Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 3,781 to 3,800 of 56,066
  1. Rudolph Ehrmann papers

    Contains original identification documents and reproductions of materials compiled to support the emigration from Nazi Germany of Jewish physician Rudolph Ehrmann, who arrived in the United States after September 1938 with his wife and son. Includes reproductions of letters from Albert Einstein concerning Dr. Ehrmann, a studio portrait of Dr. Ehrmann, and contemporary photographs of property that had belonged to the Ehrmann family in Germany.

  2. Aerial views of Paris; POW camp

    EXT shots of military planes, and a plane taking off. The propellors of plane 771 spin, preparing for take-off. People board plane V4. Aerial shots from plane show views of Paris and a chateau with large gardens. Clouds and the city below. 01:17:44 Two men stand in front of a military jeep smoking cigarettes. A young man in uniform walks towards the camera, hands in pockets and smiling. Building with an arched roof and a steeple has a sign in front that reads “Post Chapel”. 01:18:13 POW camp (?). Camera pans left to a plane, watchtower, a basketball court and rows of buildings. View from pl...

  3. Oral history interview with Jan Kupacz

  4. Torah breastplate

    Breast plate: silver, 19th century, for a Torah scroll entrusted to Lucie Sternberg Rosenberg by her father Manfred Sternberg. Manfred Sternberg was born in 1892 in Slavonska Pozega in the former Yugoslavia. The breast plate was likely carried from Zagreb, Croatia from where the family fled in 1941 to the United States [through Europe] and then entrusted to Lucie.

  5. Nathan and Miriam Sadik papers

    The collection consists of documents relating to Polish Holocaust survivors Nathan and Miriam Sadik’s post-war experiences in Austria prior to immigration to the United States in 1948. Included are two copies of their marriage certificate, Miriam’s declaration of intention form, and a copy of Sadik’s membership card for The Mutual Aid Organization of Jewish Ex-Prisoners in Concentration Camps (l'Organization d'Aide Mutuelle d'Ex-Prisonniers Juifs de camps de Concentration) which lists Auschwitz and his prisoner number 76654.

  6. Ian Dear collection

    Correspondence related to Ian Dear's research on X Troop for his book "Ten Commando, 1942-1945." Includes correspondence with Manfred Gans and with various production companies regarding a possible film adaptation of the book.

  7. Jonny's Gang short comedy

    German titles: “Das Ende von Jonnys Gang” “Jonny's Gang: Hans Inderka, Holly Fischer, Friedl Schreier, Holly Adam, Gust Kestranek.” “Jonnys Freundinnen: Thea Herrmann, Tr. Krautschneider, Lari Novotna, Helga Bosraug.” “Das letzte Opfer: Herma Schwammenhofer” “Detektive von Scottland Yard: Fredl Kerpes, Herbert Adam, Walter Schubert, Richard Inderka, Theo Spitzer” “Aufnahmen. Walter Hausner.” “Mitglied des Klubs der Kino-Amateure Österreichs” Comedy film about “Jonnys Gang”. People dancing very closely. A woman hangs her arm over a mustached man. CU, man’s tattoo. Three men around a table, s...

  8. Ferrell Knott collection

    Documents related to Ferrell Knott's service in the US Army where he was stationed in Dachau after the war. Includes a memoir, maps, correspondence and a booklet entitled "The Headquarters Compound of the 6th Battalion of the Police Reserve in Dachau : The Usage of Buildings and Land 1915-1993," edited by Reinhard Papenfuss. Much of the correspondence concerns research and preparation for the publishing of this booklet.

  9. Sonia Manes photograph collection

    Two photographs: one of a woman and a man in uniform, the other of a man in uniform with the following inscription on the verso: "na pamiątkę dla Henka Zasyła Adam Włoszczowa 19.IV.45"

  10. Selected records of the Swedish Jewish community

    This collection consists of about 125,000 registration cards from various collections of the Swedish Jewish Community, including: registers of individuals who were rescued in 1945; registers of payments, loans, financial assistance, and scholarships; registers of refugees in Sweden; card registers of refugee children; registers of deported Jews; registers of emigrants; and registers of records for restitution.

  11. Weissbarth family papers

    Contains a play written and performed on the occassion of Arthur Weissbarth's 13th birthday; the document was saved by Else Weissbarth (donor's mother-in-law) who brought it with her her when she, her husband, and son immigrated to the US in 1938. Includes two postcards, one written to George "Hansi" (donor's husband).

  12. Customs Investigation Office Brno Zollfahndungszweigstelle Brünn (D25)

    Investigative files pertaining to the confiscation by the Customs Investigation Office Brno and Gestapo Brünn of assets and valuables of Jews. In many cases, there are arrest warrants issued by the Gestapo for Jews suspected of having fled with their assets or suspected of hiding their assets or having moved their assets abroad in preparation for their emigration. The investigative files feature criminal complaints by non-Jews about their Jewish neighbors, employers and acquaintances whom they suspect of hiding assets, detailed reports about house searches and arrests, interrogation protoco...