Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 9,341 to 9,360 of 56,066
  1. Speiller family papers

    Documents, correspondence and photographs regarding Liba and Pejsach Rzeznikiewicz in Kolnie, Poland. Included is correspondence sent from Kolnie to family in the United States by Liba and Pejsach, who along with their children Aron and Mirjam, did not survive the Holocaust.

  2. Hanna plays in the garden of her home in prewar Poland

    Hanna stands in a tree and then sits on a wicker chair in the garden in the buff. Her mother Ella comes and talks to her as she walks around the garden with a measuring tape, and then a watering can, drawing water and then watering the grass.

  3. Mr. Dario Navarra negatives

    Contains photographic negatives from La Scuolo di via Epili in Milan, Italy (1941-1942). The Jewish school was opened after racial laws forbade Jewish children from attending public schools.

  4. Forcing Jews to wash the street

    "Reibpartie", a man (Jew?) is forced to wash the street. Victim is in a suit, and looks up at the filmmaker's lens. A second victim, in shirt and vest on his knees, frantically cleaning the street, feet of onlookers are visible to the right and in BG. Cut back to victim 1 with CU of hands. Counter-shot of young woman in a coat being "showcased" to the filmmaker. Behind her a SA man and a civilian hold hands to shut her off from the crowd in the BG. Crowd cheering while SA man grabs her right arm. Woman (Jew?) is made to hold a broom up in her right, makes an embarrassed gesture with her lef...

  5. Children with their grandfather on the terrace of their home in prewar Poland

    An older man, Grandfather Filip Lieberman, holds a young Hanna and eventually a young Thomas. They are babies. In washed out footage, you can see them standing in a playpen.

  6. Resistance activities in Denmark

    Film title on screen: Le DANEMARK LUTTE POUR SA LIBERTÉ 1943-44 (Denmark's Fight for Freedom), followed by two screens of French text. The film depicts events in Denmark during the occupation. Some of the footage was shot clandestinely by the Danish resistance. Brief shot of a church and birds in the sky, followed by scenes of German soldiers and sailors marching through the streets. Different views of a building set on fire by the Danish resistance. A crowd of civilians in the street, many with bicycles, during a general strike. Large crowd of people outdoors at a funeral/memorial service ...

  7. Von Ribbentrop flies to Moscow

    Joachim von Ribbentrop leaves Tempelhof airport for Moscow with Soviet Ambassador Schwartzev (?). Von Ribbentrop arrives at the airport and is met by several men holding cameras. Von Ribbentrop greets Ambassador Schwartzev and other Soviet officials and both sides stand around smiling. Several men wearing civilian clothes accompany von Ribbentrop as he steps aboard a Focke-Wulf 200A-04 (D-ACVH) plane with "Grenzmark" written on the side. Shot of the plane taking off.

  8. Sunday school trip

    Title card: "Sonntagschul-Ausflug 1937 / Sonntagschule Dbg. Meiderich Quadtstrasse". Handwritten slate indicating that the film was taken by Fritz Jasper. A group from a "Sunday-school" on Quadtstrasse in Duisburg Meiderich meets at the train station and goes to Bottrop, 25 km NE of Duisburg, for a day of fun. Boys on the train station platform in Oberhausen. The train pulls into the station. The large group (approx. 100 participants) run to board the train. CUs, children on the train. They arrive at Bottrop Nord train station, and debark. One child holds a rifle in a brown bag. More close ...

  9. Cabaret theater with antisemitic sketch

    Street scenes in Munich. The camera, focused on the façade of the Hofbraeuhaus, tilts back and forth in time to a drinking song. View of the "Dachauer im Platzl." Exterior shot of [Adolf] Gondrell's Bonbonniere cabaret. Inside, actors rehearse a sketch that begins with two women dressed in maid uniforms. They sing a song called "Das Spricht Baende" [That Speaks Volumes]. They carry feather dusters and perform in front of a fake bookshelf. The next sketch features a man who enters a shop and tries to talk his way into a job, although he knows very little about books. He asks the proprietor o...

  10. Jewish quarter of Nasielsk

    In the Jewish quarter, a tracking LS follows a boy with a cocked hat who makes an effort to stay on camera. Dark silhouetted interior (of a restaurant, probably Owsianka), faces cannot be deciphered. Bright exterior CU of group of children in the street. Excited to be on camera, they wave and move together as the camera rotates. 01:03:06 Fourteen year old Maurice Chandler [nee Moszek Tuchendler] wearing a dark cap. Sign indicating "Spozywczy", a grocery storefront. Several shots of crowded streets. Many exit the synagogue together, walking down the set of stairs. Some people have been ident...

  11. Schermeister girls play in the garden, 1928

    All three Schermeister girls play on the lawn of their vacation home in Snekkersten. The two older girls, Lis (donor's mother) and Jeanne, carry parasols and the youngest, Inge (age 3), rides in and pushes a baby carriage. Their mother and father (Edith Cohen Schermeister and Bernhard Schermeister) play with them.

  12. Hitler Youth in Vienna; Goering's visit

    HJ marching on Ringstrasse (Burgring) in preparation for Goering's visit. Hardly any audience. "Opern Café" in BG. Flags with SS insignia (skull and crossbone). BDM girls marching, then waiting. Cut to April/early May (Hitler's Birthday or May 1 celebrations?) with BDM girls warming-up like cheerleaders. Back to March 26 Goering visit. Parade. Goering passes in car.

  13. Bulgarians commemorate uprising

    A Bulgarian town commemorates the uprising of April 20, 1876, in which Bulgarian nationalist rebels mounted an insurrection against the ruling Ottoman Empire. Men in uniform march a flag into the town square, while rows of uniformed soldiers, a group of men wearing military decorations, and hundreds of civilians look on. Several flag bearers march from different directions toward the center of the square, and the painting of a rebel and the words '20 Apr. 1876,' which adorns the side of a building in the square, is decorated with greenery for the occasion. A group of men (veterans of the up...

  14. Speer, Hitler and others inspect weapons

    R 1 of 3. Fuehrerhauptquartier Rastenburg (East Prussia) May 18, 1942. Albert Speer, Hitler, General Fichtner, Bodenschatz, Porsche, and others inspect some equipment and a map (?). The other men listen while Hitler speaks and gestures animatedly. The next title indicates that the location is now Goering's train and the date is 10 August [1942]. Footage shot from the top of the train as it travels. Men stand lookout on the top of the train. The train comes to a stop. Goering, Speer, Jeschonnek, Bodenshatz, and Milch stand talking beside the train. Title: Inspection of new weapons, 20 March ...

  15. Children playing in the sand in prewar Poland

    Hanna in a headscarf and Thomas dig around in the sand outside a house. They then run around the house with other children.

  16. Airfield; Lieberman family gardening; Boys gathered on a bench

    Airfield (probably in Poland - grass under the planes) This could be in February 1939 when the family hired a plane to go to Palestine. Biplanes are everywhere, lined up as far as the camera can see. Some are have their engines started. These are most likely Henkel HE51s, a plane used between the World Wars. They take off en masse. Pans of the airfield follow. Cut to the children and a few adults standing around (Poland or Palestine?). Group sits on a bench. Man and woman exit a house. The picture is rather washed out and it is unclear what is going on.

  17. Children play

    Children playing on the porch with adults lounging. Dr. Max Schur and Dr. Helen Schur, parents, seated in chairs behind the children.

  18. Oscar Mackour collection

    Contains documents concerning the Schlome family and their experiences in Berlin and the United Kingdom; includes information about Oscar Mackour's experiences leaving Berlin for the UK on the Kindertransport, and his mother's experiences fleeing later in 1939.

  19. Nurse exercises Hanna's baby limbs

    Hanna sits on the bed and is stretched out with the help of a nurse.

  20. Ehrenreich family papers

    Documents relating to the Ehrenreich family who fled Nazi Germany; includes a family photograph from the turn of the century, a family tree for the Levi-Berlinger-Ellinger family; two letters to Dr. Phil N. Ehrenreich about completing a family tree; naturalization certificates for Frieda and Nathan Ehrenreich from 1945; and a death certificate for Nathan Ehrenreich dated April 28, 1966.