Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 10,681 to 10,700 of 56,066
  1. Budapest after liberation

    Budapest after liberation by Soviet forces. Quality varies. A Soviet soldier writes "Budapest" in Russian on a sign. Shots of burning, partially destroyed buildings. A corpse lies in the foreground. More shots of corpses. Soviet soldiers walk across a snow-covered square. Soviet and Romanian (?) officers meet and confer. Soviet soldiers with captured flags. Soviet soldiers arrest Hungarian soldiers. Soldiers are led out of a cellar while other are forced to march down the street with their arms up.

  2. Linen poster with the song and lyrics to Schnitzelbank

    Large Schnitzelbank linen poster for the popular German call and response song. It is printed with the music and lyrics for the song "Schnitzelbank" and features 12 sets of cartoon images with captions for the rhyming sets used to vary the short verses. This version includes a stereotypical caricature of a Jewish man with the name "Judenmeier" paired with "Grose Eier" (Large Eggs), and 11 other rhyming pairs with drawings. The Schnitzelbank is a popular German drinking song often sung at carnivals, Octoberfests, and other festivals. A poster with cartoons and captions for the rhyming sets i...

  3. Sara Zyskind manuscript

    One unpublished manuscript titled "Sara Zyskind." The first few chapters of the third book by Sara Plager Zyskind, survivor of Łódź ghetto. Sara Zyskind was unable to finish her book about the lives of the young survivors in Łódź and their desires and efforts to reach Eretz Israel. The original was written in Hebrew and later translated into Polish.

  4. Janine Bland photograph collection

    Contains two August 1942 photographs depict a group of Jewish children, including Janine Bland, hiding in Le Chambon-sur-Lignon, France at the "Tante Soly" pension, which belonged to the Seches family. Also includes four photographs depicting the "Tante Soly" pension around 1942.

  5. Roma in the Soviet Union

    Excerpt from a film which compares traditional Roma life unfavorably with the life of the Roma under the Soviet system. Intertitle in English and French reads, "Awards for the Best Workers." Romani people on a kolkhoz (collective farm) receive awards at a ceremony. People clap and cheer as a woman is awarded three geese and a young boy receives a pig. A woman and a man lead a bull through a crowd of cheering people. A large portrait of Stalin hangs from the building. Intertitle in English and French reads: "The Century-Long Wanderings of the Gypsy." A Roma woman dances in front of a large c...

  6. Ursula Wolff photographs

    Five photographs regarding Ursula Wolff (donor's cousin).

  7. Alexander Zeidel photograph collection

    Collection of ten photographs documenting the Zeidel family in pre-war Kovno. The photographs include images of family, children dressed for Purim, the Board of Teachers from the Real Gymnasium Ha'Ivrei B'Kovno, and the board of the Kinderhaus in Kovno.

  8. Election propaganda; Loos Haus

    A long line of people stand outside several buildings. This might show Jews lining up to try and get visas to leave the country. The cross on the bulding (visible at 01:16:08) is part of the flag of the city of Vienna and indicates that this is a government building. Nazis salute each other as they walk by the people in the line. A group of girls, probably members of the Bund Deutscher Maedel (BDM), march down the street. 01:16:30 A huge sign reading "Ja fuer den Fuehrer" below large swastika flags. Shots of cars decorated with posters of Hitler's face. A group of Hitler Youth in the back o...

  9. Gertrude Rubin papers

    Collection consisting of 11 letters and one postcard received by Gertrude Rubin [donor's mother] while she was living in hiding in France, after she was able to leave the Rivesaltes internment camp with help from the French resistance. Collection includes letters and a postcard written by Selma Rubin [donor's grandmother] to her daughter, sent from Rivesaltes internment camp in France, June-July 1942; letter written from unknown acquaintance in Rivesaltes, dated August 1942; and letters written by Erich, Rudy and Dohle (Danielle) Adler, Gertrude's half-brothers and sister, while they were l...

  10. Boycott of Jewish shops

    Pedestrians walk by a store with a large "JUDE" and a Star of David painted on the window. The name on the store is Roth. Close-ups of other "JUDE" graffiti, including a marked display window of Dr. Becker´s pharmacy located on Linke Wienzeile 20 in Vienna´s 6th district (Dr. J. Becker died in May 1938 in Vienna.) One of the street signs indicates that the store is near the Naschmarkt. 01:14:16 A woman wipes a store window, perhaps attempting to remove graffiti. A close-up on the store window shows a sign (in soft-focus) which reads "Nicht arisches Geschaeft [Non-Aryan business]." A shot of...

  11. Rebecca Siegel papers

    Collection of documents, photographs, and a copyprint of a greeting card illustrating the Salomons family surrounding the Holocaust in Amsterdam, Westerbork transit camp in the Netherlands, Bergen-Belsen concentration camp in Germany, as well as immediate post-war life in the Netherlands and immigration to the United States. Included are the last notes written by donor's father before his death in Bergen-Belsen. Dated 1939's-1940's.

  12. Gasul children at home near Chicago

    Title: "And here is 'Home Sweet Home' and the Children." Short sequence of the three Gasul children. CU, baby with bonnet (Judy, the donor) in carriage. Sister (Sandra) in red velvet dress plays with Judy. MS, three girls sitting on the bench. Oldest sister (Gloria) in same red velvet dress holds Judy on her lap with Sandra at right.

  13. Leather belt with metal buckle worn by a concentration camp inmate

    Belt worn by Josef Blonder throughout his imprisonment at several concentration camps. Eighteen year old Blonder was deported, with his parents and 2 siblings, from Oradea (Nagyvarad), Romania, to Auschwitz-Birkenau in 1944. His father, Avraham, his mother, Yokheved, 21 year old brother, Barukh, and 14 year old sister, Lea, were murdered in Auschwitz. Blonder was transferred to, but survived, imprisonment in Mauthausen and its sub-camp, Gusen II.

  14. Warsaw street scenes; Pilsudski Square

    Warsaw street scene at Pilsudski Square. Men unfurl Polish flags around statue.

  15. David Klayman photograph collection

    Collection consists of 15 prewar and postwar photographs of the Klajman, Tropauer and Szternfeld families of Bedzin, Poland.

  16. Ruth Marx papers

    Papers consist of 12 documents, a letter, a photograph, and a card documenting the life of Elisabeth Bieber before World War II, her immigration from Germany in 1939, and subsequent life in the United States; dated 1915-1942.

  17. US infantry in France; Female French collaborators

    American troops of the 4th Division advance through fields and woods. They take cover in trenches and behind trees. According to NARA the tanks are M-4 tanks and the howitzer is a 105mm on an M-7 motor carriage. Long shot down a road. Smoke billows in the distance. More howitzers firing. Close-up of shells being loaded and fired. Two captured German soldiers are marched down a road. 01:14:45 Sign at the entrance to a devastated town reads Cherence le Roussel. American soldiers advance through the town, looking for snipers. A soldier marks a mine with a flag. Young soldier holding a telephon...

  18. Herschl Shreibman photograph

    Contains a black and white photographic portrait of Herschl Shreibman (donor's father), dressed in a concentration camp uniform, dated circa 1945; location unknown (possibly Germany where Mr. Shreibman was liberated).

  19. US Foreign Service and diplomats; Good Neighbor Policy; recall of ambassador from Germany

    March of Time, Vol. 5, No. 4 (continuation of "The Foreign Service") Ambassadors at work abroad: Joseph P. Kennedy in London; William C. Bullitt in Paris (the "listening post for all of Europe"); George Wadsworth in Jerusalem; Joseph C. Grew in Japan; Nelson T. Johnson in China. The Jerusalem footage shows British soldiers, Jewish colonists, and an Arab man being frisked by a soldier. The narration says that the British government has had to send more soldiers to quell Arab attacks on Jews, most of whom are refugees already fleeing persecution. Title on screen: "No more vital problem faces ...

  20. Crowds in Vienna during Anschluss; Hitler motorcade and at Hotel Imperial

    Leaflets and newspapers litter a Vienna street and swirl around in the wind. Pro-Schuschnigg graffiti and the Vaterlandisches Front [Fatherland Front] symbol are visible on the pavement near Hotel Atlanta. The scene shifts to show crowds of people on the street. They appear to be shouting slogans and some give the Nazi salute. At 01:04:49 the German travel agency "Deutsches Reich" on Kärtner Strasse is visible, complete with Nazi eagle. This was a notorious meeting point for NS followers; eyewitness testimony at the DÖW Austrian Archive indicates that on March 11 the staff was broadcasting ...