the looted collection of Berlin banker dr. Heinz Lilienthal, father of the donor. KD_00059_0002 : Prewar Lilienthal family documents, including vaccination certificates, birth certificates, marriage certificates, documents related to dr. Heinz Lilienthal’s business, a household inventory and household budget. KD_00059_0003 : Wartime Lilienthal family documents, including three letters sent from the Dossin barracks by Hilda Kirschstein and Minni Marie Fabian, mother and maternal gran...

  2. Liwszyc-Jagolkowska family. Collection

    This collection contains: two pieces of yellow cloth containing each three Belgian stars of David which were never cut from the fabric or worn ; two letters sent by relatives to Rachel Carolina Liwszyc while she was in hiding as Lina Pasqual ; a report on the history of the Liwszyc- Jagolkowska family written during the procedure to recognize rescuer Jeanne Periphanos as Righteous among the Nations ; the diploma of Righteous issued to Jeanne Periphanos in 2007 ; a letter signed by Yad Vashem confirming that the title of Righteous among the Nations was issued to Jeanne Periphanos ; a photo o...

  3. Tertaas-Huijsman family. Collection

    This collection contains: photos from the album of the Tertaas-Huijsman family, including photos of Hartog Tertaas and his wife Clara Huijsman (Huysman), of their daughters Rebecca and Jacomina Tertaas, of Rebecca Tertaas's husband Francois Verachtert and of their son Jozef Verachtert ; a congratulatory letter from the city of Antwerp to Rebecca Tertaas and Francois Verachtert on the occasion of their marriage

  4. De Ceulaer-Margulies family. Collection

    This collection consists of two photos of the four De Ceulaer-Margulies family members, posing in group in their living room and in the garden.

  5. Sosna-Trzcinka family. Collection

    This collection contains: eleven pre-war photos of the Sosna-Trzcinka family, including group photos, photos taken during outings in Liège and photos taken while on vacation ; two pre-war work permits issued to Raca alias Rosa Sosna, 1938-1939 ; a war-time postcard sent to Marie Louise Dufour which was the false identity of Raca alias Rosa Sosna while in hiding, 1943 ; a post-war postcard to Raca alias Rosa Sosna from Henry and Jacques (unidentified), 1945 ; a search request concerning Tobias Sosna filled out by Raca alias Rosa Sosna and sent to the Belgian Red Cross, 1944 ; four forms sign...

  6. Registries of Jewish retirement home Scheut. Collection

    This collection contains digital copies of two registries used to monitor the number of residents at the Jewish retirement home Scheut in Anderlecht. The institution housed 490 Jewish elderly men and women from September 1943 until December 1944. Each page contains four names and bibliographical information : name, date of birth, place of birth, profession, nationality, information on the spouse, date of arrival at Scheut and date of departure. The registries sometimes also refer to the way of arrival or departure of a person.

  7. Lili Nahmias. Collection

    This collection contains one letter written by Lili Nahmias while detained at the Dossin barracks in May 1944 and sent to her parents at the Jewish elderly home Scheut in Anderlecht ; one note written by Lili Nahmias and thrown out of deportation transport XXV en route to Auschwitz-Birkenau.

  8. Weissblum-Wachspress family

    This collection contains: a wartime photo of spouses David Weissblum and Giza Wachspress ; a wartime photo of Giza Wachspress ; a wartime photo of Giza Wachspress and her son Simon Weissblum ; two wartime photos of Simon Weissblum as a baby and as a toddler ; a wartime photo of Simon Weissblum with his rescuer misses Ecran-Petri ; two post-war photos of the Weissblum-Wachspress family.

  9. Birenbaum-Flescher family. Collection

    This collection consists of a studio portrait of Salka Flescher and a casual portrait of siblings Jenny alias Schenja, Esther alias Erna and Joseph Birenbaum

  10. Betti Blaugrund. Collection

    This collection contains : a children's desk and chair used by Aline and Jacques Klajn before their deportation in October 1942 ; clogs carved for Betti Blaugrund by Louis Ceulemans while she was in hiding at the Ceulemans-Gryson farm in Aarschot ; a pre-war suitcase used by Betti Blaugrund’s family to store photos ; photos of the extended Blaugrund-Berlinski family, including photos of the Klajn-Berlinski family, the Berlinski-Frenkiel family and the Guzy-Berlinski family ; pre-war photos of family vacations at the Belgian coast ; wartime photos of Betti Blaugrund with Louis and Odile Ceul...

  11. Diary of dr. Alfons Van Orshoven. Collection

    This collection consists of three elements. First is a diary by Alfons Van Orshoven which he noted at Bergen-Belsen itself during his volunteering work, the first entry dating from 24 May 1945 and the last from 4 August 1945. Within the diary, there are some numbered pages which, however, remain unwritten. Among the things and people mentioned inside is friend and fellow year-old Prof. Jozef Vandepitte (called "Pitten") who was one of the other doctors that came to Bergen-Belsen together with Alfons. Second, there is a notebook in which are written the disease symptoms and treatment of pati...

  12. Silberman-Holzer family. Collection

    This collection contains: an audio-visual testimony by Myriam Silberman in which she recounts her life during the war, including the experiences of her father Efraim Silberman who was sent to a work camp in Northern France run by Organisation Todt and who escaped transport XVI taking him to Auschwitz-Birkenau, the help Myriam, her sister Anna alias Annie Silberman and their mother Euga alias Augusta Holzer received from their former housekeeper Marie in Antwerp and from Righteous amongst the Nations Charles Ollinger and Odon Dubois who hid the family in Mons under the false name “Steurs”, l...

  13. Stern-Lachs family. Collection

    This collection contains: 14 photos of Mayer Stern, his wife Flora Lachs and their children Norbert and Beatrice alias Beate Stern ; a certificate of naturalisation issued to Beate Stern by the United States government in 1953 ; newspaper clipping regarding a music prize won by piano prodigy Norbert Stern at the Brussels conservatory before the war.

  14. Jablonowicz-Herszaft family. Collection

    This collection contains two photos of Frieda Herszaft, including one on which she poses with her twin sons Robert and Salomon Jablonowicz.

  15. Paul Marcel Italie. Collection

    This collection contains four photos of the Italie-Hausdorff family, including two portraits of oldest son Paul Marcel Italie and a photo of Paul Marcel Italie with friends.

  16. Marie-Jeanne Borghmans. Collection

    This collection contains the memoirs of Marie-Jeanne Borghmans in which she addresses the following topics: her own family tree ; the connections her father Jozef Borghmans had with the resistance in Leuven and with the Jewish Rothschild-Florsheim family living in Kessel-Lo ; daily life at the Borghmans family home with the Russian-Jewish couple Lazare Galperin (born on 24 August 1892 in Proskurov, Russia, today Khmelnytskyy in Ukraine) and Freide alias Frieda Engelmann (born on 13 February 1897 in Lwow, Poland, today Lviv, Ukraine) hidden in their attic (including information on medical tr...

  17. Diplomatic service passport issued by the Republic of Liberia to Matus Kugel. Collection

    A diplomatic service passport issued by the Republic of Liberia, represented by Baron O. de Bogaerde, Minister Plenipotentiary, to Matus and Chaja Kugel-Rubin, granting them diplomatic immunity and allowing them to travel to Spain and Portugal. The passport also contains wartime visa for Italy and Monaco.

  18. Schmidt-Kolinski family. Collection

    Letters and postcards sent by nuns of the Institut Enfant Jésus in Ciney to Rosa Kolinski, the mother of hidden children Armand Schmidt and Rachel Schmidt. Pictures of Armand Schmidt as a hidden child at the Institut Enfant Jésus, photos of the nuns and the monastery, and of Armand Schmidt with family members on vacation after the war.

  19. Shifra Senderowicz. Collection

    This collection contains one video-interview with Shifra Senderowicz recorded at Kazerne Dossin, one wedding book dating from 1940 of Jenö (Jano) Grünberger and Cecilia Stern, one Belgian passport of Shifra Senderowicz and fifteen photographs of her family members including Jenö (Jano) Grünberger, Cecilia Stern, Chaskel Stern, Miriam Brohner, Marie Grünberger and others.

  20. David Pelc. Collection

    This collection contains a photo of David Pelc, two yellow stars bought but never worn by David Pelc, two pre-war and three post-war photos of Sonia Hailstone (alias Aimée Cuypers and Sonia Anoutchin), four forms sent by David Pelc and his cousin Jacob Peltz to Sonia's address, and the envelope in which Sonia kept the documents.