Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 9,421 to 9,440 of 56,066
  1. George Mandel-Mantello collection

    Consists of approximately 1000 unauthorized Salvadoran citizenship papers prepared by George Mandel-Mantello, honorary first secretary to the Salvadoran consulate in Geneva. Also includes an English language 1944 copy of the Auschwitz Protocols (also known as the Vrba-Wetzler report) with cover letter sent to Mantello, as well as additional correspondence and clippings. Accretion received October 2015: transcription of June 6, 1979 interview for the Oral History Collection of Columbia University; typewritten copy of manuscript "The Rise and Fall of Hungarian Jewry," by George Mandel-Mantell...

  2. Eiffel Tower and Paris street scenes, postwar

    Outtakes from the RKO feature film "Berlin Express," an anti-Nazi film about the search for a German emigrant turned US secret service who fights a conspiracy of Nazis in postwar Germany. This reel contains location shots in London and Paris. Paris. Pan up the Eiffel Tower. Views of the streets surrounding the Eiffel Tower, bicycle vendor, civilians on the grounds, a flower vendor, women with baby carriages, park. MS, tank in square. City street scenes with pedestrians, a bus filled with civilians passes by. Notre Dame, Seine riverside with fisherman, park benches, street traffic. More stre...

  3. French anti-Bolshevists

    Crowd of people outside an anti-Bolshevist rally. Camera pans across a sign that reads "Le peuple Russe contre le Bolchevisme." Dark interiors in a crowded lecture hall. A representative of the Vlasov army (?) speaks (Gelow?). He speaks from a podium in front of a row of uniformed women standing with arms crossed. The crowd applauds enthusiastically. 01:04:19 French volunteers march down the street singing a song. Shots of their suitcases at the train station and the volunteers boarding the train. The sides of the train feature hand-drawn swastikas. One soldier is embraced by an older woman...

  4. David Rich collection

    Contains an arbeitsbuch (labor book) for foreigners, issued to Johann Kussmenn (Ivan Kuzmenko, b. 1926) in Hannover, Germany, on June 26, 1943. born in 1926. Also includes an arbeitskarte (labor identification card) issued June 12, 1942 to Marie Romanenko (b. 1921) from Chernin, Ukraine and deported for forced labor to Kaltenhof, Germany.

  5. Embroidered cloth with metallic trim made by a Greek rescuer

    Tapestry created by Erini Kypreou after the war, similar to those she gave to Jewish families she helped rescue in Greece during World War II. She gave them to the families to sell or exchange in time of need or to remember her. Greece fell under German occupation in 1940. Jews became targets of German persecution and subject to deportation to concentration camps. Erini hid a Jewish family in her home, Rebecca and Simos Kamhi and thier two sons. She helped arrange their escape to Egypt and, eventually, Palestine. She also rescued several members of their extended family. Erini was arrested ...

  6. Buchenwald and Gardelegen photographs

    Consists of one leather photograph album containing photographs taken in May 1945 of the Buchenwald concentration camp, as well as signs for the Gardelegen cemetery for victims of the Gardelegen massacre. Captions are written under each photograph.

  7. Sophie Billys collection

    Consists of photograph albums, a memoir, newspaper clippings, and two reels of film related to the Holocaust experiences of Mrs. Sophie Billys, originally of Łódź, Poland. Mrs. Billys, with her husband Henryk and daughter Milanka, survived the war by posing as Polish Gentiles and assisted whomever they could to help them survive. Includes pre-war and post-war photographs, post-war certificates for Mrs. Billys' accomplishments, and two reels of film, one of a trip back to Poland and one of a family trip to Florida. Also includes Sophie's handwritten memoir, 50 pages, that describes the famil...

  8. Eliezer Rozenfeld letters

    Consists of copies of letters, dated 1939-1941, in Hebrew and Hungarian, to Eliezer Rozenfeld, who was living in Palestine, from friends and family in Hungary. The original letters are believed to have been destroyed.

  9. Photographs of Jewish Refugees in Cyprus

    Consists of one photograph album containing 44 photographic prints of Jewish refugees in British camps in Cyprus. The photographs show the arrival and internment of the refugees, as well as daily life and organized protests of the internment. The album was presented to the American Jewish Committee by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Cyprus in September 2007.

  10. Kaplan family photographs

    Consists of six photographs of the Kaplan family in pre-war Dombrowica, Poland, and of Rubin Kaplan in the Leipheim displaced persons camp after the war. Includes a photograph of the rabbi of Dombrowica with a description of how he was killed at the hands of the Nazis.

  11. Raymond C. Regan, Sr. photographs

    Consists of eleven photographs, some possibly taken by Raymond C. Regan, Sr., a member of the 104th Infantry Division (Timberwolves). Eight photographs depict corpses found upon the liberation of the Nordhausen concentration camp and are most likely mass-produced photographs. Three photos, possibly taken by Mr. Regan, were originally described by him as "D.P. trains arriving at Eilenburg with Russ[ians] and Poles," and show what are believed to be trains carrying repatriated displaced persons.

  12. "The Phoenix Cantata"

    Consists of a one-act play entitled "The Phoenix Cantata" by Rebecca Ritchie and Violet Fabian. The play depicts two sisters, Violet and Gabriella Czodik, their arrival at Auschwitz in 1944 and liberation by the British at Bergen-Belsen in 1945. Dr. Josef Mengele is also a character. The play is based on the Holocaust experiences of Violet Czodik Fabian.

  13. Leon Rosenn collection

    Consists of an oral history transcript, written as a biography, of Leon Rosenn (Chaim Airyeh Rosenstrauch), originally of Kopyczince, Poland. The interview, which was conducted in February 2005 by Mr. Rosenn's niece, Caron Kuessous, describes his childhood, his memory of the Russian occupation of his hometown, and the German invasion in 1941. Mr. Rosenn survived on the run with his brother, Don, having many close escapes and living in hiding until 1944, when he joined the Red Army. In 1949, after leaving the Army, Mr. Rosenn joined his brother in the United States.

  14. Roman Sompolinski collection

    Consists of eight photographs taken of Roman Sompolinski and his family in the Bergen-Belsen displaced persons camp between 1945-1949. Includes a photograph of Roman Sompolinski in front of the memorial sign erected by the British Army after the liberation of the camp, a photograph of his marriage to Masza Kuropatwa Sompolinski, and photographs of their daughter, Sara Sompolinski, who was born in the camp in 1947.

  15. Inge Laband Strauss collection

    Consists of documents related to the Holocaust experiences of the families of Inge Laband Strauss and Bruno Strauss. Includes a letter written in the Deggendorf displaced persons camp in 1945 by Inge's first cousin, Ilse Berger Pfingst, regarding her Holocaust experiences, including her deportation from Breslau to Theresienstadt (Terezin), to Auschwitz, to forced labor in a munitions factory near Oderan, Germany, and her liberation from Theresienstadt. Also includes pre-war documents regarding Herbert Laband's difficulty working in the mid-1930s due to antisemitism, as well as the emigratio...

  16. Dr. Zilla Cahn collection

    Consists of research notes and reference material collected by Dr. Zilla Cahn regarding the role of intellectuals in post-war France. Dr. Cahn, who passed away before publishing a book on the topic, explored the idea that French intellectuals worked to conceal the moral culpability of their actions during World War II; she collected, indexed, and cross-referenced a great deal of information related to this topic.

  17. "Czechoslovak Calvary"

    Consists of a photocopy of an album of newspaper clippings collected and prepared by William P. Zachar. Mr. Zachar was living in Philadelphia in 1938 and collected clippings from local papers regarding the buildup to and invasion of Czechoslovakia in 1938. Mr. Zachar titled his album "Czechoslovak Calvary."

  18. Austrian Consulate General in Berlin Österreichisches Generalkonsulat Berlin, Gesandtschaft

    Records from the Österreichisches Staatsarchiv (Austrian State Archives) located in Vienna, Austria, pertaining to the Austrian Generalkonsulat in Berlin (Gesandtschaft, Berlin).

  19. Nationalsozialistische Parteistellen (Gauleitung Wien), Signature: AT-OeStA/AdR ZNsZ NS Parteistellen, 2

    Contains records pertaining to the activities of the Nazi party in Austria before and after Austria’s annexation to Nazi Germany.