Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 201 to 220 of 336
Language of Description: Danish
Language of Description: German
Language of Description: English
Country: Belgium
Holding Institution: Kazerne Dossin: Memoriaal, Museum en Onderzoekscentrum over Holocaust en Mensenrechten / Kazerne Dossin: Mémorial, Musée et Centre de Recherche sur la Shoah et les Droits Humains
  1. vzw Het Ondergedoken Kind, Brussel. Collection

    The archive of vzw Het Ondergedoken Kind - L'Enfant caché asbl consists of: (1) institutional files and series on the creation of the association, on the administrative committee, on the yearly general assembly and on the membership administration, as well as (2) files and series on the organisation of activities. This second section includes both general files and files on activities organised to reach the goals of the association. The archive of vzw Het Ondergedoken Kind - L'Enfant caché asbl also contains several files created by the Amicale des Anciens de Jamoigne, the association of Je...

  2. Van Velzen-Viskoper family. Collection

    This collection contains: a pre-war photograph of Barend and Rebecca van Velzen-Viskoper ; a postcard from the brothers Louis, Benjamin and Salomon van Velzen sent from camp Jawischowitz to the Papegaai family in Antwerp in 1943 ; a postcard from A. van Wien to Mathilda Randolfi sent from camp Westerbork ; a photograph of Benjamin van Velzen taken just after his repatriation in 1945 ; documents concerning the war damage suffered by the van Velzen family, including statements about the emptying of their house ; documents concerning Benjamin van Velzen's application for recognition as a polit...

  3. Lucy Sara Mandelbaum-Lipiner. Collection

    This collection contains an interview with Lucy Sara Mandelbaum-Lipiner. During the interview Lucy recounts her journey from the DP camp to the orphanage in Antwerp and the arrival there. She also describes the atmosphere and facilities at the home, the staff members and other children, the food and religious holidays, activities such as lectures on Zionism and the bi-weekly Shabbat celebration at the home of her aunt Lotti Mandelbaum, the language challenge, the visits from the women’s committee, Lucy’s visits to the movie theatre with her sister to watch movies with Steward Granger, the t...

  4. Postcard by Edith Silbiger. Collection

    This item is a postcard sent by Edith Silbiger, while detained at the Dossin barracks and working as a secretary there, to her parents in Forest, Brussels, in 1942. The item contains information on the exchange of letters and requested items.

  5. Abram Hofnung. Collection

    This collection consists of five postcards sent by Abram Hofnung while detained at the Dossin barracks in August 1942 to his wife Bajla Taszman in Brussels.

  6. Springer-Chasman family. Collection

    This collection contains: several pre-war Ketubah from the Springer-Chasman extended family ; immigration documents for the Chasman family ; documents regarding parcels sent by Adela Chasman to her future husband Jacques Springer, detained in Auschwitz ; a telegram sent by Nathan (Nico) Engelsman asking when Jacques Springer will join him in Sweden ; post-war documents regarding the health of Jacques Springer, regarding his recognition as a resistance fighter and regarding his war pension ; post-war documents regarding the death of Adela Chasman's sister Helena Chasman ; post-war documents ...

  7. Reichsarbeitsministerium file carrier. Collection

    This object is a file carrier used by the Antwerp department of the Reichsarbeitsministerium to store index cards regarding labour during the war.

  8. Gniwosch-Spergel family. Collection

    This collection contains: three family photos of the Gniwosch-Spergel family ; post-war correspondence regarding the redeeming of Suzanne Gniwosch by her uncle Chiel Spergel ; judicial correspondence regarding the court case ; administrative letters from Jewish organisations such as the Aide aux Israélites Victimes de la Guerre [Aid Society for Jewish War Victims], the Commission on the Status of Jewish War-Orphans in Europe, the Rabbi of Brussels, the Agence Juive pour la Palestine - Alyah de la Jeunesse [Jewish Agency for Palestine – Youth Aliyah department], and the Palestine Office of t...

  9. Maurice Strauch. Collection

    This diary consists of 18 notebooks, starting on 26 March 1943 and ending on 25 December 1944, and contains elaborate notes by Maurice Strauch alias Strauss or Straus on life in hiding in Brussels.

  10. Berneman-Flam family. Collection

    This collection contains pre-war photos of the inhabitants of the town Kozienice, Poland ; post-war photos depicting Pinie Berneman's stay in a Suisse sanatorium in 1946 ; a book on the history of the Jewish community of Kozienice published in 1969 ; additions to the book by Pinie Berneman ; post-war newspaper clippings regarding the war in Poland ; audio-visual testimonies of Pinie Berneman and Chana Flam by the Steven Spielberg Foundation ; audio-visual testimony of Rosie Berneman by Kazerne Dossin.

  11. Figowitz-Hoch family. Collection

    This collection contains sixteen photos of the extended Figowitz-Hoch family, including photos of Hermann Figowitz and his wife Etta Hoch as well as their children Anna, Ignaz and Manfred ; photos of Ignaz Figowitz alias Glen Ferell with his family after the war ; a letter from an unidentified family member, probably Regina Figowitz-Pinchewski, the mother of Hermann Figowitz.

  12. Herta Frucht. Collection

    This collection contains two group photos of girls spending their summer at the Diesterweg children’s colony in Heide-Kalmthout in 1939. Among those depicted are Herta Frucht and her friend Maria De Roy.

  13. Cuba's Forgotten Jewels. Collection

    This collection contains: the uncut version of the interview of Marion Finkels-Kreith by Beret Strong, 2013 ; the uncut version of the interview of Felicia Rosshandler by Judy Kreith, 2015 ; the transcript of both interviews ; the published memoires of Felicia Rosshandler ; an interview with Judy Kreith and Robin Truesdale on the film’s creation process conducted by Kazerne Dossin, 2019 ; an administrative file on the organisation of the screening at UGC Antwerp, 27 January 2019 ; a research report on the wartime and post-war migration of Jews from Antwerp by dr. Veerle Vanden Daelen conduc...

  14. Rachel Souritz. Collection

    This collection contains: pre-war photos of the Souritz-Grabowetzki family, including photos of the deported Abraham Echiel Souritz and his children Willy and Paulette ; pre-war photos of the family of Mozes alias Max Blumberg, second husband of Jeanne Grabowetzki, widow of Abraham Echiel Souritz ; war-time photos of Rachel Souritz' son Albert Souritz, taken while the child was in hiding in Mechelen ; post-war photos of Max Blumberg and Jeanne Grabowetzki ; a wartime school report of Paulette Souritz ; documents on the deportation of Abraham Echiel, Willy and Paulette Souritz and on the rep...

  15. Porcelain tableware set of Hester Raizmann-Rood. Collection

    This Davenport tableware set produced by Hollinshead & Kirkham in Tunstall, England, given to Hester Raizmann-Rood as a wedding gift, consists of twelve soup plates, twelve large plates, eleven dessert plates, one sauce dish, one platter for vegetables, one platter for meat, one soup tureen with lid and three vegetable bowls with lid.

  16. U.S. Private David (“Doov”) Stein World War II Letters from Antwerp. Collection

    This collection contains letters written by Private David “Doov” Stein during his first months of service in the US Army in Antwerp, from November 10 to December 31, 1944. There are also letters written by Private David “Doov” Stein during 5 ½ of his 7 months of service in the US Army in Antwerp from January 1 to June 10, 1945, and a similar number of letters from individuals and organizations to him, concerning his relief activities on behalf of the Jewish community of Antwerp following the Nazi occupation. This collection also consists of Stein’s notepad containing names, addresses and so...

  17. Schwarz family. Collection

    The collection comprises a diverse array of materials, prominently featuring a selection of photographs that document the lives of key individuals, including Emile Schwarz, Fritz Birenzweig, Edith Schwarz, Liz Knaepen, Joseph Knaepen, Elizabeth Knaepen, Remi Knaepen, Louis Knaepen, Jozef Knaepen, Leon Knaepen, Jules Horowitz, Camille Knaepen, Clement Knaepen, Fina Knaepen, Annette Schwarz, Toni Birenzweig, Herman Schwarz, Philippe Schwarz, and Katia Schwarz. In addition to the photographic documentation, the collection encompasses a painting depicting the hidden residence, a significant pin...

  18. Bornstein family. Collection

    This collection contains six photographs, showing members of the Bornstein family: Franciska Bornstein, Abraham Kampf, Albert (Avraham) Gunzburg, Arthur (Aaron) Kampf, Lora / Sara Bornstein, Rezi Bornstein, Herman Bornstein, Samu Weinstein, Betty / Basha Schachner, Samuel Bornstein, Eta Kampf-Stieglitz, Harry Stieglitz and Avraham Stieglitz.

  19. Serge Klarsfeld. Collection

    This collection contains: a photomontage of portraits of Jewish children deported from Belgium, used as a cover for the commemorative publication entitled "Mémorial de la déportation de Belgique de 25.124 Juifs et de 351 Tziganes" by Serge Klarsfeld an Maxime Steinberg ; the pages of addendum number 2 of the "Mémorial de la Déportation des Juifs de France" [Memorial of the Deportation of Jews from France] by Serge Klarsfeld, containing portraits of deported Jews, their names and different pieces of information (transport, biography) ; a published collection of various documents used during ...