Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 6,761 to 6,780 of 56,066
  1. State Agency for Economical Renewal, branch office in Sarajevo Riznično Upraviteljstvo Ured Za Podržavljeni Imetak Sarajevou

    Records of the state agency for economical renewal in Sarajevo relating to the Aryanization and disposition of Jewish property. Collection contains property records of the Jews in Sarajevo in the Independent State of Croatia (NDH) in 1941-1945, who were forced to leave and were deported to concentration camps.

  2. Theresia Bauer papers

    The Theresia Bauer papers consist of genealogical books, identification papers, and apprenticeship, military, and accounting records documenting the Bauer family of Horitschon (Austria) and the Koller family of Neckenmarkt (Austria), Theresia Bauer’s participation in the Bund Deutscher Mädel, and Stefan Bauer’s captivity as a Soviet POW after World War II. Theresia Bauer documents include a genealogical book and a picture of Theresia with other Bund Deutscher Mädel girls at a political event in the village. Stefan Bauer documents include a genealogical book, two apprenticeship diplomas, an ...

  3. Allies clear debris; children sent to England to recuperate

    The Allies commissioned this four part documentary from Maurits Schaap after liberation. Titles: "Zeeuwsch Vlaanderen", "Documentaire Film der Verwoesting", "Bulldozers aan den arbeid". An Allied bulldozer clears debris. Cranes and other tractors push, pull, lift and haul destroyed materials. Title, "Afscheid Kol. J.V. Leeuwen. Gezagsoverdracht aan Maj. F. Koch" Military and civilian personnel sit together at a large banquet table, enjoying a meal before the departure of Colonel. J.V. Leeuwen. Titles: "Nieuwe Mil. Commissaris van Z. Vlaanderen Majoor", "F.P.O.M. Koch". Koch works at a desk,...

  4. Henry Kalmus papers

    The Henry Kalmus papers consist chiefly of correspondence received by Kalmus from Vilmos Forgács, and from other friends and professional colleagues that he knew from his time in Budapest, when he worked as an engineer at Orion Radio (Hungarian Tungsten Lamp Works). Most of the correspondence dates from 1938 - 1948, beginning in the year that Kalmus left Hungary to immigrate to the United States. Initial letters inquire after Kalmus’ life abroad as well as report on day to day events in Budapest. In a few letters, references are made to attempts to emigrate from Hungary, both on the efforts...

  5. Poster announcing a postwar event in memory of thuose who perished in Vilnius

    Broadside for a 1947 memorial event for the victims of the Holocausr in Vilnius, Lithuania, to be held by the Union of Immigrants from Vilnius and the vicinity for Assistance and Rescue, in Tel Aviv, Palestine. It wa to be held on September 8, 1947, in Ohel assembly hall, with speakers including Rabbi Unterman, Joseph Klausner, and Aba Kovner. It was published by A. Strod and designed by M. Behlfer and Moshe Vorobeichic.

  6. German military postcard

    Consists of a Feldpost postcard, postmarked December 7, 1942, written by a member of the German military. The postcard commemorates "Weihnachten in Russland" [Christmas in Russia] and indicates the location where the military unit (as yet unidentified) spent previous Christmases [1939--Hanau; 1940--Caen; 1941--Charkow (Kharkiv); 1942 Woronesh (Voronezh)]. The writing on the postcard is largely illegible.

  7. Karl Koch diary

    Consists of one digital file of color scans of the World War I (1917-1918) diary of Karl Koch, while he was serving as a soldier in the German military.

  8. And they do not toll the bells... The story of the family of Dr. Hillél Friedmann, Chief Rabbi of Dombóvár

    Consists of one memoir, 243 pages, entitled "And they do not toll the bells...": The story of the family of Dr. Hillél Friedmann, Chief Rabbi of Dombóvár," written by Erzébet Rab Friedmann, circa 1945-1948. In the memoir, Mrs. Friedmann describes the family's 1944 deportation from Dombóvár to the Kaposvár ghetto. In great detail, she describes her memories of Auschwitz, Bergen-Belsen, forced labor at an aircraft factory near Leipzig, and a forced march to Theresienstadt from which she was liberated. She and her daughter Judit, who remained together during these experiences, returned to Hung...

  9. Jacobson and David families papers

    The Jacobson and David families papers consist of correspondence, photographs, and journals of poetry documenting the Jacobson and David families of Liepāja, Latvia; Paula Jacobson Sandler’s youth in Liepāja; Meyer and Nanny David’s exile to Siberia; and Meyer David’s last years in Minsk, Tallinn, and Nemenčinė. Several of the letters and poetry are translated into English. T Correspondence is primarily addressed to Paula Sandler and her daughter Milly Bennie in South Africa from Meyer and Nanny David in Europe. The correspondence documents the Davids’ refuge in Riga during World War I, pre...

  10. Presentation by Meyer Zar and Rose Zar

  11. Agudas Achim Congregation photograph collection

    Photo album: containing black and white photographs taken by the US Army Signal Corps. Contains a variety of images including but not limited to: the reburial of victims of Nazi persecution by German citizens in Nuremberg, food distribution, social and sporting events, behind the scenes at Nuremberg prison and the Palace of Justice, scenes from the Nuremberg Ordnance Depot, a soup kitchen for local children, Army MPs, Nazi war criminals, and visiting dignitaries; all image captioned on verso; dated 1945-1947; in English.

  12. Selected records from the collection of former Archives of Ministry of Defense of Bulgaria in Veliko Tŭrnovo

    The collection contains name lists of Jews drafted to the labor battalions in Bulgaria, military orders and reports regarding the conscription of Jews, and lists of those released due to hospitalization, or who were otherwise granted leave.

  13. Children at school in Palestine; daily life in Holland; Carnival parade; El Al flight

    Titles, "Haifa" and other locations in Palestine. Street scenes. Children in school/nursery in Palestine, wearing costumes, performing a play. Outdoor exercises with teacher. A young couple walks down steps through a yard toward camera. 06:35:15 In Holland, rose garden. Outdoor marketplace crowded with people. Flag of Netherlands flies atop domed building. Elders sit outdoors at the seaside café in the Hague, drinking mineral water. Woman in lab-coat seen earlier with puppies at kennel. Woman looks at dogs. Men gesture to camera near automobile. Man with back to camera speaks on ornate tele...

  14. Adolph Rosenthal correspondence

    Contains three letters, plus two enclosures, between U.S. Representative Herman P. Kopplemann (1st district, Connecticut) and Adolph Rosenthal, of East Hartford, Connecticut, from January-February 1937, concerning the efforts of Mr. Rosenthal to obtain visas that would enable family members in Germany to immigrate to the United States. Kopplemann advised Rosenthal to provide as much information about his personal finances and property as possible, and the correspondence chiefly concerns the type of information needed in order to make the affidavit as convincing as possible.

  15. Ida Marcus collection

    Consists of photographs and portraits, mostly pre-war, of members of the extended family of Ida Marcus (née Vanowsky/ Yarnilyski, also known as Chaie Marksfeld, later Fentel), originally of Russia. The family members pictured, some of whom lived in Łódź, all likely perished in the Holocaust. Also includes copies of Ida Marcus's naturalization papers and a copy of her daughter Minna's birth certificate.

  16. Gary Abernathy collection

    Consists of two wartime photographs: one was likely taken at Brenner Pass in October 1940, and depicts Keitel, von Rundstedt, Mussolini, Hitler, and Franco, while the second photograph depicts a pile of corpses at Buchenwald in April of 1945.

  17. Vacationing in Belgium and England

    Titles, "VACANTIE 1939", "HORS D'OEUVRE AAN DE BELGISCHE KUST". Beach on the coast of Belgium. Young boys play in the sand, adults enjoy the sunshine. Artist painting on an easel, Grand Place, EXT of l'Hotel de Ville. HAS of city and buildings. Travel along a waterway, likely Canal du Centre, by boat. Bep and Maurits Schaap on boat. 04:05:46 Flag on top of building. Restaurant. Family sits down for a meal at the coast. 04:06:51 Title over map of England: "Met de Citroen naar Engeland". Road trip in 1939 with Simon Lo through parts of England. Automobiles at a port where a crane lowers cars ...

  18. Hashomer Hatzair in France (RG-14-2) השומר הצעיר בצרפת

    Contains activity records, minutes of meetings of the Hashomer Hatzair Council, work plans, educational publications : Ha kvutza, on summer camps in France, articles Hashomer Hatzair leaders, a report on the World Zionist Federation, brochures of the "Lapidim" group, newspapers clippings "Al Hamishmar" (newspapers been published in France by the Hashomer Hatzair publishing house in 1931-1949).

  19. Beach and farm in Palestine, 1934

    Low quality view of waterfront houses shot from a boat. Other ships in the water. On the shore, men and a young boy stare at the camera. 01:00:28 A man in a striped shirt jogs along the beach. Tel Aviv? Beach chairs and a beach shack that says the words “JUDAN AMITEL BEER”. A man wears a traditional Middle Eastern headdress on the beach and looks at the camera. 01:00:42 The man in the stripes walks behind him waves at the camera. Another man (Gessner?) asks a man on the beach for directions, indicated by their hand gestures. People lay in the sand. A fully-clothed man sits in a beach chair ...