Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 6,121 to 6,140 of 56,066
  1. Wooden sculpture of a grieving woman made by a Lithuanian Jewish artist

    Wooden sculpture depicting a woman grieving over a loved one’s body carved by Jakovas Bunka to commemorate the Jews who were massacred in Plungė, Lithuania in 1941. In August 1940, Lithuania was annexed by the Soviet Union. On June 22, 1941, German forces invaded Soviet-occupied Lithuania, and Jakovas’ family fled east into the Soviet Union. Many Jews from Plungė were unable to flee, and within days local collaborators locked them all in the Great Synagogue with no food, water or fresh air. On Sunday, July 15, the Jews were marched to a forest where the adults were shot by drunken guards ...

  2. Voyage on the Danube River from Vienna to Budapest (partly in color)

    Danube River, married couple, ship, swimming pool on Margaret Island, lawn, people in the pool, wave pool, man in one-piece swimsuit, flowers, rowboat

  3. Wehrmacht activities; German family; Autobahn

    "Bahnhof Alsheim" Town views. Water fountain. Sign, "Alsheim Kreis Worms" Men wash military trucks, pose for camera. CU, woman laughing. German soldier poses before a house. Burial ceremony in town square with cannons, wreath. Wehrmacht on horseback. In town, soldier poses with a family. Sign, "Gonbach". Soldiers washing dishes. Clocktower, aerial shots. Folks look out of train window. 10:34:28 "Reichsautobahn" Vehicles on motorway. "Enkenbach-Hochspeyer" sign. Town, motorway, church. Various shots of German soldiers in the town. Family hikes. More pastoral views and CU of woman. Silhouette...

  4. Joseph Pavia photograph collection

    Photographs of the Landsberg concentration camp immediately after liberation, from the donor's father, Lt. Joseph Pavia, who served in the12th Armored Division.

  5. Ralph McComb photograph collection

    Contains postwar photographs of Buchenwald, and wartime photographs of Merxhausen mental hospital and ruins in Germany. Taken by donor's father, Ralph McComb, Second Lieutenant with the 58th Medical Battalion.

  6. Moses and DeGroot families photographs

    The collection contains pre-war, wartime, and post-war photographs of the Moses and DeGroot families in the Netherlands.

  7. Ilana Lenji photograph collection

    Contains a photo of Ilana Lenji (donor) taken by photographer Thomas Veres in Budapest. Mr. Veres was Raoul Wallenberg's photographer.

  8. Barry Spanjaard papers

    The collection contains Holocaust survivor Barry Spanjaard’s manuscript "Those Unforgetable [sic] Years." The manuscript was written in 1946, but not published until 1981 as Don’t Fence Me In! An American Teenager in the Holocaust. It describes the Holocaust experiences of Barry, born in the United States, and his Dutch-born parents Alfred and Abigail Spannjard in Amsterdam, the Netherlands, including their deportations to the Westerbork transit camp, Amersfoort concentration camp, and the Bergen-Belsen concentration camp; their release from Bergen-Belsen as part of a prisoner exchange in J...

  9. Nachmias family papers

    The Nachmias family papers consist of documents related to the immigration of Jacob Nachmias (born 1928), and his parents and sister, from Sofia, Bulgaria to the United States in 1939, as well as biographical documents pertaining to various generations of the Nachmias family of Russe, Bulgaria, between the 1870s and 1910s. Included are letters written by Jacob Nachmias to his father in the summer of 1939, prior to emigration from Bulgaria, and a journal kept by Jacob recounting events on their voyage in August and September 1939. Genealogical documents pertaining to the Nachmias family incl...

  10. Charles Keller papers

    The Charles Keller papers include two photographs of Charles Keller and a Third United States Army memorandum quoting the orders of General George S. Patton directing members of the Army to bury victims of Nazi atrocities reverently. The photographs depict Keller in military uniform and one shows him with fellow soldiers stationed in Puerto Rico right before he was sent to Europe in about 1943..

  11. Birthday celebration for President Benes in May 1945

    08:55 Posted newspaper: “OSLAVA NAROZENIN pana presidenta republiky DR. EDVARDA BENESE v nedeli dne 27. Kvetna 1945” announcing the birthday celebration of President Benes on May 27, 1945. Large banner on the side of a building: “AT ZIJE PRESIDENT BENES!” [Long live President Benes]. Two Czechoslovak officers in the street. Side view of soldiers lining up. Children in costume and women march along the cobblestone street in Humpolec, the tower of the Church of Saint Nicholas behind them. The parade continues with a marching band followed by men in suits with armbands and officers. Statue of ...

  12. Terrence Des Pres papers

    The Terrence Des Pres papers consist of biographical materials, course material, United States Holocaust Memorial Council materials, correspondence, photographs, printed material, subject files, and writing documenting professor and author Terrence Des Pres, his 1976 book on survivors and the Holocaust, the literature courses he taught at Colgate University, including one on the literature of the Holocaust, his service on the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum Council during its early years, his extensive interest in matters relating to poetry, politics, and oppression in literature an...

  13. Carl Schurz Tour of American professors and students through Germany in summer 1934

    REEL 6. The Americans drink wine in a wine cellar at a vineyard. They sail down the Rhine River. President Schanz takes numerous photos. Steam rises from the funnel of a boat on the water. The University of Bonn, cloisters, Nazi flags decorates the streets of Bonn. The group visits the house where Beethoven was born, bronze statue in garden. They tour Cologne. The gothic cathedral architecture. They go to nearby Liblar where Carl Schurz was born. President Schanz places a wreath against the wall beneath the bronze plate in memory of Carl Schurz. The final stop is Hamburg. Sightseeing in the...

  14. Caribbean internment camp envelopes

    Two empty envelopes, sent by internees in camps for European refugees in the Caribbean during World War II. One envelope, with illegible postmark, was sent by Ruchel Nayberg from Gibraltar Camp 2, in Jamaica, British West Indies, addressed to Michel Nayberg care of Mr. Bidermann's bookstore in New York. The second envelope, postmarked May 1945, was sent from Heinrich Hauser, at Camp Guatemala, Bonaire, Netherlands West Indies, addressed to Olaf Domnauer in Paterson, New Jersey. Both envelopes show evidence of having been opened and examined by censors.

  15. Jewish Colonization Association (JCA)-Argentina Office-Individual Files

    Contains over 7,000 personal files, mostly of settlers in colonies of the Jewish Colonization Association (JCA) in Argentina. The files generally contain lease or purchase contracts between JCA and individual settlers (or between JCA and institutions, such as Jewish cooperatives or government agencies) and occasionally partnership agreements between several colonists and JCA. The files often contain detailed plans of farms or of fields.

  16. DAF activities

    September 6, 1934 was a milestone in the development of the Deutschen Arbeitsdienst [German Labor Service]. For the first time the army of workers marched in front of Hitler. Stadium. Close-ups of workers in uniform. Continuation of RG-60.5396.

  17. German military

    Private films of German military. "Nach Paris 496 km"

  18. County Command of the State Police in Częstochowa Komenda Powiatowa Policji Państwowej w Częstochowie (Sygn. 1047)

    Situational and general reports on the activities of parties, trade unions, officers and police informers relating to political, social and labor organizations. Includes police chronicle informing about crimes committed by Jews and against Jews, as well and communists activities in Czestochowa.

  19. Eli Shechtman papers

    Papers of Eli Shechtman, a prominent Yiddish writer. The collection consists of Shechtman's personal and official correspondence, manuscripts, articles, notes, sketches, photographs, journals and newspapers clippings. The materials relate to Shechtman's personal and professional life as a writer. Journals and newspaper publications include: "Omer"," Leatztah Neis", "Morning Freiheirt", "Nasha Strana", "Yedioth Ahronot", "Al Hamishmar", "Maariv", "Folks Shtimah", "Yisroel Shtimah", "Iton 1977", "Humanite Dimanche", "Nasz Geos", "Liternaturnaya Gazzeta", "Maoznim", "Darom Africa", "Folksblatt...