Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 9,321 to 9,340 of 56,066
  1. Madeline and Sigmund Krauthammer photographs

    The Madeline and Sigmund Krauthammer photographs depict Madeline and Sigmund Krauthammer in Körösmező and Beregszász, Hungary (now Yasinia and Berehove, Ukraine) just before the Holocaust in Hungary and on their wedding day in August 1945.

  2. Judith Scharf Hartman collection

    Contains pre-war photographs and pre-war and wartime letters written by donor’s parents to their children in Palestine. Includes certificates sent by the British Red Cross to Palestine and a letter from donor’s sister Lili in Bergen Belsen. Judith Scharf survived the concentration camps of Auschwitz and Weisskirchen where she worked in an arms factory.

  3. Visiting a park, eating indoors, and playing with a dog toy in prewar Olomouc

    The adults (Ella's family) are outside, dressed for colder weather, walking on the edge of a wooded area/park. City of Olomouc. A few seconds later they are indoors again, with the children, first they are eating at the table with Grandma Karolina Ziegler (left), then Hanna is being carried by Terry Tugenhart, playing with dolls. Hanna plays with a toy dog on wheels along with a spoon. Her mother, Ella, comes and sits at her side as Hanna continues to play.

  4. Denise Layani collection

    Contains two identification photos of Josef Roger Cheraki (donor's father) in forced labor in Algeria.

  5. Schermeister family puts on a play for the camera, 1936

    The Schermeister family play act in the yard at their vacation home in Snekkersten. Edith, the donor's grandmother, appears dressed up in an overcoat, hat, and purse. She sits on a bench and beckons one of the girls. Bernhard whispers in her ear and sits next to her on the bench. View from behind as the girls dress Bernhard in his wife's costume clothing. Bernhard shows off, juggles oranges. One of the girls (Jeanne?) is shown wearing the same outfit. She sits at a table and knits. Her sisters come into the shot and stand beside her.

  6. Schermeister family in prewar Denmark

    Schermeister family in Denmark before WWII, walking in and out of the door to their small wooden vacation home in Snekkersten. A mezuzah is affixed to the doorway. The donor's great-grandmother, Franzisca Josies Cohen, wearing a large striped scarf. Her daughter Ida, a professional violinist, plays the violin. The other woman in a trenchcoat in front of the house is Asta Cohen, another daughter. [Another daughter not seen here is Edith, the donor's grandmother.] The donor's great-grandfather, Leopold Cohen, pretends to shoot Ida with a shotgun while she plays the violin. Leopold and his wif...

  7. Children at play in prewar Vienna

    Peter and Eva Schur crawling around, having fun, playing with blocks. 01:30:13 Eva plays with the housecat. Peter on scooter. Baby with man in glasses. Baby in carriage, CUs. Peter circling on the patio. 01:30:57 Peter and Eva row a boat on the lake (on vacation in Gmunden, Austria?). 01:31:19 Child eats an apple, then runs around with toy wagon. 01:32:11 Peter plays in snow. Story contains short pieces of footage of children at various ages, intercut non-chronologically.

  8. Germans and Ukrainians at an agricultural fair in the Ukraine

    CU of sign indicating the town of Radomyschl (German spelling for Radomysl or Radomyshl, Ukraine). German officials and Ukrainian civilians inspecting tractors and other equipment at a German agricultural show in the Ukraine. Ukrainians look at models with German and Russian labels. A row of different sized sheaves of grain. Small swastika flags decorate the exhibit. CU on bees on a honeycomb. A young boy inspects fish in tanks. 01:19:57 Horses gallop across a field at a stud farm in Italy. The horses drink from a large trough. Footage cuts off abruptly. (Not ordered by USHMM)

  9. Germans dig defensive trench

    Hitler Youth on bicycles riding down a road. Shirtless boys with shovels jump into a trench and start digging enthusiastically. Civilians, including women, also dig. The narration says that members of Hitler Youth (HJ), Reichsarbeitsdienst (RAD) and civilians are helping to dig anti-tank trenches at the Eastern front. An old man smoking a pipe wipes his brow. Views shot from the window of a low-flying plane show the extent and zigzag pattern of the trench.

  10. Hitler Youth at the 1933 Reich Party Day

    Hitler speaks to Hitler Youth at the 1933 Party Day rally at the Nuremberg stadium. He tells them that they are the German future: that they are "of our blood, our flesh, our spirit." CUs of Hitler and handsome Aryan boys while he speaks. Hitler leads the crowd in a chorus of "Heils."

  11. French Fascist rally in the Velodrome d'Hiver

    Mass rally of Légion des Volontaires Français [Legion of French Volunteers against Bolshevism] in Paris. Crowds outside the Vélodrôme d'Hiver. A group of women enter the building. Prominent attendees include Ambassador de Brinon, Colonel Edgar Puaud and Capitaine Jean Bassompierre. Overhead shot of the crowded stadium. Banners read "Il faut des actes de soldat" and "Le combat seul conduit à la vie." Parti Populaire Français leader Jacques Doriot gives a speech. A banner behind him features the swastika and the symbol for the LVF. According to the Imperial War Museum record, Doriot praises t...

  12. Gaye Granet papers

    Contains forty (40) black and white photographs, various images of immediate post-war Europe, shot in conjunction with the film "Berlin Express."

  13. Fighting in North Africa and USSR

    Animated map of North Africa. German soldiers on lookout from a rocky hilltop. German planes drop bombs. German soldiers fire artillery into a valley and move across the desert in tanks. Shot of a destroyed American tank. Luftwaffe bearers of Knight's Cross and paratroopers walk along the road, smiling. British and American POWs surrender their weapons. CUs of POWs. German soldiers move down a road, passing two dead Allied soldiers. Destroyed and abandoned war materiel on the ground and in a trench. German soldiers climb on and inspect destroyed tanks. 01:13:23 Animated map showing Moscow, ...

  14. Unrest in Palestine and Exodus ship

    A Castle Films showcase of news events for the year 1947 with English titles: "British royal family in Africa. 5,000 Zulu warriors stage unique demonstration." "A reigning British monarch visits Dark Continent for the first time in history." "Costumes in Korea! Natives stage fierce riots as political unrest spreads!" "Korea strives for independence after 40 years of Jap slavery." 01:01:30 "Terror grips Palestine! Zionist underground widens its resistance!" Jewish Brigade troops, destroyed building, caring for the wounded. "A refugee ship reaches Haifa after gun battle at sea!" MS, Haganah s...

  15. William Weeg family papers

    Collection of documents, correspondence and photographs that document the experiences of the Weeg family in India, England, and the United States.

  16. Himmler in Posen

    Himmler at a parade in Posen. Saluting BDM girls and Hitler Youth march down the street playing drums and trumpets adorned with SS symbols. Reichsarbeitsdienst (RAD) members carry shovels. CU of Himmler watching the parade. Nice panning shot of the parade and the crowd.

  17. Germans and Russians meet at Brest-Litovsk

    Polish tanks and other weapons destroyed or captured by the invading Germans. A pile of captured gas mask and a pile of rifles. Panning shot of dead horses and wrecked military vehicles in and near the Vistula River. German and Russian forces meet at Brest-Litovsk. Junior officers of both Armies salute and shake hands, while German soldiers hand out cigarettes to the Soviets. A Sovier officer hands a German officer a document written in Cyrillic. Soviet and German troops line a road and watch formations from both armies drive past. General Heinz Guderian and General Semyon Krivoshein salute...

  18. Family takes a walk in prewar Polish town and children play with a wagon

    An older man and a woman walk down a road, with horse carts parked on either side of them. Another man walks with Hanna, who quickly becomes interested in the carts. 01:08:44 The family is on the porch of their home again. Hanna has a toy wheelbarrow and begins playing. Thomas has a wooden wagon, and as soon as he leaves it, Hanna takes it and gets in it as Thomas looks on. Thomas finally begins to pull Hanna around in the wagon.

  19. Hanni Krispin collection

    Collection of materials documenting the experiences of the Kolumbus family (donor's family) before, during, and after the Holocaust. Includes photographs, documents, and letters from the donor's grandmother Ella, who was living in Palestine, addressed to her daughter in Poland, as well as responses from Hanni and her mother in Melmel and Kovno. Also includes letters from them in the Feldafing displaced persons camp.

  20. LfQ office; SA march; track and field events

    Handwritten slates in the old German Suetterlin Schrift. "Einige Aufnahmen aus dem Wirkungskreis der LfQ" INTs of an office showing civilian workers (men and women) at their desks with papers, pens, telephone, etc. There is a map on the office wall in the BG. More views of the employees. [LfQ may stand for Landesinstitut fuer Qualifizierung, the State Institute for Qualifications] 01:03:30 "Und nun Kaempfe um das S.A. Sportabzeichen" A group of SA men marching in town on cobblestone streets. Closer shots of the men. 01:04:41 "Der Leichtathlet" A man in exercise clothing throws a ball. "Die ...