Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 10,341 to 10,360 of 56,066
  1. Ernst Baerwald speech

    Consists of one speech, 10 pages, delivered by Ernst Baerwald to a Jewish congregation in Oakland, CA, in the spring of 1941, regarding the immigration of European Jews to China and Japan. Mr. Baerwald, who had lived in Japan for almost 30 years, attests to the work of the American Jewish Joint Distribution Committee and appeals for funding for these refugees. He also mentions the help that Jan Zwartendijk, Chiune Sugihara (both unnamed in the speech), and Moses Beckleman had provided to refugees in Lithuania.

  2. Ernest Culman oral history transcript

    Consists of one transcript, 33 pages, of an oral history interview of Ernest Culman, originally of Liegnitz, Germany, conducted by Dr. Steven Hochstadt of Bates College, ME, on October 18, 1997. In the interview, Mr. Culman discusses his experiences escaping Germany with his family and living in Shanghai from 1939 to 1947.

  3. "Jablonka Family History, 1941-1945"

    Consists of one manuscript, 56 pages, entitled "Jablonka Family History, 1941-1945" by Philip Zion. The Jablonkas were Polish Jews who immigrated to France in 1929. In 1941, Boruch Jablonka was imprisoned in Pithiviers and was eventually deported to Auschwitz, where he perished. His wife, Helen, and children, Paulette, Rachel, and Raymond, were eventually able to escape into Spain and subsequently to the United States; Paulette and Raymond in 1943 and Helen and Rachel in 1945. Includes copies of photographs and documents. Also includes one DVD-ROM oral history interview with Helen Jablonka,...

  4. "Jew on the Run: Marion's Story"

    Consists of one binder, entitled "Jew on the Run: Marion's Story," written by Melysa Wilson as part of an Adopt-a-Survivor project. Ms. Wilson interviewed Marion Lewin, originally Malka Pasternak of Wyzsogród, Poland, and describes her experiences posing as a non-Jew and escaping imprisonment. Malka, one of nine children, lost her parents and five siblings in the Holocaust.

  5. Hans Edward Prager letter

    Consists of one letter written by Hans Edward Prager, originally of Berlin, Germany, on May 9, 1947, from Birmingham, England to John H. Prager of Washington, DC. In the letter, Hans Prager describes his wartime experiences and asks John Prager, whom he does not know, for an affidavit so that he might immigrate to the United States.

  6. Fritz Kauffmann speech

    Consists of the English translation of a 1963 speech, 9 pages, by Fritz Kauffmann, entitled "The Jews in Shanghai during World War II: Memories of a board member of the Jewish Congregation." In the speech, Mr. Kauffmann described his life in Shanghai, where he had lived since 1931, during the war and his activities with the Middle European congregation. He was briefly imprisoned in 1942 by the Japanese in Shanghai.

  7. Goldmeier family records

    Consists of copies of legal documents used by the Nazis to confiscate and force the Goldmeiers to sell the buildings and other property owned by Isidor Goldmeier in Frankfurt, Germany, in the 1930s. Also contains a copy of a Nazi brochure which identified the Jews of Frankfurt in 1935. Includes copies of correspondence between Ralph Gomar and the current owners of the real estate, which the Nazis confiscated from his family. Please see also 2014.101.1, the John and Dorothy Goldmeier papers, for related family material.

  8. "Sophia's Story"

    Consists of one DVD-ROM containing "Sophia's Story," an oral history interview with Sophia Miszkowski, born Zissel Kurcharski in Bȩdzin, Poland, in 1915. Sophia tells the story of her experiences in pre-war Poland and her experiences in slave labor camps in Germany during the war. The oral history is mostly in Yiddish, with a little bit of English.

  9. "Memories of an Interrupted Youth" : Rachel Friedensohn memoir

    Contains one memoir, 30 pages, entitled "Memories of an Interrupted Youth," by Rachel Feitsma Friedensohn, originally of Antwerp, Belgium. Her family escaped to France before the German invasion, lived in Toulouse and Boulogne-sur-Gesse before receiving their exit visas in November 1942. Rachel and her mother left for Madrid, where they were reunited with her father, who had been imprisoned in the Vernet concentration camp in France. The family spent the remainder of the war in Jamaica and Cuba.

  10. Kurt I. Lewin Israeli War of Independence collection

    Consists of documents related to the post-war life of Kurt I. Lewin, originally of Lwow, Poland, in Israel after World War II. Mr. Lewin became a member of the Haganah, and a Major in the Israeli Defense Forces during the War of Independence. Includes recommendations, identification papers, commissioning documents, and veteran commemoration materials.

  11. Nordhausen liberation photographs

    Consists of eleven photographs taken upon the liberation of a concentration camp, probably Nordhausen. Photographs are of rows of corpses.

  12. Aladár Szegedy-Maszák papers

    The collection consists of the personal papers of Aladár Szegedy-Maszák, a high ranking Hungarian diplomat and foreign ministry official during the Holocaust era. Includes correspondence and memoirs relevant to the Second World War and its immediate aftermath, with special emphasis on Hungary’s role, its efforts to leave the war and to avoid Soviet occupation. The collection also contains biographical information on Aladár, family correspondence, subject files, copies of his Voice of America commentaries, and phonographs.

  13. Heldentum in Guers

    Consists of one memoir, 7 pages, entitled "Heldentum in Guers" (Heroism in Gurs), written by Dr. Ludwig Mann. In the memoir, Dr. Mann, who worked as an inmate doctor, relates his memories of "heroes" he encountered in the Gurs camp--people who cared for the sick or who volunteered to replace others on transports. The memoir is undated, but was written sometime before Dr. Mann's death in 1947.

  14. The Lost Transport

    Consists of copies of articles and booklets regarding the "Lost Transport," which carried Jews from Bergen-Belsen in the direction of Theresienstadt from Apr. 10 to 23, 1945. The few survivors of this transport were discovered and liberated by the Red Army in the yard of a coal factory near Tröbitz, Germany, on Apr. 23, 1945. During the transport, which was infected with typhus, the dead were buried along the train tracks at each stop. The train was frequently the target of bombings; the train was stopped for two days near Schipkau, Germany, from Apr. 19 to 20 due to a bombed-out bridge. I...

  15. Taubenblat family letters

    Consists of a collection of letters written between 1937 - 1941, by the family of Meyer and Bajla Taubenblat of Staszów, Poland, to family in the United States. In the letters, they describe their lives and fears in pre-war and wartime Poland. The authors of the letters (with the exception of Meyer, who passed away in 1938) perished in the Holocaust. Selig Taubenblatt provides translations of the letters and family history information in his book, "To Remember: Letters from Staszów, Poland, 1937-1941." Includes CD-ROMs containing scanned images of the letters.

  16. Irmgard Weinberg Schwartz collection

    Consists of letters, postcards, and telegrams to Irmgard Weinberg from her parents, Jakob and Helene Wertheimer of Hamburg-Bahrenfeld, Germany. The letters concern the Wertheimers' attempts to emigrate from Germany to join their daughter, Irmgard, in England.

  17. "Letter of Resignation of James G. McDonald"

    Consists of one booklet, 33 pages, entitled "Letter of Resignation of James G. McDonald," published in London in 1935. The booklet contains a copy of McDonald's letter of resignation as League of Nations high commissioner for refugees coming from Germany, as well as an annex containing an analysis of German Non-Aryan policy resulting in the refugee problem. This booklet was autographed by McDonald on June 14, 1945.

  18. "Memoirs of Ludwig Bauer, PhD"

    Consists of one memoir, 113 pages, entitled "Memoirs of Ludwig Bauer, PhD", written by Ludwig Bauer, originally of Forchheim, Germany. Dr. Bauer, born in 1926, relates the history of the Jewish community in Forchheim, focusing on his memories of Kristallnacht in Forchheim and the Kristallnacht bombing of the Forchheim synagogue. Includes an article written by Sabine Ponater regarding the Jews of Forchheim, Dr. Bauer's impressions of Forchheim after a 1987 visit and a copy of an emailed interview between Dr. Bauer and a history class from the Ehrenbürg Gymnasium in Forchheim.